Chapter 3 - What Will He Think?

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Arthur's POV

I wake up to the sound of the door slamming open. I see my father barge through with Merlin tailing behind. Merlin stands quietly by the wall, looking down at the floor while my father strides towards me. Anger flashes in his eyes from what had happened at the trial the day before. I let out a small sigh of relief remembering I had already tucked the spell book safely back under my bed.

My father stands in front of my bed. He glares down at me, waiting for me to get up. I slowly rise from my bed and stand to face him. I glare back. I'm not letting him win.

"I hope you had time to calm your head," my father states with his hands on his hips.

"Oh I assure you I have, and I don't regret a thing I said yesterday," I reply proudly. I sneak a look at Merlin to see how he reacts. He keeps his head down, looking at everything other then me and my father.

My father shakes his head, exasperated. "I did not raise you to be like this Arthur. Magic is evil. Everyone who uses it will only cause death and destruction. Why can't you see that?"

I could feel my face turn red with rage. How could he say that? If he knew about me would he still believe that? Would he turn against his own son? I was tempted to show him, tempted to reach out my hand and let a fire burn on my palm in front of his eyes. I manage to stop myself. It's an idiotic idea. All that would do was wind up with my father accusing sorcerers of corrupting his son. It would solve nothing.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

"Good. I'll see you at dinner tonight Get back to your duties and NEVER do this again!"

I nod and glare at his back as he leaves the room.


Merlin's POV

I hear the door slam shut and loud stomps move down the hall. I look back up and walk up to Arthur. I couldn't believe what I had heard in the council chambers the day before. Arthur had defended magic. He didn't hate it like Uther. Maybe the great dragon was right. Arthur WILL bring magic back to the land.

A bright smile appears on my face. I see Arthur look at me curiously.

"About what you said yesterday..." I start, I see Arthur stiffen. He seems nervous. "Do you mean it? Do you think that magic can be good?"

Arthur stares into my eyes. He tries to read me, considering what I am getting at. He finally gives up and answers honestly, "I do. I think that magic isn't all evil. That there are people who will use magic for good and those that will use magic for evil."

I smile even brighter then before. "I believe that too. I think magic will open many doors for Camelot and that it should be allowed to be practised freely."

I see Arthur's eyes widen. He looks surprised at what I said but also suspicious. Almost as though he's not sure if he could trust me. I start to consider telling him the truth. To spill my secret to him. If Arthur knows then I wouldn't have to hide it from him anymore. I could show him I wasn't a bumbling idiot all the time.

I open my mouth to speak but stop myself just as quick. No, I can't do it. I won't do it. I won't force Arthur into a position where he has to choose between me and his father. I looked back down onto the floor. I fiddle around with the end of my shirt, not sure what to say.

"You mean it Merlin?"

I look back up at Arthur. I nod.

He hugs me. ARTHUR HUGS ME. His arms wrap tightly around me. His head resting in the crook of my neck.

I feel the blush creep up on my face as I stand still, dumbfounded.

I hear a soft whisper in my ear. "Thank you Merlin...thank you."

My face burns even brighter at that. I could feel the warmth from his arms spread through my body. I hesitantly reach my arms up and wrap them around him as well. I feel Arthur jolt faintly at the sudden touch but all he does is clutch me tighter.

We stand silently in the chambers. Not a sound interrupts our peaceful moment. I didn't know why but my heart flutters throughout the entire duration of our hug. When Arthur finally let go I find myself missing having him in my arms.

Arthur smiles happily at me as if a large weight was finally pulled off his shoulders. "You can have the rest of the day off."

My eyes brighten. "Really? You're not joking?"

"Of course not Merlin. I can be considerate sometimes as well."

"You considerate?" I chuckle playfully, "I much rather believe you were donkey then considerate."

"Hmm on second thought maybe you don't get the day off..."

My smile drops. Me and my stupid big mouth. "What?"

"I'm joking. Go before I change my mind."

We share a laugh and I leave the room. I make my way to Gaius's chambers, hoping that I could have a chance to rest before Gaius decides to work me to the bone.

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