Chapter 44 - Our Ending

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Merlin's POV

The fire burns brightly in the middle of the courtyard, a body wrapped in cloth lies in its centre. The previously white fabric is now burned a charred black. People ranging from Knights to villagers all form a circle around the centre hearth. They hold candles alight in there hands, mourning for the old, wise man who could solve almost any problem. They honour the old physician who would do anything for a patient, even die for them.

I gaze out at the crackling flames, forcing the tears back in my eyes when they threaten to spill. I won't cry. I've done enough of that.

Arthur stands beside me, his hand wrapped around mine. The warmth emitting from his palm soothes me, helping ease the sadness away. Time passes and the crowd disperses. Soon only Gwen, The Knights of the Round Table, Travis, Arthur, and I are left standing in the courtyard. Another few moments later and only Arthur and I remain.

Arthur plants a light kiss on my forehead. His free hand comes up to stroke the side of my face. "We should go Merlin. It's getting dark," he says sadly, his eyes slightly downcast.

I look up and realize the moon is up. The sun has already long gone and the torches are lit. Stars shine brightly in the sky, sparkling beautifully in the otherwise dull night.

"I didn't realize it's so dark already," I say, voice hoarse from being unused.

"Come on. Let's go to bed." Arthur holds out a hand. I take it gratefully. He leads me into the citadel.

I raise an eyebrow at him while he leads the way. "My chambers are over there." I point in the opposite direction.

"I know," he says with a smirk.

"Then where are we going?"

"To my chambers."

I blush uncontrollably. "What?!" I sputter out. My heart thumping in my chest.

Arthur seems to realize what he said. I can see the tips of his ears turn a bright red from behind. He whips his head around quickly. "That's not what I mean!" He shakes his head vigorously. "I just thought you might want to stay away from Gaius's chambers for awhile..."

I give a small smile. "You should choose your words more carefully next time."

He blushes brightly and turns away. "Lets go."

We walk towards Arthur's chambers hand in hand, not caring if anyone saw. When we arrive Arthur immediately shuts the door and swings me into his arms. He lifts me up off the floor and spins me around. I yelp in surprise.

"Put me down Arthur!" I shout at him.

He frowns and settles me back down onto the floor. "Sorry, that usually seems to make you smile."

I cross my arms over my chest and stroll to the bed, slumping down. I can hear Arthur sigh. "Merlin you haven't smiled in days."

"There's not much to smile about right now."

"You can't stay like this forever. We all miss Gaius but we have to move on. He saved your life. Make the most of it."

I let out a puff and lie down on the bed, curling in on myself. "I know. I'll try harder."

Arthur looks a little unsatisfied but doesn't say anymore. He walks over to the bed, tossing his crown and cape onto the desk before curling up beside me. His arms snake around my waist and pull me close so my back is pressed to his chest. His body warms me up instantly. My heart hammers at being in such close proximity with him again after so long. I missed him. I missed him a lot more then I'd like to admit.

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