Chapter 14 - For The Love Of Camelot

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Arthur's POV

I wake to the feeling of someone poking me on the right side of my cheek. I open my eyes, one arm flies to the hilt of my sword while the other whips out, and grabs the wrist of whoever was touching me.

"And the princess lives!" A voice shouts.

I squint until my eyes adjust to the sudden light. I see stringy brown hair dangle in front of me, a big grin stretching across the owners face.

"Gwaine?" I ask, incredulously.

"The one and only," he says, smiling.

I let go of his wrist and my sword. I rise from the cave floor and realize there were others in the room as well. Lancelot is standing a little further back beside another man. Lancelot smiles at me, giving me a small wave.

"Good day Arthur," he calls over to me.

"Good day to you too. Who are you?" I ask pointing towards the buff man beside Lancelot.

"His names Percival. His home was attacked by Morgana's men, thats why he insisted on coming with me when I told him about what happened. Also we're old friends," Lancelot answers.

I smile and walk up to Percival, extending a hand in greeting. "I'm Arthur, pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasures all mine," Percival reaches his hand out and we shake.

"So what are all of you doing here for?" I ask quizzically.

"Merlin sent word to us last night. He told us to come find you. He said you would probably be in the Darkling Woods and to look there first. We ran into each other while we were searching," Gwaine explains.

"Was I that easy to find?"

"Yes, you make tracks like a wild boar, it's a miracle no ones found you yet," Gwaine starts to chuckle, "perhaps Merlin was right when he said you were fat."

I punch Gwaine in the gut and receive a moan from him as he falls to the ground. "Urg... knew it was a bad idea to come help."

"Then why did you?"

"Because Merlin asked."

I feel a pang of jealousy at what he says. He's too close to my Merlin. I know that they only see each other as friends but it still make me angry to see them so close.

"So what's the battle plan? Are we the only ones here?" Asks Percival.

"At the moment, yes. I'm thinkin-"

I'm interrupted by a loud cry of joy.


I turn to look at the cave entrance. I see three silhouettes appear out of the light.



Merlin's POV

Everyone clears out of the throne room. I follow behind Gaius as we walk out the double doors. We make our way through the long corridors when I see Morgana rounding the corner.

"I'm going to ask where Gwen is," I inform Gaius as I rush forward to Morgana.

I stop a short distance in front of her. She cocks her head to the side, staring at me quizzically. "Is something the matter Merlin?" She asks.

"Yes, um... have you seen Gwen?"

Morgana stiffens at the mention of her name. I notice the action before she relaxes her shoulders, "no I haven't. I'm sorry Merlin."

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