Chapter 43 - Thank You

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Travis's POV

I stare back at Gaius incredulously. Transfer the curse over to someone else... Is that even possible?

"Is there no other way?" Arthur asks him.

Gaius shakes his head.

"How would it even work?"

"It's difficult to explain... but I guess you could say the person would absorb the magic from Merlin's body," Gaius says, "which would ultimately cure Merlin but curse the other."

"I'll do it," I hear Arthur say instantly. His voice not wavering.

"No." I say sternly behind him. "I'll do it."

Arthur turns to look at me, a menacing glare in his eyes.

I stride forward in a few quick steps and stare him down, daring him to object. Which he does. "Shut up. I am doing this," he growls.

"Then I won't let you." I cross my arms in front of me.

Arthur lets out a laugh. "Oh? You think you can beat me in a fight?" He mimics my action.

I hesitate for a moment. There is zero chance that I can beat him in a fight but I am not letting him do this. My gaze hardens. "Even if I lose I still won't let you."

"Why are you so eager to help Merlin?"

"Same reason as you. To save someone I love."


Arthur's POV

I stare in shock at Travis's words. He loves Merlin? My Merlin?! I feel a sudden pang of jealousy. I bring up my guard. I can feel my shoulders tense. My fingers itch to punch him in the face but I hold myself back.

Travis chuckles. "No need to worry," he says with a sly grin, "I won't steal your beloved from you."

I feel my shoulders relax but only slightly. He laughs again. "You really don't trust me do you?"

"Not anymore. No," I respond.

He smiles. "Yes, I love Merlin but I won't chase after him if he's already taken."

I let out a sigh of relief. "You better not or I'll snap your neck."

He laughs again. "Alright, I got it. I'm still not letting you do it though." His tone suddenly turns serious.

I frown. "Why? I understand you care for him but... why go so far?"

Travis gives me a sympathetic look. "Merlin's a great person. He's become a good friend and even almost family in such a short time. He's helped me in numerous ways which I can never thank him enough for. I want to repay him and I figured this is how I'll do it."

"Merlin wouldn't want you to do this for him as a form of repayment. You'll only hurt him."

"Not as much as you'll hurt him if you go through with it."

I stop in place. I hadn't even thought about that... Merlin would never forgive himself if I had gotten myself hurt because of him, but that doesn't mean I'll allow someone else to do it. I'm about to retort when another voice joins into the conversation.

"Who said I would let either of you do it?"

We both turn to see Gaius staring back at us. He has an eyebrow raised in the typical fashion.

"Gaius what are you suggesting?" I say, fearing for what I'm about to hear.

"I'll do it."

"No, I point a finger at him, "you are not doing this."

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