Chapter 34 - Nightmare

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A/N - Warning: Semi-graphic violence/gore

Just want to warn people in case they do not wish to read it. Even though it's not extremely graphic I don't want anyone getting uncomfortable. >.< It gets kinda dark.


Scarlett's POV

I stumble through the forest. I almost trip on a root as I slowly make my way towards the Dochraid's cave. The large tree begins to appear through the mist. I can see the long, crooked branches reaching out from the shadows as I approach.

I wince slightly. I look down at the wound on my leg. Warm blood drips down from the open flesh, coating the cloth of my trousers.

I'm about to take another step when I collapse. I let out a groan. My head spins. My vision begins to blur. No... I am not dying here from a leg wound! I try my best to crawl towards the cave, black spots begin to dance across my vision. I curse under my breath before I feel my eyes getting heavy. They finally close.



My eyes slowly flutter open. I scan the room around me. I recognize the place immediately. It's my chambers in my parents home.

Not this again.

I'm lying on the hard bed, face staring up at the wooden ceiling. I crawl out of bed slowly. The moment my feet hits the floor a shiver of cold runs through me. I look down and realize how small my body looks. I lift my hands to my face and see small, pudgy fingers. I find a mirror and examine my face. I look like a child. Perhaps four summers.

I place the mirror back on the wardrobe.

"Mama? Papa?" I spoke without wanting to.

A loud scream suddenly pierces through the still night. It was high pitched, a women's voice. I quickly run to the door. I throw it open and hurry down the hall towards the source of the noise. I stop outside my parents chamber door.

I hesitantly lift up a hand towards the handle, standing on my tiptoes. I'm about to grasp the handle when a hand reaches out to stop mine. I whip my head around and see my older brother, Daniel, standing behind me. A sad expression on his face.

"Don't..." he whispers.

I stare at him confused. "But mama's inside. I heard a strange noise and I want to know if she's alright."

"Don't open that door Scarlett. Turn around and go back to bed."

"You can't stop me!" I huff, "I will save all of you this time!"

"You can't." Daniel looks at me sadly before shimmering away.

I turn and open the door. I walk through. My parents chambers isn't on the other side. Instead, I see a raised wooden platform in a courtyard. A stone pedestal coated with red is situated in the centre. Four figures stand waiting. Three I recognized, their hands are tied behind their back. The last had a hood pulled over his head and a large axe in one hand.

I stand in the middle of the crowd of people, all chanting for the death of the individuals.

I look up to the large palace behind the platform. A man stands on the balcony, overlooking the event. A crown sits atop his head, a bright red cape with a golden dragon crest rests around his shoulders. He raises a hand, indicating to the executioner to begin.

"Mama! Papa! Daniel!" I shout but it's drowned out by the loud jeers from the crowd.

I see the executioner grab my father's shirt collar. He pulls him to the pedestal, forcing his neck down on the stone. I see my mother attempt to cover her eyes as the executioner raises his axe and brings it down on my father neck.

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