Chapter 42 - Not Again...

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Merlin's POV

I can't surpress it anymore. The walls break. They crumble, crushed to dust by the magic that now envelops my mind. I desperately fight back in a useless attempt. I'm too tired. The battle had drained me. I begin to drift away from consciousness. I feel my body falling, crashing down onto the dirt. Next, I see black.


Arthur's POV

Merlin's body crumbles to the floor. He doesn't move.

"Merlin?" I call, hoping he was only playing a cruel trick.

He remains still.


I drop down onto my knees beside him. I turn him around and cradle his head in my arms. I brush some of the dirt off his face with a gloved hand. "Merlin? Please... please don't leave me again," I choke out.

I raise a tentative hand, pressing it to the side of his neck. There's still a pulse. His chest rises and falls steadily, almost as though he was sleeping. I breathe a sigh of relief. He's fine. He's probably tired. I'll take him back to Gaius.

I lift him up, one arm hooked under his knees while the other is wrapped around his shoulders. His head lulls to the side and rests against my chest. I smile down at him and quickly scurry off towards Gaius's chambers, hoping nobody would notice. A king carrying his, supposedly dead, manservant in his arms would raise some eyebrows.


I use my back to push open Gaius chambers. I glance around the room. The old physician isn't here yet. I carry Merlin up the stairs and into his chambers. I set him down gently. The bed dips slightly under his weight. I pull the blanket up around him before turning to leave. I wish I could stay but Camelot is still in terrible condition. I should inform Gaius when I see him as well. I walk out of the room and head back towards the lower town, rallying the knights.


I open my eyes and am immediately blinded by the light. I groan and turn around in bed, folding the pillow over my head to block the light.

"Merlin do you have to open the curtains?" I ask.


"Merlin?" I sit up, glancing around the room. Empty. No ones here. The curtains weren't even open. The light is coming from the small slit in between the two draperies.

I scramble out of bed and look out the window. The suns already up high in the sky. Odd, Merlin is never this late.

I pull on my clothes and rush out the door, heading towards the physicians chambers. I burst through the door, scaring Gaius and Travis, who I assume is staying with the former, half to death.

"Where's Merlin?" I ask, skirting my eyes around the room.

"He's still in his chambers. We decided to let him rest," Travis replies.

"Well, he's late. There is armour to polish and boots to shine," I say making my way towards his door.

I throw open the door as loudly as possible, trying to annoy him. "Merlin! You're late!" I shout into the room, a smile on my face.

My smile drops quickly when I notice he isn't in his bed. I raise an eyebrow and look around. That's when I spot him huddled in a corner. His knees are curled up to his chest while his arms cover his face. I can see his body tremble.

"Merlin? What are you doing?" I ask, trying to crack a smile.

He raises his head slightly so his eyes are just barely peeking over his arm. His pupils are blown wide, the blue of his eyes almost non existent. They skirt around in a frenzy, looking at everything at once. Eventually they rest on me. He continues to stare at me as though he's in a trance.

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