There's Always a Loophole (Part 4)

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"You got what you wanted. Why do you still need me?" Landon asks. "I don't need you. Daddy does. You're the golden child. The one he was trying to create, remember?" Clarke says. "The perfect son. The one who could create the new bloodline. Because of you, he'll be able to launch the species," Clarke says. "I'm...I'm not interested in, like, procreating or whatever, okay? Especially if it means I'm spawning an army of evil minions," Landon says. "Oh, didn't I mention? You're just the host," Clarke says. "The what?" Landon asks. "The host. Biologically speaking, you're the living organism..." Clarke says. "I know what a host is! I've seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers," Landon says. "Are you kidding me? Tell me you're pulling some kind of lame brotherly prank right now," Landon says, not wanting to believe Clarke right now. "You wanted to be special, right?" Clarke asks annoyed with his brother. "The foster kid looking for a family, believing that you had a purpose if only you could find it. Turns out your purpose is to be a meat suit for the most powerful monster ever to walk the earth. Well, probably sounds worse than it is," Clarke says. Clarke and Landon turn when there is a sound of shrieking, "That must be our new friend. What do you think it'll be? Centaur? Pegasus?" Clarke asks. There is neighing and a shriek as a headless horseman appears in the doorway, [NEIGHING, SHRIEKING] "Even better," Clarke says. The brothers watch the headless man, "It's all yours," Clarke says throwing the arrowhead to the ground. "Just do your thing," Clarke says. As the headless horseman approaches, Landon moves forward grabbing the arrowhead off the ground. The newest monster grabs Landon and rides towards Triad. "Dick move, brother," Clarke mutters.

"Well, I would say that was a turn of events," Stefan starts. "But that kid has been asking for trouble since the beginning," he adds. 

Hope, Faith and Grace move around the tunnels, headed to the Mikaelson compound. A light flashes in front of them and they draw their weapons. Hope points one of her knives at the light, while Grace puts the baseball bat on her shoulder, Faith uses her magic creating two golden balls of magic. "I told you to wait for me," Alaric says, the girls roll their eyes and lower their weapons. "In a shocking turn of events, we ignored you," Grace growls. - "Yeah, Hope, about that..." Alaric says, preparing to berate her.  "Save the speech," Faith says. "We've paid the price," Hope says. "I see that. What happened to your arm?" Alaric asks, gesturing to the bullet hole in Hope's jacket. "That Triad guy shot at us with Malivore mud," Hope whispers. "He must have gotten me, too. I-I didn't even feel it. Because it doesn't affect me," Hope says, she turns to her cousins. "Because you are the Tribrid," Finn says. "And because it does not affect Hope, it probably won't affect the two of you," Henrik mutters. 

"So, the evil force that I have been worried about is not going to affect you," Kol asks. "That depends," Grace says. "What do you count as affect you," Faith asks. "You won't be forgotten," Elijah says. "Then I would still be worried," Lizzie replies. 

"Wait, who else got shot?" Alaric asks. "Dr. Saltzman, you have to trust me," Hope says. "Josie's gonna be just..." Faith says. "Josie got shot?" Alaric exclaims. "Yes, but Lizzie already siphoned it, and MG gave her some blood to heal," Grace says. "How did Triad even get it in here? How did they know that there were tunnels?" Alaric asks. "We don't know," Faith says. "But right now, we have to go," Grace says. 

"You three look like you are about to go to war," Elijah says. "Well, what can they say," Lizzie, Josie and Jen say in unison. "We are Mikaelsons," the three girls say. "Always and Forever," they whisper.

Lizzie and Josie broke the doors open at the top of the stairs. Jed and MG saw them be the signal, "Salvatore Stallions! Let's ride!" MG calls out. The students cheer, "Pedro, now," Jed says. The little boy gives him a large golden relic. Jed bounces it off of the man's head and catches it again. "Jed. Jed, I'm open!" Kaleb says, the werewolf turns and throws it to the vampire. The witches follow the twins into the room and begin chanting, the front doors open and the Mikaelson vampire army comes into the building. "Kaleb, get the kids to the bus," Lizzie says. "Witches...make it rain," Josie shouts. "Their magic's back. Somebody get to the tunnels and fix this!" Burr demands. When no one moves, he goes to fix it. "Let him," Josie says. "He will be stopped," she adds when Kaleb looks at her shocked.  

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