Chapter 25 - Welcome Back

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Arthur's POV

I continue to stare at Merlin, dumbfounded. I don't know why I'm so surprised, of course he would find us. He's a sorcerer with incredible power. A tracking spell would be easy.

I harden my expression and stand to face him. I pull out my sword. Merlin stays where he is, not even bothering to move. He gives me another smile and whips out his hand, sending me flying backwards.

I crash into the brazier, tipping it over and causing all the, still flaming, wood to spill out. I quickly turn my head and mutter a spell, the flames quickly disappear. When I turn back to face Merlin I notice the other Knights seem to have finally shaken from their reverie. They begin to stalk towards Merlin, swords raised, not to hurt him but to defend themselves.

I manage to struggle to my feet before the Knights are all sent flying backwards by Merlin. They all land on opposite ends of the room. Elyan almost crashed into Gaius who is now madly scrambling to finish the poultice.

Merlin starts towards me, a grin on his face. He reaches out a hand towards me. "Come on, Arthur. Come with me and I won't hurt anyone else," he says soothingly.

I look down at his hand. I raise my own. I see his eyes grow wide as I reach for his hand only to mutter a quick spell to send him shooting out the door.

I wince slightly when I see his frail form lying on the shambled door. I feel guilty for hurting him. He's still Merlin. I have to save him and if this is the only way then I'll do it.

He sits up, rubbing his head. He glares at me, eyes filled with rage. Uh oh.

He rises to his feet. The smile has dropped from his face. He raises his hands. Red hot flames begin to emit from his palms. They burn fiercely.

I swallow the lump in my throat. Suddenly, he snuffs out the flames. He closes his fists tightly and takes in a deep breath. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Oops. Almost went too far there. That would have been bad," he says.

I glare at him. I lift up my hand again and start to chant a spell but Merlin beats me to it. He glances to one of the wooden planks on the grass and shoots it towards me. I quickly duck out of the way before it can hit me. I reach out my hand once more and chant faster, this time I succeed. I manage to toss him back once more, a little harder this time in hopes I could knock him unconscious.

Sadly, I'm not that lucky. Merlin struggles to his feet, a hand held to his head which is now bleeding slightly. I try not to look at the blood that drops down his face. I feel a pang of hurt in my heart knowing I had put it there.

"Arthur!" I hear Gaius shout. He quickly hobbles out of the hut and tosses the completed poultice towards me.

"Thank you Gaius!" I call back and turn to face Merlin once more.

My eyes widen. Merlin has a sword in his hand, a wide grin spreads across his face. He slowly lifts the sword up and places the blade against his neck. A light trail of scarlet runs down the metal.

"Arthur," Merlin coos, "be a good little king and come with me or..." He presses the sword a little deeper into his neck, "I'll kill myself."

I stay in place. My hands tremble at my side. Merlin...

The Knights are all standing now, none make a move.

Merlin's face turns into a slight pout, "Arthur, you better choose quickly," he says.

More blood begins to trickle down his neck. I scan our surroundings as quickly as possible. There must be some way I can stop him. Should I try to take the sword from his hand? No, he'll cut his own throat before I can reach it. Magic then? I sift through my mind for even the faintest trace of a spell that could help. I finally find one. It's one I have never used before. What better time then now to try it out.

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