Chapter 8 - I Hurt Him...

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Merlin's POV

I struggle to catch up with Arthur. He gallops through the forest on his horse at full speed. Rage flares in his eyes as he barrels through the forest back towards Camelot.

We had just met with Morgause, a sorceress who told Arthur the truth about his birth. Arthur was born using magic. He was no doubt, furious now, angry that his father lied to him for so long.

I spur my horse on faster in an attempt to speak to him. When I get close enough I call out to him, "Arthur!"

He ignores me. His eyes stay locked firmly on the path ahead. I call a little louder this time, "ARTHUR!"

He finally hears me and turns to look at me. "What?" He sneers.

"Arthur you need to calm down. I know you must be angry but you can't let it take over. That's what Morgause wants."

"Merlin. Do me a favour and shut up."

I look back in shock. He speeds up and leaves me behind in the forest.

I had never heard him use that tone before. I can tell he must have been really upset.

I click my tongue to get my horse to ride faster. I didn't know what Arthur's going to do but whatever it is, it can't be good. I have to stop him.


Arthur's POV

I burst through the doors of the council chambers. My father looks up at me in annoyance. I had interrupted him mid-sentence while he was explaining the new placement of scouts along Camelot borders.

"Arthur, I am currently busy at the moment could you speak to me a little later." I hear him say rather unhappily.

"No. We talk now." I shout, glaring coldly at the council members who were now all frozen in shock at my sudden outburst.

My father sighs and places his hands on his hips. "Well? What is it?"

"I want to talk," I glare at the council members, "alone."

My father shakes his head in disappointment and orders everyone to leave. They exit the chambers nervously. The large double doors slam shut behind them.

I storm towards my father. My vision now blinded by rage. I stand before him, fury building inside me.

"You..." I start, "you killed my mother."

"Arthur? What is the matter with you?" My father asks.

"You. Killed. My. Mother."

My father finally realizes what I am saying and his expression hardens. "You went to see Morgause didn't you? She's lying. I told you not to go!"

"Why? Because you wanted to hide this from me?!"

"No I-"

"Why then? To hide the fact that you're a hypocrite and a liar?! That you kill and blame sorcerers for an incident that you, yourself, had caused?"

"You will hold your tongu-"

I draw my sword, and throw my gauntlet on the ground in front of him.

"Pick it up." I say, my voice as cold as ice. It's hard to keep from shouting.

"Arthur, I won't fight you."


"No. You won't hurt your father would you Arthur?"

"I no longer see you as my father."

I lift up my sword and charge.


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