Chapter 29 - The False Sorcerer

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Arthur's POV

I dash under a ridge, pinning myself underneath just as a large fireball whizzes past. I hiss in pain as my shoulder connects with the rock behind me. I glance at the wound. It's oozing red now.

I look up to see the sorceress who attacked me stand a little ways away. Her flaming red hair whips around in the wind, while her sea green eyes stare daggers through my chest. A sword is strapped to her belt which holds together the chainmail she wears over her chest. Elegant furs from various animals decorate her shoulders. A few other men appear behind her. From what I can see, they're all sorcerers. Great.

She sneers at me. "No where left to run now, Arthur Pendragon."

I glance around at my surroundings. She's right. I'm boxed in by the ridge. I can't take on this many sorcerers alone, even with magic. My hand moves down to the sword at my waist. This is not going to be a pleasant fight.

I glare at her. She smiles brightly at my dilemma. Her hand steadily rises upwards, pointing towards me. Her mouth opens, about to chant a spell when I hear Percival's voice.

"Sire!" He cries.

The sorceress whips her head in the direction of the voice just in time to see a sparking pouch land by her feet. I cover my eyes as the pouch explodes, causing dust to spray everywhere.

I take my chance and sprint away from my hiding spot. She growls at me in frustration. "Arthur Pendragon!" I hear her voice boom over the forest. I see them start to give chase behind me. I whip around and chant a quick spell. Fire leaps to life, causing a divide to form between me and the sorcerers.

The sorceress yells in anger. I give her a small smile before dashing off towards Percival who is standing by his horse with a few of the other Knights on patrol.

"Run," I tell them, gesturing towards Camelot. They all nod. I quickly jump onto a horse with another knight and ride off towards Camelot.


When we arrive at the gates I see Guinevere, Gaius, along with the other Knights of the Round Table rush out of the palace in a frenzy.

"What happened?" Lancelot asks, he glances towards the wound on shoulder.

"Group of sorcerers attacked me on my way back from the Lake of Avalon," I say, wincing slightly as I dismount the horse.

"Let's get you back to my chambers. I'll examine your wound there," Gaius says, gesturing for me to follow.

I nod and follow behind him. The Knights look at me with worry before returning to their daily duties.

I enter Gaius's chambers and slump down on the patients bed. The physician heads over to his cupboard and begins to grab supplies. I strip off my chainmail and tunic for him to better treat my shoulder. He sits on a stool beside me once he returns.

"How did you get this?" He asks, examining the wound.

"Arrow," I answer simply.

"Well, your lucky it wasn't poisoned."


The room returns to silence. Gaius works quietly, cleaning and bandaging the wound. My eyes drift around the chamber. My gaze saddens when it lands on the wooden door that use to lead to Merlin's room.

Merlin... I miss him more then anything. I would trade everything in the kingdom just to be able to see his smile again, to hear his voice, or to listen to him laugh.

"What's in there now?" I ask Gaius.

He cocks an eyebrow up at me before following my stare. I could practically see his heart drop.

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