We're Gonna Need A Spotlight (Part 1)

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A bell rings, "Sounds like the trap worked," Hope says walking up to Alaric and Dorian with Faith. The small group walks out to the boundary spell, "I know this is important, but you couldn't have put pants on first?" Hope says. "Little early for snark, Hope," Alaric says. "Any guesses on what famous monster from filmland we get to slay today?" Dorian says. "With our luck, it'll be Cthulhu," Alaric says. As the group of four, reach the barrier of the spell, they see a white tail of a horse. "False alarm. It's just a horse. Must've gotten out of the stables and wandered across the barrier spell," Alaric says. "Except we don't have a white horse," Hope and Faith say in unison. The white horse turns and reveals a horn coming out of the head. "Hey, wait, wait," Hope says. "Hold your fire," Faith says as they both stand in front of the weapons drawn. "It's a monster, Hope," Dorian says. "It's here to take the artifact," Alaric says. "You're not seriously suggesting we kill a unicorn?" Hope and Faith says. "I'm suggesting we don't give it a pass because it's cute," Dorian says. "Can't we just...leave it alone?" Faith says. "It's trapped, it's not going anywhere. It's harmless," Hope says. "They're right. As long as we keep it alive, other creatures won't be coming for the urn," Alaric says. A slug moves up Hope's shoe as she turns to leave, "So we just stay alert and let it be," Alaric says. All right, well, I'll be on alert back in bed," Dorian says. Alaric, Faith and Hope start walking back towards the school when someone steps on a stick. Alaric turns and aims his cross bow, and then Grace comes out of the treeline. "What are you two doing," Grace says, ignoring Alaric. "We will go back to bed, later," Hope says. Alaric leaves, and the girls head back to the unicorn. "That's a unicorn," Grace says. "We should name it," Faith says. Grace smirks, "Theo," she says. "Theo," Hope and Faith ask. "Theodore or Theodosia," Grace says. The other two shrug agreeing and head back towards the school.

"Eww," Rebekah and Caroline say at the same time. "Theo, like," Kol trails off as Grace starts laughing.

"Knock, knock," Grace says. Lizzie turns to her, "Oh my God, Grace I was so worried about you," she says. Lizzie hugs her and Grace hugs her back. "Do you want to talk about it," Lizzie asks. Grace shakes her head, "Not yet, what about you," Grace says. "I saw a world where Hosie was real," Lizzie says. "And what do I have to do to make this world real," Grace asks with a smile. "Pout to your dad and have him buy the school from my dad," Lizzie deadpans. Grace laughs, "I'll get right on that," Grace says. Lizzie smiles, "And then another world where Klaroline was real," Lizzie adds. "Ooo, how do I make that happen," Grace asks. "Hope and Josie were dead, while you and Faith did not exist," Lizzie says. "Sorry, darling that I cannot do," Grace says. "So we just need to find a way to make your uncle simp for my mom, any ideas," Lizzie asks. "Say her name when he is in the building," Grace deadpans. Lizzie laughs.

Nik and Caroline look at each other. Kol and Rebekah laugh at Grace's response. Grace kisses Lizzie's hand, "You remember what happens, right," she asks. Lizzie smiles and nods, and turns to Kol, "Thank you," she says. He looks at her confused.

"I was thinking," Lizzie says. Lizzie walks over to her jewelery box and pulled two bracelets out. "I want to turn over a new leaf," Lizzie says. "Okay," Grace says. "My mom gave me these and I spelled them so that when I say something mean, it will shock me," Lizzie says excited. Grace nods, "Okay," Grace says. "You don't have to do it with me," Lizzie says. "Darling, I want to be a supportive girlfriend," Grace says. "Okay," Lizzie says.

"You two are adorable," Caroline says. Lizzie and Grace smile.

Hope is peacefully sleeping as a slug moves into her nose. She wipes her nose and wakes up smiling. "Morning, handsome," Hope says, sitting down next to Landon. Faith and Grace come into the room arm in arm. "Hey," they say in unison. "Hey," Landon and Raf say to the three. "Handsomes," Hope amends. "Mmm. Sweet, sweet carbs," Hope says taking a doughnut. "Somebody's in a really good mood," Landon says. "Hmm. Just woke up on the right side of the bed, I guess," Hope says. "For the first time ever?" Landon says sarcastically. Hope giggles, as Faith and Grace exchange a look. "You're so funny. I love that about you," she says.

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