Chapter 35 - Ari...

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Arthur's POV

"I want a few men to search in this area," I say while pointing towards an area on the map. It's just north of the Lake of Avalon.

"Gwaine, Lancelot, and I will search here." I point to an area a little east of the lake.

"Leon, I expect you to keep the place in order while I'm away. If anything happens, contact me immediately."

Leon nods his head.

"Any objections?"

Everyone shakes their head. "Good. Remember, keep an eye out for the sorceress, Scarlett, as well as Merlin. We leave at first light tomorrow."

The council disperses. I stay in the council room, staring intently at the maps. If we still can't find Merlin after searching here then I don't know where else he'd be. We've already searched every corner of the kingdom. There's no where left to look.

I sigh. I hope we'll find him.

I grab the maps and head back to my chambers. When I arrive I proceed to dump the them on the table and collapse into the chair. I stare out the window. The day is cloudy. White, fluffy clouds dot the sky. Sadness floods through me. I think back to the time when Merlin was showing me his magic. How he had created a dragon with the clouds in the sky. I smile a little at the memory.


I turn and see Percival waiting by the door.

"What is it Percival?"

"Someone is requesting your audience. Something about the sorceress."

I immediately stand. I rush out the door and back towards the council chamber.

I reach the doors and swing them open. I stride through. When I enter I see a merchant standing uncomfortably before my throne. He turns when he hears the doors open. He wears dark brown clothes that are tattered beyond repair. His hair is messy and covered in dirt and grime. He looks at me nervously.

I sit down on my throne. "I hear you have information on the sorceress?"

"Indeed I do, my lord."


He nods. "I-I'm a merchant you see. So it's my job to sell things to my clients an-and well... I swear I did not know who she was when she first approached me but um... I sold her something and now I realize she's the sorceress whom you've been searching for."

"Where did you meet her?"

"I-in my hut in the forest. By the Lake of Avalon."

"And what did you sell her?"

He looks around nervously. He starts to fidget with his fingers.

"There is nothing to worry about. I assure you no harm will come to you."

"Sh-she purchased some crystals. They're magic. It has the p-power to transform ones self into another person."

"What do you mean?" I have never heard of an item that could do that.

"You don't exactly become the person, but more like you look and sound like them. Almost like a cloaking spell."

"I see.."

What would Scarlett need with crystals like that? If it allows someone to transform into another person then perhaps she's hoping to use it to infiltrate Camelot.

"What do these crystals look like? How do you use it?"

"It's a necklace. You smear the blood of the person you wish to impersonate on the crystal. You wear it, and the rest is magic."

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