Chapter 5 - Merlin's Answer

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Merlin's POV

I stand in Arthur's room, frozen to the spot. I can't believe what I had just heard escape the princes mouth. Arthur had said he loves me. HE LOVES ME.

I stumble back a little, bumping into the dining table. Arthur continues to stare at me. His eyes are full of seriousness. I can tell he wasn't trying to tease me. My heart hammered in my chest, whether it was from nervousness or happiness I didn't know.

"Merlin?" Arthur asks. He takes a small step closer to me.

"I...I'm sorry. I need some time alone." I answer quickly before I hurry out of the room.

I race down the corridor, not daring to look back. I get some weird glances from fellow servants but pay them no attention. My mind begins to swim with everything that had happened today. First, Arthur tells me he isn't afraid of magic and now he's telling me he loves me.

I arrive at Gaius's chambers. I creak open the door to check if Gaius is inside. He isn't. I walk in and goto my room. I slump down on the bed and start to collect my thoughts.

Arthur loves me. I repeat the phrase over and over again in my head. Do I feel the same? I realize I have never fancied many people. Even when I did it was for a short time. Arthur was always different. I did find myself occasionally glancing at Arthur or find myself blushing like a girl when he was a little close, but was it love? Did I love Arthur?

I mull over the question for the rest of the night until I eventually, fall into a dreamless slumber.


I woke early the next morning. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon. I still hadn't decided my answer. I heard Gaius call me from behind the door when he heard me stir. I stand and change. I choose to wear a red shirt and blue neckerchief today. I exit my room and sit down to breakfast. There was bread and cheese but I had no appetite this morning.

"Are you alright Merlin?" Gaius asks. He could always tell when I had something on my mind.

"Couldn't be better." I mumble as I began picking at my food. It was clear I'm not telling the truth.

"You didn't eat dinner last night."

"I'm sorry. I was busy."


I look up from my food. Gaius was staring at me intently. "It's Arthur." I state bluntly.

"What has he done this time?"

"He..." I question whether or not I should tell him. Eventually, I decide I can trust him to keep it a secret. "He said he loves me."

Gaius jolts up from his food in shock, almost spitting it out. "What? I don't think I heard you-"

"I'm serious. I don't know what to do Gaius."

Gaius sighs. "Well, do you love him back?"

I hesitate before I answer, "I don't know. How do you know if you are?"

"Merlin, you are asking an old man for love advice."

I chuckle a little. "Perhaps I'll ask Gwen."

"That's a good idea. You do have some time before Arthur requires you in his chambers."

I get up from my seat at the table, leaving most of my meal untouched. I leave the room and head towards Gwen's home.


I make my way towards Morgana's chambers. Gwen hadn't been in her house so I had assumed she was already with Morgana.

I knock on the door to wait for an answer. Instead of Gwen, Morgana answers the door. "Good morning Merlin. Is there something I could do for you?"

"Oh um is Gwen here?"

"No she isn't. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. Why do you think something is wrong?"

"Because you're acting strange."

She was sharp.

"If there is something you want to talk about you can always tell me."

I consider the offer. Morgana is indeed as much of a friend to me as Gwen was. I decide to consult in her. "Alright...may I come in?"

Morgana moves aside and gestures me in. I follow and start to pace back and forth around the room.

"So tell me what's on your mind."

"It's um Arthur."

"What about him?"

"Well...he said he loves me."

"Aww isn't that sweet."

"What? No it's not its..." I didn't know what to say. Was it strange? Creepy? The best thing I ever heard? Wait...where did THAT come from!?

"I knew Arthur had feelings for you! The way he always looks at you just screamed love." Morgana seems to be enjoying this.

"But I don't know what to do. I don't know if I love him back"

"Well what do you think of Arthur?"

"What do I think? He's a kind and generous prince, even if he can be a total prat. He cares for his people like a proper king should and is fair to all."

" do you feel when your around him?"


"Do you start to feel all warm and tingling, like there are butterflies in your stomach."

"Now that you mention it..."

Morgana's face breaks into a grin. "See, you love him too."

I stop pacing and look at her surprised. Girls must have a love detector built into their heads. "You think I do?"

"From what you tell me, quiet."

I sit down on a nearby chair and start to ponder my feelings. Morgana seems to think they're there but I still wasn't entirely convinced, at least not yet.


Arthur's POV

I wake earlier in the morning then usual. My mind was still racing. I had told Merlin how I feel about him. He still hasn't given me an answer but I'm afraid of what he'll say. I look around the dim room. I could only see a small sliver of light from the sun that peeked through the closed curtains. Merlin hadn't come yet.

I crawl out of bed slowly, dreading, and yet excited at the same time, to see Merlin. I change into a white tunic, pull on my boots and pace around the room. I was nervous and biting my thumb. After a few minutes of pacing I sit back down on my bed. I whisper a spell into the air and my eyes glow gold. The sunlight dances around the room, making little figures in the air. I smile at the light. Magic was always calming. If only my father could see this beauty.

Suddenly, loud footsteps echo behind the door. My eyes quickly flash gold and the lights dissipate into smoke. I turn to face the door with an innocent face just as Merlin enters the room. He looked adorable, as usual.

My body immediately goes rigid. I swallow the lump in my throat when I see Merlin slowly walk towards me. He stops at the foot of my bed. He glances around the room, a slight blush creeps up on his cheeks.

"I..."he begins. I steel my nerves and wait for the refusal to come. "I love you too."

I look up at him, completely surprised at his response. I see Merlin look away nervously, unsure of what to say. My face brightens into a smile. I rise from my spot on the bed and bring him into a hug for the second time in the past two days. That must have been a new high.

Merlin smiles happily as he hugs me back. We finally let go and I take his hand in my own. "You don't know how happy I am." I say.

"I think I do. I've never seen you awake this early. It's a miracle." He replies with his usual joking tone.

I punch him lightly on the shoulder, receiving a loud, "Ow!" In response.

I chuckle as he rubs his shoulder, a small smile on his face.


A/N - The two are finally together!! The next chapter will have more about Arthur's magic.

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