Chapter 38 - The King

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A/N - I'm so sorry guys! Wattpad deleted the whole chapter the minute I was about to post it so I had to restart the whole thing. 😭 But thank you everyone for 5K reads! I love all of you!


Arthur's POV

"I honestly don't know how much help I can give you," Merlin says with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"Just tell us everything you remember," Gaius explains.

"Alright... well... um. I-"


"What was that?" I say, quickly reaching for my sword that hangs from my belt.

I scan the room quickly, searching for what could have made the noise. My eyes soon land on Merlin who's face is turning red.




"Are you hungry?"



He hides his face in his hands. I let out a small chuckle. "Gaius can you make something for Merlin to eat before we continue?"

Gaius grins. "Of course," he replies with a nod of his head.


I sit across from Merlin at the dining table. I shift around uncomfortably on the rather small bench, uncomfortable with the situation. I sent Gwaine and Lancelot away already, now I wish I hadn't.

"So Gaius was my caretaker?" Merlin suddenly asks.

I look up to face him. "Yes, well, you saw him more as your father," I respond.

He nods. "I see..."

Gaius soon walks over, a bowl of piping hot stew in his hand. He sets it down in front of Merlin and sits down beside me. Merlin takes in a big whiff. "Thank you Gaius. This smells amazing."

The delicious aroma from the bowl of stew made up of various spices and vegetables waft to my nose, making my mouth drool. Merlin wolfs down the food eagerly. Not even stopping to take a breath.

Gaius and I stare at him in confusion. He finally stops long enough to remember to breathe. "This is delicious!" He exclaims.

"It was your favourite," Gaius says, still staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I can see why!" He turns back to his meal and begins to inhale the other half.

I turn to Gaius. "Did he eat this much before as well?" I whisper in his ear.

"Yes, he did."

"Where does it all go?"

"I may be a physician but not even I know that."

"What are you two whispering about?" Merlin asks, the bowl now empty in front of him.

"Nothing," I respond quickly with a smile. "Now that your full could you tell us what happened?"

Merlin wipes his mouth with his sleeve before beginning. "Well, as I said before, there isn't much to tell you. I awoke in a lake. I climbed to shore then headed through the forest only to stumble upon a village. There, I..." he trails off.

"There what?" I ask.

He doesn't respond.


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