Chapter 22 - Let The Games Begin

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Arthur's POV

I hear Merlin call my name before the darkness envelops him and Morgana. Rage builds inside me. I begin to take out my anger on Morgana's men, who are continuing to throw themselves at us. I hack at the enemy left and right. My mind no longer following what my body is doing. My body fights on its own.

As my body is preoccupied my thoughts begin to wander to other topics. This attack can't have possibly been an accident. It was deliberate. Someone led us here, but who? The only ones who knew of this hunt are the Knights, Merlin, and... Agravaine.

I pull Excalibur from the body of one of Morgana's men and thrust it into another on my right. Agravine... the name burned a hole in my gut. I wanted to strangle him on the spot but fortunately for him, he isn't here.

I slash at a man coming on my left. Merlin did say Agravaine had done some suspicious activities. No one else had known about this hunt. My Knights and Merlin would never tell Morgana. Only Agravaine could have preformed this act.

I go into a full out frenzy. I begin to slash and hack my way through the rest of Morgana's men. By now, some of the smarter ones have turned and run off. All I need now is proof. Proof that Agravaine is helping Morgana. Something that isn't simply speculation. A witness, some letters, anything! Thats when an old memory floats to the surface of my mind. I remember Agravaine standing outside my fathers chamber door. A questionable medallion in his hand. The same medallion later appeared around my fathers neck.

I breath heavily. Morgana's men were now either dead, injured, or gone. I could see Leon watch me nervously from the corner of his eye. I turn away from him so he couldn't see my expression which is one filled with a mix of betrayal, anger, and sorrow.

"Arthur?" I hear Leon ask quietly, "do you want to search for Merlin?"

"No. We head back to Camelot. There is something I need to take care of first," I say darkly, a shadow crossing over my face.

"Yes, sire."


I burst through the doors of my uncles study. He glances up from his work in surprise. When he sees me enter a smile begins to grace his face.

"Ah, Arthur! Welcome home!" He says cheerfully.

I snarl and grab him by the collar. I shove him roughly against the stone wall, receiving a startled gasp. He slumps down onto the floor. He rubs the back of his head and looks up at me.

"What is going on Arthur? Has something happened?" He asks.

"Merlin's gone. Captured," I spit out at him.

"Oh. A shame," he says with feigned sympathy, "he was always a nice young lad."

I shove even harder into the wall. "I know what you did."

"What ever do you mean?" He gives a nervous laugh.

"I mean, I know there was never a magical beast in the forest. You. Set. Me. Up."

"Why would I ever do that?"

"Because you work for Morgana. She wanted Merlin and you gave her to him." I pull out my sword and point it under his chin.

"I would never-"

"I also know you killed my father."

Agravaine begins to chuckle which soon turns into a laugh. "And if I did? Your father killed my beloved sister. And Merlin? He was a hinderance anyways. He knew too much for his own good."

My eyes flash with anger. I shove the tip of my blade a little further against his neck. Blood started to appear. "I will have you hanged."

"You won't kill me Arthur. I'm your uncle."

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