Chapter 36 - We Meet Again

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Arthur's POV

Gwaine, Lancelot, and I arrive at a small village near the Lake of Avalon. The sun is high in the sky by now, beating down on us until we are all sweaty and tired. We all beam in happiness when we see the first small house appear. I can see pens filled with animals and crops stretching far and wide. I spur on my horse to try and speed up, I wanted to reach our destination as soon as possible and start searching for Merlin. The Knights follow suit.

We ride for quite some time along the path. The village seems like a farming village. Acres and acres of crops expand across the horizon. I couldn't see the end.

We continue to follow the straight path until we finally see a cluster of buildings. I smile brightly. Almost there.

We ride into the village. Small houses line the sides. I can see an inn, blacksmith, and a tavern, better remember to keep Gwaine away from there. Small stalls line the sides of the roads, selling various little trinkets such as cloth or jewelry. There's many people wandering around from stall to stall, bartering for goods. After some time people begin to take note of our presence. Villagers stare at us in awe when we pass. I scan the crowd that slowly forms on the sides of the path, searching for someone with a mop of black hair and overly large ears. Sadly, I don't find them.

I sigh. We ride on for a little longer until a stable comes into view. We dismount our horses when we reach the stables. I allow the stable boy to take our horses, handing him a few coins before leaving. I whip my head around. Where should I look first?

I end up deciding to ask the village people if they had seen Merlin. We ask the blacksmith, the innkeeper, a merchant, and the people in the tavern, basically we ask almost anyone we pass. It seems no one has seen or even heard of the clumsy manservant. I start to get frustrated. I'm kicking a stone across the ground as I trudge down the path with Gwaine and Lancelot on either side of me. I can hear them talking to each other quietly. The village people whisper to each other whenever we pass. Most likely trying to figure out why the King would be here.

"Arthur?" Lancelot calls.

"What?!" I snap, still clearly irritated.

"Whoa! Calm down there princess. Lancelot's just wondering if you're alright. You've been looking like a sulking puppy since we arrived," Gwaine replies, hands out in front of him.

I let out a breath. "Sorry. I'm just tired and I am not a 'sulking puppy'."

"Keep telling that to yourself." Gwaine chuckles.

I roll my eyes. I notice a farmer a short distance away, ploughing at the fields. I haven't asked him yet, maybe he's seen Merlin, even though I highly doubt it, I didn't want to let the small spark of hope die.

I approach the man. He lifts his eyes up from the field. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" I ask.

The man immediately straightens his back. He bows deeply. "Of course, my lord."

I gesture for him to raise his head. He looks up, shifting from foot to foot. "I'm looking for someone. His name is Merlin. Have you heard of him?"

He thinks for a moment, scratching his chin before shaking his head. "No. I'm sorry sire. The name doesn't ring any bells, but, if I may ask, what does he look like?"

"He has short black hair as dark as night, very bright blue eyes like the sky, pale ivory skin, and..." I calm the butterflies that fly madly in my stomach, feeling more then slightly embarrassed at my description. I hear Gwaine snickering behind me. I realize I sound like a love-sick girl. I clear my throat, a slight blush on my cheeks. "He tends to wear a red or blue neckerchief and a brown jacket."

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