Chapter 12 - The Immortal Army

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Arthur's POV

I burst through the double doors of the council chambers. My father looks at me in surprise. The dead guard had been removed from the room but the stench of blood still lingered in the air. The red stain on the floor remained as well, almost as a grim reminder to everyone.

"What's happened Arthur? Where did you run off to?" My father asks.

"I went to the battlements. Cenred's army has reached Camelot," I explain quickly.

The members of the council all let out a loud gasp. It echoes around the room as they all begin to panic.

"Silence!" My father shouts over the noise, his voice reverberating around the room.

Everyone immediately quiets down. I notice Merlin enter the room quietly as my father begins to explain the course of action.

"Evacuate all the citizens out of the city. Get them out through the tunnels under Camelot. Gaius, stay in the citadel and treat the wounded. Arthur and I will lead the Knights into battle."

The council members nod and swiftly hurry away to preform their assigned tasks. Gaius makes his way back to his chambers to gather supplies while my father heads to the armoury.

I sprint towards my chambers. Merlin following close behind. I reach the door and throw it open, heading behind the screen to change while Merlin begins to lay out my armour.

I come out from behind the screen and allow Merlin to fit me into the large chest plate.

"Merlin..." I call.

"What is it Arthur?" He asks, continuing to work.

"Stay here with Gaius alright? You need to stay here and help him."

Merlin stops and looks up at me, worry in his eyes. "Are you sure I shouldn't come with you?"

"I'll be fine Merlin, no need to worry."

I see him nod slowly and start strapping my armour on again. "Don't push yourself Arthur."

"I know."

Merlin finishes attaching the last piece of armour. He picks up my sword and hands it to me carefully.

"You better not die, you hear me prat? Or I will come and kill you myself."

I let out a small chuckle. "You know it doesn't work like that right? You can't kill someone that's already dead."

"Then I'll revive you so I can kill you."

I laugh and ruffle his hair. "That means I'll have to come back to haunt you for using sorcery."

Merlin stiffens a bit but regains his composure just as quick. I decide I must have imagined it.

"So you mean I'll be stuck with you even after you die?"

"Of course. I'll scare away everyone who fancies you."

Merlin laughs. I feel a smile come to my lips. Despite everything happening at the moment it felt as though we were in our own little world. I didn't want to leave but I knew I had to.

I grab my sword from Merlin and sheath it in my belt.

I'm about to leave the room when I turn back around. I grab Merlin's collar and bring his face towards mine. I kiss him sweet and tenderly. I let him go and touch my forehead to his.

"If anything happens, if your in any danger just shout for me. I'll come. I promise."

I kiss him once more on the forehead before turning back around to leave the room.

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