Chapter 24 - Back to Where it All Began

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Arthur's POV

The darkness still looms over Camelot as I dart through the forest, heading in the direction of the Valley of the Fallen Kings. The moon is still high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the tree tops. The stars shine brightly down over the kingdom, watching patiently for what is to come.

I shiver slightly from the brisk, night air. The cold freeze my insides. I would kill to have a small fire, anything to give me some warmth but I know I have to keep going.

I eventually arrive at the Valley of the Fallen Kings. I glance around, trying to find the path I had taken over a year ago to reach the cave. I follow the narrow ridge until a large cavern comes into a view. I pick up the pace. I sprint towards the opening and start down its winding tunnels.

The cave is damp. Water constantly drips from the ceiling, irritating me every time a drop lands on my head. After searching the cave for what feels like forever, I'm ready to admit that I am hopelessly lost.

I slump down against a large rock, dejected. Things are just going grand aren't they? First Camelot is attacked, then Merlin shows up only to destroy the kingdom! Agravaine is killed by Merlin, who is my only hope of fixing all of this, and now I'm lost in a cave. I take in a couple deep breaths in an attempt to calm my racing heart. There's no use panicking now. I've come this far already. Might as well finish it.

I stand and continue down the path. Another few minutes pass before I see a bright blue glow appear before me. My face breaks into a large grin. I run faster towards the light, excited.

When I turn the corner my eyes widen in amazement. I have forgotten how magnificent the crystal cave had looked. The shining crystals of various sizes protrude from the walls, ceiling, and floor. They cast a warm blue glow around the large cavern. The milky white of the crystal holds such beauty, yet, I have seen the horrors they hide.

I slowly walk to the centre of the cave. I look around the room. I'm here, but what do I do now?

I begin to ponder the question when I feel a light breeze brush across my back. I spin around and come face to face with Taliesin.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Arthur Pendragon," he says with a warm smile.

"Taliesin," I mutter.

"I knew you would be back one day. Now let me guess. You wish for your magic back."

I nod, "can you help me?"

"No, but someone else can."

Taliesin shimmers away. "No! Wait!" I shout, reaching out a hand desperately.

I grab uselessly at the air. I stumble forward, almost crashing into the wall.

"Who is this someone? Answer me!" I yell into the cave. My voice echoes back at me. I punch the wall in frustration. Why do all these people speak in riddles?!

"Arthur?" I hear a small voice behind me.

I whip my head around. There, standing in the glow of the crystals, is my mother.

"Mother?" I ask, bewildered.

"Arthur!" She smiles brightly at me.

I run towards her, reaching out my hands to give her a hug, only to have my body pass right through her. I fall to the ground behind her, almost smashing my face on a crystal.

"I'm not really here Arthur," she chides, chuckling slightly, "I'm only a vision, a spirit."

I slowly sit up. I gaze at her, taking in every part of her and commiting it to memory.

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