Chapter 37 - Home

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Arthur's POV

"...Who's Merlin?"

I freeze in shock at the words. I stare at him, wide eyed. He must be joking with me. Yes, that's it. He's teasing me.

I give him a nervous laugh. "Very funny Merlin. Come on we need to get you back to Camelot," I say, entwining one of my hands in his. I revel in the warmth of his hand in mine once again.

He yanks his hand away and backs up. Anger flashes across his face. "Camelot? Why would I goto Camelot? They're the ones who kidnapped me!"

I can't believe my ears. What's happened to Merlin? By now, Gwaine and Lancelot have walked up behind me, watching Merlin worriedly.

"Kidnapped you? Merlin, Camelot's your home. Gaius, Gwen, The Knights of the Round Table, all your friends are there."

"I don't know any of those people and stop calling me Merlin!"

That's when it hit me. Merlin lost his memories. No... he can't. He can't have forgotten everything! But if he did... does that mean he won't remember us? He won't remember the love we shared, and all the time we spent together. He'll have forgotten everything? Even me?

"Do you know who I am?" I ask hesitantly, afraid of the answer.

I see his eyebrows furrow. I can practically see the gears turning in his head. Finally he shakes his head. "No, and stop avoiding the question. Who. Is. Merlin?"

I feel my whole world crash down on top of me. Merlin doesn't remember...

"Hey! Answer my question!" He snaps, face inches away from my own. I'm tempted to lean forward and press my lips to his, but I don't. I know he'd push me away, giving me that frightened look. Trying to kiss him now would only add more fuel to the fire of pain inside me.

"You're Merlin," I say quietly, looking him straight in the eyes. "You're my manservant. You're clumsy and you're terrible at your job but I would never choose another over you. You're the most powerful warlock that will, and has ever, lived. You're braver then any knight I have ever met. You're loyal, trusting, selfless, and kind. You have a smile that can brighten everyone's day and a laugh that can sweep away all the worries in the world. You're Merlin. You're the person I fell in love with five years ago and the person I still love today."

"You're lying." He turns away, wincing slightly. He brings a hand up to his head.

"I'm not," I grab his shoulder, turning him back around to face me. "Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm lying to you."


Merlin's? POV

I grip my hair in my hands. My heart pounds in my chest. My head throbs painfully. I can make out a faint memory. It's blurred and unclear but I can see one definite image. The blondes face. I know him.

I suddenly feel said blonde grab my shoulders and turn me back to face him. He looks me straight in the eyes.

"I'm not. Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm lying to you."

I look. His blue irises twinkle in the sun, the seriousness clear in them. He's telling the truth.

"Do you believe me?" He asks, worry now on his face as he sees my face contort in pain.

I nod slightly, still trying desperately to grab at the memory. He gives me a small smile before once again wrapping his arms around me. I feel a hand gently pat the top of my head. Immediately, the pain subsides. I forget out about my worries. I cuddle into his chest, taking in the familiar feeling. Like how his body feels pressed against mine, or how he whispers soothing words into my ear until I feel my heart return to a steady rhythm. My breathing evens out. I feel safe in his arms.

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