Chapter 11 - The Beginning of War

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Arthur's POV

My father paces back and forth around his throne in the council chambers. His hands are placed at his hips while his face is scrunched up, deep in thought.

I stand nervously in front of him. I bite my bottom lip and glance to Merlin for reassurance. He gives me a small smile and instantly I feel my muscles loosen.

I wait calmly for his response at the news I had delivered. The Knights, Merlin, and I had gone on another search for Morgana, and once again we found nothing. I have long lost count the amount of times we have sent out a search party.

"You're informing me...that, again, you have found nothing? It has been a year since she disappeared and you still have no leads on her whereabouts!?" My father yells, swiping all the maps and documents off the large table.

My father breathes heavily through his nostrils as he begins to pace once again. The floor of the council chambers now a mess. I start to get nervous again.

My father has been getting angry a lot more often since Morgana disappeared. No one knows where she went. She was here one hour and the next she was gone. Of course, my father suspects sorcery. I must admit I do as well. There was no way Morgana could have disappeared so suddenly without a single trace.

I clench my fists at the thought. First sorcery hurts my mother, my Merlin, and now one of my closest friends. I won't let magic hurt anyone anymore. I will find Morgana.

My father finally stops pacing. He turns around and sighs. "You are dismissed Arthur."

I bow and turn to leave the room. I gesture to Merlin, he follows after me. We make it to my chambers and immediately I collapse onto the bed. I groan out loud and kick my boots off onto the floor.

I see Merlin roll his eyes at me and bend down to pick them up. "Arthur, I know you're busy and all but can you please at least try and put your clothes away properly?" He asks me, though it's more like a demand.

"Who's the prince and who's the servant here Merlin?" I grin at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry my lord. Should I tuck you into bed and sing you a lullaby as well? After all I am your servant."

My grin turns into a frown at the comment. I see Merlin chuckle as he places my boots by my bed side. When he's close enough, I grab him and yank him onto the bed. I hear him make a small squeal in surprise as I wrap an arm around his neck and snuggle him like a pillow. I breathe in his fresh scent and hold him even tighter then before. I see the tips of his adorable ears turn a shade of pink as I kiss the back of his neck.

"Good night Merlin." I call, blowing out the candles.


Morgana's POV

"Are you ready sister?" Morgause asks, a smirk present on her face.

I gaze at the massive army that stands before me. They were all under our command and best of all, they are all immortal. My sister holds the Cup of Life in her hands which is the leash to all these men. They are bound to do her bidding.

I turn around to look at the lifeless Cenred lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. I smile.

"I'm ready. Not even Camelot can withstand an attack like this." I answer proudly, my chin held high.

"Then we march for our destination. Tonight."


Merlin's POV

I slowly untangle myself from Arthur's arms. Immediately I'm hit with a blast of cold air. I shiver at the sudden change, I already miss Arthur's warmth.

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