Chapter 18 - Trust

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A/N - Lancelot is alive by the way. Let's just say someone else took his place or something. Sorry, I just want him to live!😅


Arthur's POV

I pace around the chamber as Gaius examines my father. Merlin stands on the other end of the bed, whispering to Gaius about possible remedies. I couldn't hear a word they said. I wasn't paying attention. The only thought that revolves in my mind is if my father will be alright. He saved me from an assassin on the night of my birthday. If only I had been a little quicker...

"Arthur," I hear Merlin call.

I whip my head around and stride over to my father's bedside in a hurry.

"Is he going to be alright?" I ask frantic.

Gaius shakes his head, "there is nothing I can do Sire. The blade has touched his heart."

I stare back in stunned silence. I grip my fathers hand, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. There must be something that can be done. I'm willing to do anything to save my father.


"What is it Sire?" Gaius turns back to look at me, he's already packing up his supplies.

"What if... what if you used that spell again? The one you used to save Merlin."

Gaius sighs in disappointment, "I would if I could but alas I do not have the strength anymore to heal such a wound. I nearly collapsed last time I attempted the spell, and the Kings wounds are far worse then Merlin's to mend. I'm afraid you'll need a much more powerful sorcerer."

"Do you know of any other sorcerers Gaius? One powerful enough to preform the spell and one that we can trust."

"I do Sire," I catch Gaius glance quickly towards Merlin before bringing his attention back to me. Why did he look at Merlin? "Though I will need to ask."

"Is he trustworthy?"

"You need not worry about that. He is someone whom you can trust."

I nod, "then send for him. Tell him to meet me on the outskirts of Camelot by nightfall."

"Of course Sire." Gaius bows, grabs his medicine bag and heads out the room followed by Merlin.

I sigh and pull a chair up beside my father.


Merlin's POV

"You are not serious," I say angrily as Gaius and I enter the physicians chambers.

"Merlin, you are the only one that can save Uther," Gaius exclaims.

"I understand, and I'm not saying I won't save Uther, but there is one problem. How am I supposed to heal him without Arthur figuring out I have magic."

"You think I haven't thought of that Merlin?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I shrug.

Gaius sighs and heads over to the shelf. I watch curiously as he shuffles through its contents. He brings out a small bottle of light blue liquid. I recognize it instantly, it's the potion I use to turn back to my younger self when I become 'Dragoon'.

"You are not serious," I exclaim in annoyance while pointing at the bottle.

"Do you have a better idea?"

I let out a deep sigh and grab the bottle from Gaius. "What's the spell?"

Gaius walks over to his desk and flips open one of the various spell books on the table. He points to the spell.

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