Chapter 17 - A Normal Day in Camelot

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A/N - I can't believe this story has hit 1K views! Thank you guys sooooo much! I couldn't have done it without each and every one of you! 😊 You guys are the greatest!

Now on with the story!


Merlin's POV

I wake up staring at the roof quizzically. This isn't the ceiling of my room. I sit up and notice that I'm sleeping on the patients bed in Gaius's chambers. My back aches from the uncomfortable cot, and the blankets are scratchy. I miss my bed. I scan the area, Gaius seems to be away.

I dig into my memories in an attempt to remember what happened. I had miraculously managed to take down all three guards with only a shoulder wound. Then when I was about to knock over the Cup, Morgause had appeared. She tried to kill me with magic only to have it stopped with my own. I remember her seething with rage and picking up a sword and slashing me across the chest... then Arthur came.

I'm shaken from my thoughts by an audible mumbling coming from my left. I turn to see Arthur slumped on a chair, his arms crossed and in a deep sleep. He seems to be muttering about something incoherent.

I snicker at his rather ungraceful sleeping form. I commit the image to memory before hopping off the bed and sneaking over, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

Arthur immediately jolts awake, almost falling out of his chair. I laugh as he gathers his bearings. When he finally notices me his eyes widen in happiness.

"Merlin?!" He exclaims in surprise.

"Yes Arthur, its Merlin," I chuckle.

Arthur abruptly leans in, practically smashing his lips against mine. I jump in surprise but soon relax and kiss him back.

Arthur backs away, placing his head in the crook of my neck. "Don't you ever do that again..." he whispers into my ear.

"I'm sorry." I say back, stroking the top of his head.

Arthur tilts his head up to look at me. "I love you Merlin."

"I love you too Arthur."

Arthur starts to lean in once more but stops when we hear someone snickering behind us.

"I came to check if you were alright Merlin, but clearly you are in great shape."

We both turn to see Gwaine leaning against the door frame, a big grin on his face. Arthur and I both leap away from each other quickly, our faces red. Gwaine just laughs even louder at our reactions.

If Gwaine is here that must mean he received my message. I notice that he's wearing the armour of a Camelot knight. What did Gwaine do to get those?

"Gwaine... umm you won't say anything right?" Arthur mutters in embarrassment.

"Oh don't worry. Secrets safe with me, I promise I won't tell anyone..." Gwaine begins, "except all the Knights of the Round Table. Oh they are not going to believe this!" Gwaine says quickly before skipping merrily out of the room.

"Wait! Gwaine, come back here!
Don't you dare- Are you even listening?!" Arthur shouts after him.

He stands abruptly, toppling the chair over. He sprints off out the room and into the hall, still shouting at Gwaine.

I chuckle to myself. Everything seems to be going well. I grab my red tunic off a chair and am about to put it on when I hear footsteps behind me.

I turn to see Lancelot walking into the room with a curious expression on his face. He's wearing the armour of a Knight of Camelot as well. I smile to myself, happy to see one of my best friends finally get the title he deserves.

"Um... Arthur just ran down the hall chasing Gwaine... should I be worried?" He asks, pointing down the hall.

I laugh, "No need to worry,"

Lancelot looks weary but shuts the door behind him. "Are you sure you should be up?"

"I'm fine Lancelot. The wound is almost all gone." I point to the faint scar across my abdomen.

"Sorry, was just worried," he sits down on one of the many chairs in the room.

"Do you know what Arthur and Gwaine were doing?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Um..." I hesitate. Should I tell Lancelot? It's not like I didn't trust him, he is the only one after Gaius that knows about my magic. Besides, if what Gwaine said was true then he would find out sooner or later.

"Arthur and I are seeing each other, Gwaine found out and wanted to tell the rest of the 'Knights of the Round Table', what is that anyway?" I explain as I pull on my tunic.

Lancelot stares at me in surprise. His expression soon turns back to one of joy. "That's great for you Merlin. I thought you two were a little too close sometimes."

I blush brightly. I look down as I fiddle with the sleeves of my tunic. "Oh yes, what's the 'Knights of the Round Table'?" I ask perking my head back up.

Lancelot smiles, "Let me tell you what happened then."


Arthur's POV

I run down the hall after Gwaine who is still happily skipping in front of me. When I finally catch up I shove him against the wall, an arm against his neck.

"You will not breathe a word of this to anyone! Understand?" I hiss at him.

"Tell what to anyone?" He asks mockingly.

"Mine and Merlin's relationship!"

"I promise I won't say a word." Gwaine holds up his hands in surrender.

"Ahem..." Someone clears there throat.

I whip my head around abruptly to the noise. I freeze as I see the people standing around Gwaine and I. There's Leon, Elyan, and Percival all watching us with a more then slighlty amused expression. I look around and see armour scattered around the room. There were weapons hanging on the wall as well. Gwaine led me to the armoury!

I turn beet red. I let go of Gwaine who starts to snicker. I turn and glare at him.

"I said I wouldn't tell anyone," he says still snickering.

I roll my eyes at him and face the rest of the knights, "You won't tell anyone, understand?" I point to each and every one of them, making sure my anger showed on my face.

They all nod, still smiling at me. I turn back and storm out of the room, I make my way back to Gaius chambers only to bump into Lancelot on the way there.

"Good morning Sire." He says with a smile.

"Good morning Lancelot. Hope you're becoming accustomed to Camelot." I greet.

"Yes, it's a lovely place. Thank you again for allowing me to serve as a knight. I promise not to disappoint you."

"It was no problem. You deserve it more then anyone."

Lancelot smiles even wider, "If you'll excuse me Sire I need to get to get to training."

"Then I won't stall you any longer." I wave to him goodbye.

Just as I walk past Lancelot I hear him whisper in my ear, "Take care of Merlin. If I hear that you hurt him I will personally kill you. Prince or not."

I stare at him in astonishment as he smiles and walks away. I never expected Lancelot to say that. He is Merlin's best friend. I guess it's to be expected.

I stroll down the halls of the castle towards Gaius's chambers. I breathe in the fresh morning air with a big grin plastered to my face. It seems today will be a good day.


A/N - This chapter is more of a filler. Not much happens but silly little things with the Knights. The plot should start to develop more next chapter!

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