Chapter 4 - Jealousy

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Merlin's POV

I lounge in the clearing by the edge of the forest. I breathe in a deep breath of fresh air and take in the fragrant scent of nature. I smile happily, enjoying my first day off in a long time.

After a couple of hours I head back into Camelot. As I am making my way through the lower town I run into Gwen and Morgana.

Morgana looks stunning, as usual. Her long black hair flowed over her shoulders while her dark green dress hugged her body in all the right places. She was beautiful but I never seemed to have any attraction to her. My heart never raced when I laid eyes on her like the rest of the servants did.

Gwen was gorgeous as well. Her curly brown hair was always perfect and she looked great no matter what she wore. She was kind and had a cheerful smile. I have to admit even I had a small crush on her when we first met, but that soon faded as time progressed.

"Good afternoon Gwen! Morgana!" I smile.

"Good afternoon Merlin!" They both say.

"Shouldn't you be serving Arthur?" Gwen asks, curious.

"Believe it or not, he gave me the day off."

"Really? I think he may have hit his head somewhere," Morgana chuckles, "Well have a good day Merlin. We'll see you later. Wouldn't want to bother you on your day off."

"Alright. Have a nice day!" I wave goodbye to Gwen and Morgana.

I stroll through the courtyard with a small skip in my step. This time I run into one of the Knights. Sir Galahad to be exact.

Sir Galahad is one of the Knights I was closest to. He was around Arthur's height and had a similar build. He had short brown hair and bright green eyes that reminded me of the sea.

"Good day Merlin!" He said, a big smile on his face.

"Good day to you too Sir Galahad." I smile.

"I've told you haven't I? Call me Galahad. We're friends aren't we?"

"Alright, Galahad it is."


Arthur's POV

I make my way back to my chambers after dinner with my father. I'm walking through the corridor when I see Merlin. I'm about to go speak with him but I bolt behind a wall when I see another man beside him.

It's Sir Galahad. One of the younger Knights. He's talking happily with Merlin. I can see them both laughing and enjoying themselves. I feel a hint of jealousy. I should be the one making Merlin laugh like that.

I stand and watch from the sidelines at the two. It may seem strange but I can't keep my eyes off Merlin. I feel anger flow through me the longer I watch. I'm about to turn and leave when something catches my attention.

Galahad had swung an arm around Merlin's shoulder. I know it was probably a friendly gesture but I still felt a large pang of jealousy course through me.

I storm over to the two friends. My expression must have expressed my anger because they both stare at me in confusion and worry. I grab Merlin's wrist and half pull, half drag, Merlin towards my chambers. I open the door and push him in. I turn on my heel, shut and lock the large double doors.

Merlin looks at me incredulously. "What's wrong Arthur?" He asks, now with worry.

I slowly realize what I just did. I mentally slap myself. I just forced Merlin into my chambers for no reason.

I look down at the floor and mumble a soft, "sorry."

Merlin sighs and tries to reach for the door but I stop him. It was either now or never. I can't keep my feelings for him all bottled up like this any longer. It would kill me.

"Listen, Merlin..."

He tilts his head to the side. He stares at me, trying to read what I'm thinking.

"I..I...lov..." I shake my head. I start to panic. A lot. My mind starts racing through all the possible scenarios that could happen. I didn't want to lose Merlin.

"You what, Arthur?" Merlin asks, even more curious then before.

I finally take a deep breath and steel my nerves. I will tell him and deal with the consequences later. I need to get this off my chest, even if he rejects me.

"I love you Merlin."

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