Chapter 27 - A Broken Heart

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Arthur's POV

Am I dead? Why don't I feel anything? I slowly open my eyes, standing before me with Excalibur in his side, is Merlin. I see Merlin cough up blood. Morgana pulling the sword out of his side. I hear him muffle a groan and crumble to his knees. He braces himself with one hand. I can tell he's breathing heavily. His chest rises and falls at a frightening pace.

I don't hear anything that goes on. I know Merlin and Morgana are talking but about what I don't know. All I register in my ears is the loud roaring of blood rushing through my veins. I feel the rage pump through me like a poison. Slowly, but steadily, replacing the blood with more and more of its poisonous toxins. My breathing turns quick. My fists clench tightly. If they were not covered by my gloves I'm sure they would look pure white.


The single word echoes across the room. It rings in my eardrums, removing me from my trance. I look up in time to see Morgana raise Excalibur above her head, ready to strike down on Merlin. I won't let her.

The next thing I know I'm chanting a spell. I feel my lips move, forming words of the Old Religion. My mind doesn't register what I'm doing till the loud crackle of thunder booms overhead.

Morgana freezes. She looks towards the windows in time to see them all shatter at once, causing a storm of glass to blow through the great hall. The shards all clatter to the floor. The normally wooden floorboards are now coated with a sheen of glass.

Morgana turns towards me. Her eyes wide. I glare back, the anger now filled to the brim. I raise my hand towards her. I begin to chant.

My magic flows upwards. I feel it leave my body and begin to take shape, forming the weapon I desire. I look up as the bolt of lighting shoots through the ceiling of the throne room, heading straight for Morgana. Wood and stone tumble down around us. I hear a couple of loud thumps behind me, like bodies hitting the floor. I turn to look. The Knights all lay terrified on the floor at the scene that unfolds before them. I turn back around.

Morgana lay in the middle of all the rubble. Her wavy black locks stand at odd angles. Parts of her dress are charred to bits. I see burns runs down her body in the shape of a lighting strike. She's still breathing, albeit raggedly but still very much alive.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a black serpent on the floor beside Morgana. It had multiple heads and it looked charred. It seems Morgana had carried the Fomorroh with her. The lightening must have burnt it.

I walk past Merlin who is now barely conscious on the ground. I climb over the fallen wood and stand before her crippled form. She looks at me and grins.

"Aw, angry I hurt your little pet!" She spits, venom clear in her words.

I stay silent. My eyes are rimmed with red from anger. I notice Excalibur a short distance away. It must have skittered from her grasp when the lightening struck her. My eyes glow gold. The sword flies back towards my outstretched hand. I grasp it firmly. My gaze never leaving Morgana.

I walk up even closer until I'm towering over her.

"You can't kill me with that," she sneers.

"I won't know until I try," I say through gritted teeth.

I bring the sword downwards with all my might. The blade cuts through her chest, heading straight for her heart. Excalibur jerks in my hand when it strikes the wooden floor.

Morgana's eyes widen. Fear finally seems to creep into her system. She looks at the blade that protrudes from her chest and lets out a strangled gasp. Her breath hitches in her throat. She reaches up in a pitiful attempt to extract the blade. I watch in content as her breathing stops. Her hands go limp, dropping down to her sides. I look up. Odin's men have all run off.

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