I'll Tell You A Story (Part 6)

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"There's really only one thing you have to decide. Will you help me?" Clarke asks his younger brother. "Help release Malivore and destroy the world?" Landon asks sarcastically. "He's been alive for centuries. Was the world destroyed? Or was it balanced and safer without all these creatures running around? Ask yourself... who's the real bad guy here? Our father was designed for a purpose. It's his programming. He can't control that. But all the monsters he swallowed are still alive inside of him. Did your friends keep any of them alive? Or did they just kill every creature they couldn't control? Malivore can't hurt witches, werewolves, or vampires, remember? Your friends at the school... They aren't in any danger from him. But they are in danger from Triad," Clarke warns trying to get his brother to think. "You know what goes on in this building? What kind of secret experiments they run in their mad scientist labs? They're finding a way to turn the pit into a weapon. They're chemically altering it so it can be used against the protected species. Ending supernaturals once and for all. You want to save your friends? You have to stop Triad. Landon, no matter what they say at that school...you're not one of them. And you know that, too, don't you? I'm offering you a family who actually wants you. We can raise our father. And we can destroy Triad," Clarke says. "What's it gonna be?" he asks. Landon turns to the pictures, "This one," he says pointing to it.

"Nothing like some good old fashioned mental manipulation," Klaus says.  

Mrs. Greasley comes down to the pit to find the ropes around Landon's wrists untied and is followed by one of her men. "It was the only thing in his desk. He's one of them," the man says handing her a photo. "Security found an old pipe that they must've escaped through. There's no record of it on any ground plans. They lost their trail, but...they did find this," the man adds. "I know where they're going. Prep your team," Mrs. Greasley says. 

"They are headed for the school," Bonnie says. "And they are about to make an enemy out of some very dangerous people," Faith says. 

"You know, in the beginning, there was balance. You know, when Caroline and I opened the school, it made sense. Then it was...it was just me, and...and I-I...I thought I was strong enough to manage it alone. But I just...made so many mistakes. I thought if I just kept moving, I could outrun them, you know?" Alaric says. "But they caught up to me. I guess what I'm trying to say...is, I need your help. You know, this school is bigger than you and me. And these kids...They need leaders who can admit their mistakes. And so I am here to say I'm sorry. I am sorry I kissed Emma. And I'm sorry I didn't talk to you sooner about it," Alaric says to Dorian. 

"Apology is the first step to restart one's friendship," Damon says looking at Stefan.

"You know, for a long time, I thought that I was only at school because of what happened to my family. So that we could keep supernaturals from growing up to be killers," Dorian says. "They deserve a chance at a normal life as much as anyone else. The school is their best shot," Dorian admits.  "But I will need another raise," Dorian teases. 

The three Mikaelson girls are preparing to leave, packing any weapons they may need. Weapons that are adjusted to them, Grace grabs an aluminum baseball bat. Faith zips up her stiletto boots. Hope sheathing two long knives.  "I'm coming," Raf says walking into the room. "Hello to you, too, uh, and, no, you're not," Hope says. "Look, last time you did this without me, it was a disaster," Raf says. "Except I'm not gonna go alone this time," Hope says. "The twins, MG, and Kaleb are all preparing to leave as well," Grace says. "We're going before Dr. Saltzman comes back," Faith adds. "It'll be like a Super Squad Assemble," Lizzie and Josie say appearing in the doorway. "Is that a thing?" Raf asks. "According to MG," Grace says.

"Are you used to aluminum," Kol asks. "Well, at least it won't break," Grace says.

"Raf, Dr. Saltzman told us about the side effects," Faith says. "How do you feel now?" Hope asks. Raf scoffs, "Like my brain's split down the middle. I keep having these flashes like I can't control myself, and..." Raf says. "That's why you're not coming on the mission," Faith says. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Hope asks. "You know why," Raf says. "Raf..." Hope says. "I don't know how to be around you, Hope. I don't want to feel this way, so I push it down, and that just makes the split in my brain worse, which makes it harder to hide. And the only person that I want to talk about it with is the only person I can't, Raf says. "Raf... you're a good brother. But for once, you need to put yourself first," Faith says. "Do what you need to get better," the two say in unison. Grace turns back to the girls, "If things get really bad...use this," Grace says, showing him a ring. "It's a long story, but, um, it was a gift from a family friend," Grace says. "You stole it from my dad," Hope says. "But it's essentially like a reverse kyanite ring. When you use it, you can turn yourself at will. In your wolf mind, things are less complicated. You know that. It'll buy you time to heal. Only catch is, um, you can't turn yourself back, so, if you do use it, all you have to do is come find one of us when you're ready to be yourself again," Faith explains. "Any by one of us, she means the twins or a Mikaelson," Grace adds. "We would just siphon the magic," Lizzie asks, the three Mikaelsons nod. "I am really glad I know you...Hope Mikaelson," Raf continues. "Now, go. Go save our boy. And don't let anything stop you," Raf finishes.

"Ouch," Kol says. "What?" Faith asks. "He does realize that the two of you were in the room," Kol says. "Yeah, but he has a crush on Hope," Finn says. "And if he had a crush on Grace, he'd be killed," Henrik says. "By who," Elena asks. "Grace," Henrik says. 

What the Mikaelson girls and the twins do not notice are the Triad men storming their way onto to campus with crossbows, trucks and all manner of supernatural killing weapons. 

The Mikaelson parents growl collectively. Caroline is growling along with them not happy.

 Caroline is growling along with them not happy

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So, I had a very stupid moment this week. I have been binge watching NCIS, and I was watching Season 8, Episode 4 Royals and Loyals. The team ets help from someone in the British Royal Navy, and I could not figure out why he looked so familiar.

 The team ets help from someone in the British Royal Navy, and I could not figure out why he looked so familiar

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Comment here if you want Grace's full list.


Well, happy holidays everyone. Whatever you celebrate around this time of year, I hope you have a wonderful time.

Last update next week right before the new year. 

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