Epilogue - Forever

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A/N - So due to popular demand I decided to write an epilogue! I'm not sure if it'll answer all the questions but I hope it will suffice.

I am so sorry about how long this epilogue took! I ended up getting writers block part way through and didn't work on it for awhile but at least I finally got it done!


Merlin's POV

I wait outside the door to the throne room nervously. My hands fidgeting with the finery Gwen and my mother made sure I wore. It was a dark blue like the dusk sky with golden buttons that run down the centre. A slightly darker blue cape is draped over my shoulders. It almost reaches the ground which makes me afraid I'll trip on it as I walk down the aisle. My mother stands beside me, smoothing down parts of my clothes and trying to calm me with sweet words.

"Stop playing with your clothes Merlin," my mother chides, slapping my hand away.

"Sorry. I'm just... nervous," I tell her.

She smiles at me warmly. "There is no need to be. Be happy Merlin. You're getting married!"

"Yes, but what if I do something wrong? Like trip on my own feet or do something else to embarrass Arthur."

She purses her lips. "Stop thinking so much about it. Just relax."

I take a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. I try and think happy thoughts, such as times I spent with Arthur. I smile warmly at the memories, feeling my heart rate decrease. My shoulders relax.

"See? Better now?"

I nod, flashing her a grin. My mother returns the gesture. "Oh your father would be so proud!" She claps her hands in excitement.

"Proud that his son's marrying a Pendragon?"

"Oh he wouldn't care. He's never one to hold a grudge."

"Good to know I won't be disappointing him."

"I'm sure Gaius would be proud too."

I look down sadly at the mention of Gaius. I wish he were here to see this. "I know. I only wish he were here."

"I'm sure he's watching wherever he is."

I grin. "I'm sure he is too."

"Now let's go. You've kept your husband waiting long enough."

"He's not my husband yet," I say with a chuckle.

She gives me a sly smile and hooks her arm around my elbow. We push open the doors.

I gape in amazement at the room. Many people both friends and simple acquaintances are standing together on the sidelines, applauding and smiling as we enter. Bright flowers of all assortments of colours are lined up along the aisle. Lastly, a red carpet is laid out in front of us leading up to the two thrones that sit at the end of the room. A man stands with a red cushion in his hands, a bright gold crown sitting atop its plush surface. Arthur rests by his throne, dressed in his red cape and armour. He turns when he hears the door open. A large smile spreads across his face when our eyes meet across the room. His crown rests atop his golden locks. The shimmering gold is nothing compared to his smile.

I smile back and walk down the aisle, my mother strolling along beside me. We slowly make our way down the centre of the room. A musician plays a soothing melody off to the side. I can't help but search for the faces of my friends in the crowd. I see Gwen first, standing next to the maids. She looks. About ready to cry as she claps with joy. Next there's Mordred and a few of the Druids. Mordred had grown quite a bit since I last saw him. Then there's Lancelot, Gwaine, Percival, Travis, Elyan, and Leon, all wearing the armour of the Knights of Camelot. They smile brightly at me as I pass.

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