Chapter 21 - Ambush

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Arthur's POV

The Knights, Merlin and I all ride through the forest. We were on a hunt for a magical creature that had been spotted by Agravine. I only brought the Knights and Merlin along because Agravaine had insisted we not worry the people of Camelot that such a dangerous creature is so close to their homes. So, we headed off in secret.

"Arthur?" I hear Merlin call out.

"What is it Merlin?" I reply with my own question.

"Are you sure there's something in this forest? You said Agravaine told you. How do you know he's even telling the truth?"

"I know, but I can't take that risk. Something may actually be out here."

"I highly doubt it," I hear Merlin mumble, annoyed.


Suddenly, the bush rustles behind us. I leap off my horse and quickly unsheathe my sword, Excalibur, Merlin had said it's called. He told me many, if not all, of his secrets after what happened over a month ago. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Merlin, my Merlin, the same clumsy manservant, is the most powerful sorcerer to ever live, the last dragonlord, and also Emrys. I shake my head and focus at the task at hand.

I slowly inch towards the bush. When I pass Merlin I make sure to flash him an, 'I told you so,' look. Merlin grunts and crosses his arms over his chest, not satisfied that I may have been right.

When I reach the bush, I turn around to face the rest of the Knights. They all stand at the ready, swords out. I nod and pull the bush aside, only to be jumped by a fuzzy brown creature. It latches on to my face and I shout in surprise. I stumble about the path, attempting to rid the creature from my face. I start to wonder why no one is helping when I hear Gwaine let out a snort and Merlin bursting out in laughter. I frown at their reaction. Are they laughing when their king is having his face eaten off?!

I finally wretch the creature off my face and hold it out in front of me. It's...a squirrel. I drop it in the dirt and watch it scramble back towards the bush. I turn around and see Merlin doubled over in laughter on the ground, Gwaine laughing alongside him. Meanwhile, Lancelot, Elyan, Percival, and Leon are stifling chuckles.

I blush bright red in embarrassment.

"There's your 'dangerous magical creature' Arthur," Merlin says in between snickers.

"Shut up. All of you," I say in irritation, "let's go."

Everyone finally calms down and starts to mount their horses. I'm about to climb onto mine as well when I hear a loud thump behind me. I turn to the noise and find Merlin collapsed on the forest floor.

"Merlin!" I shout.

I run towards him. By then the other Knights have taken notice as well. They dismount their horses and race to his side.

"Owww," I hear Merlin mutter, he's gripping his right leg.

"What happened?" I ask frantically. My eyes are already scanning across his body.

"My leg," he mumbles in pain, "arrow."

I look down and, sure enough, an arrow protrudes from the calf. I curse silently to myself and quickly glance around the area. My hand gripping the hilt of my sword.

"Merlin stay down," I order him before turning back to my Knights, "be at the ready. Someone's nearby."

As I finish my sentence we hear a number of shouting. We turn towards the noise but that proved impossible. It's coming from everywhere.

"Bandits?" Asked Lancelot, lifting his sword.

"No, they seem too organized," replies Elyan.

"Then who are they?" Asks Percival with worry.

"I guess we'll find out," states Gwaine.

The men surround us. I estimate their numbers. There is definitely more then a dozen. Maybe even two dozen. I skirt my eyes in Merlin's direction. Thank goodness for his small stature. At least no one might notice him.

I raise Excalibur in the air, pointing it at the nearest man. I turn to my Knights and nod. We charge into battle.


Merlin's POV

I struggle to sit up. Every movement sends a shock of pain through my leg. I groan and slump back down. I hear the sound of swords clashing all around me. I see Arthur and the Knights fight ferociously, taking down enemies left and right. I'm not gonna lie here uselessly when they fight.

I start muttering spells, causing branches to fall on the enemy and making their swords burn in their hands. Although Arthur knows my secret, the Knights still didn't, with the exception of Lancelot. I couldn't use any large spells but this sould be enough. The men were already thinning out in rank. I smirk to myself, proud of my work. I see Arthur glance toward me with a smile, nodding his head in thanks.

I grin happily. I continue to trip up the enemy until I feel a gloved hand muffle my voice, the other pins my arms behind my back. I start to panic. I turn around and try to blast the man away. I feel my magic surge through my body, ready to attack, when a necklace is dropped around my neck. Instantly, my magics jerks to a halt. It's there but I no longer feel it flowing in my veins. It's as if it were frozen in place.

I glance down at the pendant around my neck. The oval gemstone glows a vibrant blue. I sensed magic at work in the gem. Whatever it is, it suppressed my magic. I panic even more now that my magic is unusable. I thrash about in the mans iron grip. He moves the hand covering my mouth and yanks me to my feet, causing another wave of pain to shoot up my leg. I cry out. That gets Arthur's attention. He whips around and his eyes widen.

He charges in my direction, sword raised. Before he can reach me, he's blasted backwards. He smacks against a tree and crumbles to the floor, barely conscious. I see him stand unsteadily. He's wobbling back and forth but he keeps his eyes glued on me. He's about to charge again when Morgana appears from the shadows. She walks past me and stands before Arthur.

"Good day my dear brother," she says mockingly, "today is a great day for a stroll isn't it."

The men retreat when their leader appears. They still surround us, their numbers considerably less then before. I breathe out a sigh of relief when I see all the Knights very much alive, though they seem worried when their eyes land on me. Gwaine looks about ready to charge Morgana. He probably would if Lancelot wasn't holding him back.

"Let Merlin go," Arthur shouts at Morgana, "it's me you want isn't it?"

Morgana laughs, "not everything is about you Arthur."

She turns around to face me. A triumphant smile spreads across her face. "Hello Merlin. Or perhaps I should call you Emrys?"

I stiffen. How did she find out? I glance towards Arthur nervously. He seems just as surprised as I am. The Knights all look at each other in confusion except Lancelot, who seems ready to join Gwaine in ripping Morgana to shreds.

Morgana reaches a hand out. She runs her cold fingers down the side of my face. "Oh, I have many plans for you Emrys," she gives a wicked smile, "This will be fun."

A shiver runs down my spine. I renew my struggles only to be punched hard in the gut by the man holding me. I groan. I see Arthur's eyes flash with anger.

"Morgana... Let. Him. Go." Arthur growls, gritting his teeth.

Morgana turns back around to look at him and laughs. "I have no time for you right now Arthur. After all, it would be much to dull to kill you now. Wouldn't it?"

She turns around and gestures to the rest of her men. They begin to advance on Arthur and the Knights once more.

"Let's go Merlin. Lots to do," Morgana says in a sing song voice. She grabs my collar and mumbles an incantation. I see the wind swirl, creating a vortex around me and Morgana.

"No! Merlin!" I hear Arthur shout desperately.

"Arthur!" I shout back before my vision plunges into darkness.

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