Chapter 30 - The Return Of... Who?

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Scarlett's POV

"Who is it?" I ask curiously. My greatest enemy... I wonder who it is.

"Emrys," The Dochraid replies with disgust.

"Emrys..." I repeat the name, letting it hang in the air.

"Indeed. He is a nuisance. He killed Morgana Pendragon. Do not be fooled because he is a sorcerer. He is not a friend of the Old Religion."

"Where is he now? I'll kill him."

The Dochraid laughs. "You cannot kill him Scarlett. 'Emrys' means immortal. He will simply return again. Besides, you cannot find him. He currently resides at the bottom of the Lake of Avalon."

I raise an eyebrow quizzically. What sort of person lives in a lake? How do you even live in a lake?

"It is not what you think young sorceress. Emrys was killed by Morgana two years ago. His body was sent adrift on the Lake of Avalon."

Oh. That made more sense. "So he's being brought back."

"Yes. Even as we speak he is slowly awakening once more. We must prevent him from interfering."

My expression hardens. "How will we do that?"

An evil grin stretches across her face. "There is an old ritual. One that will serve its purpose just fine. It should buy you enough time to take over Camelot."

"Then let's get started." A wicked smile spreads across my face. It seems the tables have turned False Sorcerer. Camelot shall be mine.


Arthur's POV

I immediately sit bolt upright on the bed. That wasn't a good idea. My head starts to spin. The room appears to turn sideways before I fall back against the pillow. I let out a pained groan.

Where am I?

I glance around the room. It seems I'm still in my chambers. Someone must have carried me back onto the bed last night after I blacked out. What even happened?

I begin sifting through the foggy memories. I couldn't sleep last night, then my head felt like it was splitting open. I fell to the floor, everything calmed down and then...

I jump out of bed, ignoring the sudden wave of nausea that pulses through me. I stumble across the room to the door, only to be stopped by Gaius.

"Where do you think you're going sire!" He shouts.

"Merlin..." I manage to say as I grope for the door handle.

His eyes immediately turn sad at the mention of his old apprentice. I feel his arms begin to tug me gently back towards the bed. I can't seem to find the strength to fight back. "Merlin is dead sire," I hear him say solemnly, "he isn't here."

"No..." I croak out again, struggling to get to the door. "He's... he's back... he's back..."

Gaius pushes me back down on the bed. Sadness fills his eyes. "No sire. You must have been dreaming. You had quite the episode last night. I'll get you a sleeping draft."

Gaius turns to leave when I reach out and grasp his sleeve firmly. He turns back to look at me, an eyebrow raised.

"No... you don't understand... I heard... last night... voice... Emrys... return. Please... I need to... get to the lake," I say slowly. My mind is still swimming. My eyelids threaten to close.

Gaius just looks at me sadly. "Sire-"

"It wasn't... a dream Gaius! Merlin... is back! I need to..." I manage to bring my feet to the floor. I stand shakily and start to stumble to the door. Gaius tries to pull me back once again but I shove his hand away.

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