What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams? (Part 2)

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"You evacuating?" Landon asks Raf. "Hell no, man. I got four exams tomorrow morning. I need to study and then get my beauty rest," Raf says. "Hope and her cousins are M.I.A.," Landon says. "Yeah, they're probably suiting up in their battle armor. Those three are basically Wonder Woman," Raf says. Landon laughs before becoming solemn, "Either that or she's realized she's made a mistake bringing me back here 'cause where I go, danger follows," Landon says now only talking about Hope. "My God. Come on, bro. Now, this one's not on you," Raf reassures Landon. "I mean, her being distant today has got to have something to do with us waking up in a field with amnesia yesterday, right?" Landon says, realizing that the situations was not just weird for him. "Look, until one of you can remembers how you guys got there, I just... I-I just wouldn't think about it," Raf says.

"So you three are the only ones that know about Landon's mother," Damon says. The Mikaelson girls nod, "And you decided to keep this information to yourselves and make everyone oblivious to how powerful you are," Damon adds. The Mikaelson girls nod again. "Why," he asks. "Because with great power, comes great responsibility," Hope says.

"Look, you're here. Think about the good things in your life instead of getting caught up in the bad for once, bro," Raf says packing up his stuff to head to the library. "Yeah," Landon admits. Raf smiles watching Landon walk away, "Hey, Lan, I'm glad you're back," he calls out and Landon turns to him and nods.

The Mikaelson girls left the assembly and went to Hope's dorm to plan for when the next monster showed itself and attacked. "Alright, to make sure the monster dies, we need to have three different witches casting three powerful spells," Grace says. "So the three of us," Faith deadpans. Grace shrugs as Hope brings a grimoire over to the desk. "So two of us doing a destructive spell and the other making sure that our spells are affecting the monster," Hope says.

"Sounds like a plan except for the idea that something will be destroyed," Jen teases. Grace rolls her eyes, "Shut up," she mutters.

Grace nods, "Grace you probably want to do a destructive spell," Faith says, and Grace shakes her head. "No, I'll take the spell that will guide your spell," she says. Her cousins give her a look, "The person doing this spell, can't be distracted. That already rules out Faith, because we are not going to be able to do this without an audience," Grace says. "And then I can channel their emotions to make my spell more destructive," Faith adds, Grace nods. "And Hope is a first born Mikaelson witch, and when they get upset," Grace trails off, Hope and Faith wince. "Okay, Uncle Finn will this work," Hope asks. Finn smirks, "It's a good plan but it will only work, when the monster shows itself and if you three are at your full strength, so you three need to sleep, Henrik and I will keep a look out," Finn says. The three girls hesitate and then realize how exhausted they actually are.

"Tell your nieces to go take a nap," Grace says. "Because that will end well," Hope adds. "How was I supposed to know," Finn growls.

In the library, Raf is sitting at a table covered in books, his head however is keeled over and he is asleep. "Raf. Hey," one of the other students says comfortingly. Raf groans realizing where he is, "I passed out, huh?" he mutters. "You're very cute when you sleep," a witch tells him. "What?" he asks confused. "What?" she says suddenly embarrassed. "Um, sorry, but I thought you said, um... You know what, forget it. My brain's fried," Raf dismisses. "Then maybe you should take a break," the same witch suggests. "Where is it?!" an unknown man says appearing suddenly.

"What is going on," Bonnie asks. "The new monster has arrived," Grace says.

"Kurt? What are you doing here?" Raf asks. "You pathetic little punk," the man now known as Kurt growls. "Where the hell is it?" he asks again menacingly. "Where's what?" Raf asks. "You know what I want!" Kurt shouts. Raf begins crying as Kurt begins beating Raf, "I don't know what you want," Raf whimpers. "I don't know," he says. "You know...what I want," Kurt growls continuing to beat Raf. "I don't know what you want!" Raf exclaims, waking up. His sudden movement shocks everyone else and makes him realize that his former foster parent was a part of his dream, but the pain and the wounds were very real. Henrik left the library in search of his niece and his brother.

"It was a dream," Klaus says. "Not real life," Elijah finishes.

"This happened to you in a nightmare? Are you sure?" Alaric asks, not sure whether to believe the story. "Look, I know that it sounds crazy, but I was studying and then I fell asleep, and then I just started dreaming about..." Raf trails off. "About what?" Alaric asks. "Um...Um... One of my old, uh, foster dads. He was in the library, and he had this old belt that he used to use on me," Raf says remembering the pain all to well. "Do you remember anything else?" Alaric asks. "Yeah, there was, there was this woman there, too. She was wearing an-an old, black dress and-and a veil. And she told me, 'You know what I want.' But..." Raf rambles. "The urn," Alaric realizes.

"The second artifact is an urn," Freya asks. "Or a dignified vase," Grace says. Lizzie laughs.

The Mikaelson girls decided that since Grace and Faith got some sleep on the way back with Landon, Hope should rest first. So while Hope was resting, Faith and Grace worked on fine tuning their plan. "What did you do last night after our meeting with Dr. Saltzman," Faith asks. "Went to France to tell Josie and Lizzie the situation and then spent all night talking to Lizzie," Grace says. Faith smirks at how in love her cousin is with the blonde. "They are coming back in a couple of days," Grace says. "And what overly dramatic welcome have you planned," Faith asks, Grace shakes her head. "Lizzie does not want anything dramatic," she says. All the sudden Hope groans sitting up, her cousins come over to her. "Hope, you're bleeding," Grace says, grabbing a towel and applying pressure. "Were you stabbed," Faith asks. Hope shakes her head, "Shot," she says groaning. Her cousins share a look, "A dream demon that can actually injure you," Grace deadpans, "That hardly seems real," she adds. Faith shrugs, "It's not healing," Faith says when Grace moves the cloth, Hope groans. "I have a plan," Grace says, grabbing Hope's hand. Hope looks at her, "I'm going to trigger your werewolf healing," she says. Hope nods and Grace quickly breaks one of Hope's fingers and in a minute both her finger and the wound from her dream heal. "Come on, let's go to Alaric," Grace says, the other two nod.

"SHOT?!" Klaus and Hayley question. "In a dream," Hope argues. "Not helpful," Grace whispers.

 "Not helpful," Grace whispers

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