Maybe I Should Start From The End (Part 2)

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"I didn't know it yet, but Landon was in Kansas looking for his mom. He had no idea what he was walking into," Hope tells Alaric. "And we should have let him continue," Grace mutters. "Grace," Faith warns.

"You really don't like him, do you," Davina asks. "He should have told the truth from the beginning," Grace says.

"You must have a serious caffeine addiction. You've been here every day this week," Seylah deadpans. "I just like coffee. I should get the next one to go," Landon says. "Hey, I'm not complaining. Just a little worried about you," Seylah says. "You've been my best customer this week, and I-I don't even know your name," Seylah says. "Landon," Landon says. "That's a beautiful one," Seylah compliments. "Thanks. I'm, uh... pretty sure you gave it to me," Landon says.

"Yeah, cause that's something I would want to hear," Damon says. "Super subtle," Kol says.

"Indiana. Crossroads of America. What's the capital?" Alaric asks. "We learned that in, like, eighth grade," Hope deadpans. "Oh, good, then you should know it," Alaric says. "We didn't say we absorbed the information," Grace says annoyed. "Yeah, well, you're not saying much of anything. Look, if you can't handle grade school geography... you're gonna flunk all your exams," Alaric says.

"You're going to test them on the capital of Indiana," Elijah asks. "He's trying to prove that we don't know what we are talking about," Hope says.

"Are Lizzie and Josie studying? Maybe you should focus on them," Faith says. "Yeah, well, they're still in Europe with Caroline, thank God," Alaric mutters. "Religion has no place in the classroom, Dr. Saltzman. The Supreme Court made sure of that with its ruling on Engel v. Vitale," Hope says glaring at Dr. Saltzman. "And Indianapolis is the capital of Indiana," Grace adds. "We're getting an "A's" in geography," Faith says. "Take the next left. He's on the move," Hope says. "All right. Indiana is surrounded by what four states?" Alaric asks. "We thought we just established that we are dominating geography," Grace deadpans. "Fine. Then let's move on to science," Alaric concedes. Grace creates a magical glowing ball, and then starts throwing it in the air and catching it.

"You seem bored," Kol notices. "Yeah well, our family members are a thousand years old," Grace says. "And we were taught this kind of thing at age four," Faith adds. "And he is thinking that we don't know what we are talking about," Hope finishes.

"Hello," Landon calls looking around. "Don't touch that," Seylah says. "Cool. Um, it's just that I've told you my whole life story, but I don't know anything about you. And, like, all this stuff makes it seem like you've had a really interesting life, and... Is this an actual samurai sword?" Landon says, reaching out to grab something. "Don't touch that, either," Seylah says. "I'm sorry," Landon apologizes. "I'm just not used to having people around," Landon says. "You don't have to apologize. This is, this is weird for me, too," Seylah says smiling. Landon chuckles, "Well, in times of emotional distress, I find that dessert really helps, don't you?" Seylah says. "Not exactly an expert on the subject," Landon says. "Yes, you are. I'm sorry your life has been so hard, Landon, I really am," Seylah says. "I was talking about dessert," Landon deadpans. "And I thought I was putting a positive spin on all the rest. I shudder to think that's true," Seylah says. "Um, well, then I'm sorry, too. I know this is a lot to put on you, with me just showing up like this," Landon says. "Is he okay?" Landon asks noticing the dog. "She," Seylah says. "Oh...You didn't feed her from the table, did you?" Seylah asks. "Just a little, but I've-I've never had a dog. I had no idea that this would happen," Landon says apologetically. "Relax. She'll be fine. The drugs will wear off soon," Seylah says. "What drugs?" Landon asks.

"This makes Esther seem like a saint," Damon says. "Oh yeah, because trying to drug her son and kill all her children are totally on the same level," Klaus says.

"Four and a half hours is a long time to spend on the road," Hope says. "And feels even longer when you're being car-schooled," Grace groans. "Is this the place?" Alaric asks. "Yup. And not a moment too soon. Pretty sure you were about to tell us how babies are made," Faith says. "Hey, before we go in there, I just want to make sure we're clear," Alaric starts. "Don't worry, we're crystal. You're Professor X, I'm Wolverine, Faith is Mirage, and Grace is Cyclops," Hope says. "I was more of a DC kid," Alaric says. "Then you're Batman and Hope is Robin, Faith is Superman and I'm Harley Quinn," Grace deadpans annoyed. "Either way, you call the shots," Faith adds. "So how do you want to do this, hmm?" Grace asks excited. "Fireball?" Faith asks, Grace nods. "Wind torrent?" Hope offers, and Grace nods again. "I was thinking we'd knock," Alaric says. "They'll never see that coming," Grace says, sad that they were doing something boring.

"Wait, why is Faith Mirage or Superman," Rebekah asks. "Because I am the best at illusion spells and I am emotionally the strongest," Faith says. "And Grace is Cyclops and Harley Quinn because I like to destroy everything and am insane," Grace deadpans.

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