There's A World Where Dreams Come True (Part 3)

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The twins and Finn follow the replicas and Alaric through the door of a bar. "Hope, did you hear that," Faith says. The two give each other a look, and Hope sighs. "Grace, come out," Faith says. "This is no time for games," Hope adds. "Come, come, cousin, there is always time for games," Grace says, coming into the room.

The Mikaelsons turn to Kol, "I am very proud," he says. Grace smirks, "You're enjoying this," Lizzie says. Grace nods, "Yes, I am," Grace says.

"Gross," Lizzie's replica says. "Now, who the hell are you?" Hope says. "Uh-uh," Alaric starts. "My name is Hope," Hope says. "I'm Faith," Faith introduces. "And I'm Grace," Grace growls. "And you need to leave unless you want to be dessert," Hope threatens. "Wait. You are Mikaelsons? I knew your parents," Alaric says. "You knew Niklaus and did not get killed," Grace asks. "Wait, you're Alaric, my mom killed you," Faith says. "Then how is he standing in front of us," Grace asks. "Because the little gang he was a part of could not listen to a thousand year old vampire," Faith says. Grace's eyes darken, "So you must be the paternal figure of Elena, tell me where she is," Grace asks. "Why do you want to know," Alaric asks. "Because I want to ask her, how it feels to burn alive, as I burn her alive," Grace says with a smirk.

Kol smirks, and starts laughing, "I am starting to see the resemblance," he says. Rebekah gives him a look, Elena shutters at how cold the dark haired Mikaelson sounded when she was threatening.

"I know where all this darkness you're feeling comes from," Alaric says. "If you just talk to me, I...really think I could help," Alaric says. "Girls, making a mess again," a different voice says from the opposite direction. Grace groans, "Elijah," she says. "You followed my father around for a thousand years, I think you got pretty good at cleaning up messes," Hope sasses. Faith laughs, "This is how we feel about your little offer," Grace says. Then all three girls throw stakes at Elijah, pining him to the wall. Hope and Faith leave the bar in the blink of an eye, "I'd get out of here, he's not exactly a morning person," Grace says leaving the bar as well.

"Not a morning person meaning," Elijah trails off, hoping for an explanation. "When you wake up from being staked you are not the nicest person in the world," Hope explains.

The girls head farther down the hallway and find a door labeled '1914', Grace smiles and reaches up to her necklace that looks like a dagger only its gold, with her free hand she twists the nob and enters the room.

"What's your necklace," Kol asks, realizing that the three of them each had necklaces that they always wore. "We each have a necklace with the Mikaelson 'M' on it," Faith says. "But then we also have necklaces personalized to us," Hope adds. Grace nods to Hope to start explaining her necklaces. "After I broke my curse, you gave me a necklace from the Crescent pack," Hope tells Hayley. She turns to her Klaus, "And then you gave me a necklace with a starling on it, because you used to have a similar necklace," Hope explains. "My second necklace is from the two of you," Faith starts. "It's a heart inscribed with 'If you say yes'," Faith says. "Which is how you proposed when you found out the Rebekah was pregnant," Grace adds. "My necklace looks like a dagger, except it's gold instead of silver and it has a small diamond on the top," Grace says turning to her parents. Klaus glares at Kol, while he tries to stop himself from laughing.

They enter a room filled with music, and they see Kol dancing with a blonde witch. "Mary-Alice Claire," Grace whispers. "Elijah may fall in love with the face but your dad fell for the last name," Faith teases. "What are they doing," Hope asks. "Trying to make a dagger gold," Grace says approaching the witch who is working at the table. "But it's not going to work until your mom enters the picture," Hope says. "I know, but isn't it cool," Grace whispers. "They are going to need a bigger diamond," Grace says. "The paragon diamond, at the Fauline house," Grace adds. "What are you talking about," Faith says. "I remember hearing about this," Grace says.

"I told you about this," Kol asks. Grace nods, "When you mentioned, studying magic for a thousand years you told me about this," Grace says. "The gold dagger," Klaus says. The three Mikaelson girls nod, "It works, and was destroyed along with the other daggers," Hope says. "What happened to the other daggers," Klaus asks. "You pissed off Grace and I," Faith deadpans.

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