This Is the Part Where You Run (Part 1)

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(Voiceover between Hope, Faith and Grace) When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain, good and evil, a savior and a lost cause. But what if the only real difference is just who's telling the story? My name is Hope Mikaelson. I'm Faith Mikaelson. And I'm Grace Mikaelson. And we come from a long line of the villains in the tales you've heard about vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in between. The school behind these gates protects the secrets of people like me. And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new. 

"One of those three is who I am pregnant with in our time line," Hayley says to Klaus.  "What about the other two?" Kol and Rebekah mutter back.  

Outside a church

"Rafael, seriously, it's not right," a boy with curly black hair says to his friend. "It is what it is, Landon," Rafael reassures Landon. "You're not Catholic. You shouldn't have to confess your sins," Landon protests confused as to why his foster brother is accepting this.  "I tossed a lawnmower through the patio doors, bruh. If apologizing to God gets Hector and Maria off of my back, so be it," Rafael says ending the argument. 

"He is a strong werewolf," Klaus says. "What makes you think he is a werewolf," Elena asks. "Well let's see darling, it's a full moon, witches don't throw lawn mowers," Kol says harshly. Elena tears up at the tone Kol uses and Rebekah rolls her eyes. "God, do you need everything explained to you," Faith and Grace mutter. Rebekah feels proud of the girl with pink highlights. 

"Buenas tardes, Father Pietro," Rafael greets politely. "Buenas tardes, Rafael. Por favor, pray with me. Landon, you can leave now. It's okay, we can take it from here," Father says to the boys. "I'm good, Hector," Landon argues wanting to stay with his friend. "Landon, this is between your foster brother and God, okay?" Father says gently. "Hey, I got it, bro. Just wait outside," Rafael reassures. Landon sighs but does leave "...Spiritus Sanctus. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst..." the exorcists start.  "What's going on here? What? What are you doing?!" Rafael starts questioning getting concerned with the situation. 

"I hate Catholics," Rebekah mutters, her brothers roll their eyes but begrudgingly agree. "Why aren't they helping him? He is obviously confused," Elena questions. "Because, they don't know about the supernatural," Rebekah snarks. Grace turns to Stefan and Damon and then back to Elena, "You fell for her," she asks. Rebekah smirks liking the girl's attitude. 

 All of the sudden a set of tires screech and when Landon looks up there is a jeep and a motorcycle in front of the church. A girl gets off of the motorcycle and two other girls and a man get out of the car. Without realizing Landon is there the girls start bickering lightly. "Your dad is insane for letting you get a motorcycle," the girl with auburn hair tells the dark haired girl. The girl with pink highlights nods agreeing. "No, Hope, my father is insane for not telling my mother he got me a motorcycle," the girl with dark hair says smirking. "Wait, Grace, Uncle Kol did not tell Aunt Davina that he got you a motorcycle?!" the girl with pink highlights exclaims. Grace shrugs with a smirk.

The Mikaelson's look to Kol at the news that he is a father. Marcel looks at Davina at the news that she is with Kol and has a daughter with him.  Kol and the Mikaelsons look to the girls, Grace smirks and looks back at the family. "Thanks for the bike," she sasses. "Clearly the future version of you has a death wish," Davina says. "There is no way that I'd let you date Kol Mikaelson," Marcel says. Three out of the five girls turn around, "Hate to break it to you, but you clearly don't control the future," they say simultaneously. 

 "Landon," Hope whispers. Grace and the girl with pink highlights turn. "Hope, Faith, Grace?" Landon says looking at the girl as he says their name. "Awww, the boyfriend," Grace teases. "Shut up, Grace," Hope and Faith says at the same time. "You know each other?" the man asks. "Long story," Hope says quickly. The group hears Rafael yell and glass shatter, "Dr. Saltzman," Faith says concerned. "Yeah, I'm on it. Doors are locked," Dr. Saltzman says turning to the girls. 

"Ric?" Damon asks the man. "No, I don't know who that is," Alaric defends. "Clearly because they you know look like you," Caroline mutters. "It's you," Hope mutters, glaring at Grace for the comment she said. 

 "Dissera Portus!" Hope yells. "My oh my, Alaric why don't you let the kids do the work,"  Grace sasses.  "You're gonna want to stay out here, Landon, trust me," Faith says gently. With the doors open the small group can hear yelling in pain, speaking in Latin, cracking and coughing more clearly. The girls walk into the church with Dr. Saltzman, "Shut down the exorcist, would you?" Dr. Saltzman asks. "Silencio," Grace says. Muffled gasps are the response by the exorcists. Rafael screams, "Ad somnum," Faith calls and the exorcists fall into a spell induced sleep. "Help me..." Rafael mutters, "What's happening?" There is a series of cracking, "My God," Rafael mutters before being overcome by pain. "Easy does it. Easy, now," Alaric says soothingly.  Rafael continues yelling as he finishes his first transition. 

Tyler, Klaus and Hayley are sitting in silence knowing what that first transition is the worst especially if you don't know what's going on. 

After Rafael returns to his human form they get him to the car and start heading back to the school with Grace following.  "How do you know each other?" Alaric asks Landon and the Mikaelsons.  "He used to serve us milkshakes at the Mystic Grill," Hope says. "Peanut Butter Blast with whipped cream on the bottom for Hope. Then Faith got Mint Chocolate Chip with crushed mint leaves. Grace would get red velvet with crumbled cake on top.  We danced once," Landon says.  "We tried," Hope mutters. Faith snorts and Grace's voice comes through the phone. "How long would it take someone to get from New Orleans to Mystic Falls?"  Grace and Faith start laughing hysterically. "I wonder how long it would take if that someone  was the Original hybrid," Faith adds. "Shut up, both of you," Hope says. 

The Mikaelsons raise their eyebrows. Klaus and Hayley look to Hope and she nods slightly. Faith and Grace smirk, "Niklaus, how do you feel about the mop headed boy liking Hope?" Grace teases. He glares at her.

"And then you moved away," Hope says with hurt in her voice.  "Then you made a door blow off its hinges with your brain and your cousins made an exorcist turn mute. Do you feel like explaining that?" Landon argues. "Oh, we'll explain everything. We're almost there," Faith says vaguely. "Where are we going?" Landon asks. "Somewhere safe," Alaric says. 

"Oh, yeah completely safe," Grace mutters. 


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