Hope Is Not the Goal (Part 4)

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"Not so fast, Kaleb," MG calls. "I told you, all I did was feed. Torture me all you want to, but my answer's gonna remain the same... because I didn't kill Dana," Laleb dismisses. "Uh, he's right," Landon says.  "What, so you're a mind reader now, Landon?" Lizzie asks. "Call it a hunch," he says.  "We were on the way to graffiti that mill at your school. It was a harmless prank. But then I got snatched. Next thing I remember, I woke up in a ditch. So enjoy it while you can, Lizzie. I'm sure I look like crap. Oh, my God. What is that?" Dana complains. "It's... Someone help me out here," Hope asks the group. "It's the mother of all hickeys. You're fine, Dana. You're just a-a little slutty," Lizzie says. 

Caroline and Rebekah giggle. Hayley smiles at how awkward Hope felt. 

Dana scoffs, "I don't even like any of you. I should be talking to the cops," Dana complains. "I can't let you do that," Landon says. "Ad somnum," Hope says and Dana falls unconcious, "I mean, she can't let you do that," Landon amends. "So you didn't kill her. You freaking turned her?" Lizzie shouts. "Turned her? You think I want to sit and listen to that for all eternity?" Kaleb argues. "Well, someone did, meaning that we have a transitioning vampire on our hands. So what are we gonna do with her?" Hope asks. 

"Because that's the least of their problems," Klaus mutters. The Mikaelsons are eager to hear what happened last year with Cameron.

Flashback -Last Year-

Grace growls throwing Cameron again. Hope puts him in a boundary spell and Lizzie siphons magic off of a stunned Faith to knock Cameron out. "1700," Faith whispers. "He has lied to me the whole time," she whispers again. All four girls are broken out of their trances when a tree explodes into wood chips. They look around and Grace had set a small forest fire. Hope and Faith put it out. "Yes, Faith he lied to you. But he also wants to kill us because he learned from Mikael," Grace growls. 

Grace closes her eyes at the memory. Kol can tell that Grace is upset. "What happened," he whispers. "We made sure that he knew that we are our parents' daughters," she says. 

"Foster kid. I've been looking for you," Jed says coming up to Rafael. "I'll catch up with you later. I got to get to class. Look, uh, Jed, right?" Raf replies. Jed chuckles, "I don't want any problems," he says. "Neither do we. We just want to initiate you into the pack," Jed says. "Okay," Raf acknowledges. "The process is simple. You triggered your werewolf curse this month, which means you kill somebody recently. Maybe on purpose, maybe not. All you gotta do is tell us the story. That's our rite of passage," Jed explains. "Yeah, I'm not really a pack kinda guy," Jed denies knowing he did not want to talk about Cassie. "You still don't get it, do you? You don't have a choice. You can either submit or you can bleed and then submit. It's your call," Jed says getting angry ready to punch Raf. "Hey. I said, hey!" Josie and Faith say getting in between the boys using their magic. "To be continued," Jed mutters. "Hey, are you okay?" Josie asks. "Just stay away from me," Raf growls at Jed. Faith and Jed walk off. 

"And he wonders why the two of you broke up," Josie mutters. Faith laughs.

"Dana died with vampire blood in her system so she came back to life and now she's in transition, and she needs to feed or die?" Landon asks. "Nailed it, bro. Easy decision, right?" Kaleb says.  "Huh," MG asks. "All right, so... we give her human blood, it's that simple," Kaleb says. "Not everyone wants to be supernatural. Some people just want to be normal," Hope says. "Dana's traumatized, you guys. "This is a huge decision. Maybe we should give her a day or two," Lizzie says. "She'll be dead in a day if she doesn't feed," Hope deadpans.  "Oops. I suck at math," Lizzie says. "You should tell her the truth. My guess is that she'd be psyched to be at a place like your school... I know I would," Landon says. Hope rolls her eyes, "You're awful quiet over there, MG. I'm a feminist, bruh," Kaleb asks. "I'm not gonna tell Dana what to do with her body," MG says backing off. "Landon's right," MG adds. "Ugh, fine. Okay, but to be clear, she is not joining the drill team," Lizzie complains. "Surgere," Hope says waking Dana up.

"Tell her all about the supernatural it worked for Landon," Faith complains. 

"We need to talk," Faith says. "What," Jed asks. "God, I can't stand you sometimes," she mutters. "What do you mean," Jed says. "This absolute crave for power, the wanting to prove your the best," Faith says. "You remind me of my uncle," she mutters. "Well then maybe we should break up," Jed says. "Fine, I am in the mood for a break anyway," Faith says leaving the room. 

Flashback -Last Year-

"Grace," Faith calls. Grace turns to her upset. "He never will give our family a break, will he," Grace growls. Hope nods, "Even from the grave he is messing with a new generation of our family," she whispers her agreement. None of the girls saw this coming, Mikael was the person that was referred to as the 'Evil Viking' when they were growing up. They knew who he was and what he was capable of. Faith saw the signs before Hope did and sent her into the Chambre de Chasse. 

Caroline sighs knowing that her daughters had to deal with things from a very young age. The Mikaelsons are quiet, they realize that Mikael is also messing with their daughters. 

Chambre de Chasse

Grace paces the room, Kol walks into the room. "What happened," he asks. "I blew up a tree," she mutters.  "It's now wood chips," she says. "And," he asks. "Forest fire," she adds. Kol rolls his eyes, "Grace," he says. "I got angry, alright," she growls. "What happened," he asks. "I found out something and used my Mikaelson genes to react," Grace says. Kol rolls his eyes, "Of course you did," he mutters. Grace uses his magic and knocks him out sending him back to reality while using her magic to get back herself. "What are we going to do with him," she asks slightly calmer. 

"Kill him," Kol says. 

"Did I pass out? I don't feel so well," Dana groans waking up. "We know how you feel. And it's okay, you're just hungry," MG says calmly.  "Anorexia was sophomore year. This is something else," Dana dismisses. "You'll feel better after you feed. I promise," MG says. "Oh, shut up. For real. Even thinking about eating makes me want to..." Dana says before coughing up black goo. "Oh, damn. What'd that girl eat?" MG says as Dana continues throwing up. "I think her soul just got on my shoes. Ew," Lizzie complains. "I think I'm-a be sick, too," MG groans. "Is this normal?" Landon asks. Hope glares at him and rolls her eyes, "She's puking her guts out. Literally. Dana. Dana!" Hope says first to Landon and then turning to Dana. "Should we call your dad?" Landon asks. "Why? So he can take another bullet for you? No. Because whatever did this is not a vampire," Lizzie says. "It's got to be another monster from the knife," MG says. "Well, maybe the monster's been right in front of us all along," Kaleb says looking at Landon. "What...? Are you serious?" Landon asks. "Hey, none of this started happening until you showed up and stole that knife, which is exactly what the other monsters came here to do. You saying it's a coincidence?" Kaleb accuses. "Yeah," Landon says. "Yeah?" Kaleb asks. "Yes, I am. You believe me, right?" Landon says turning to Hope who says nothing. "Got it. Say no more," he mutters. 

Hayley and Klaus smirk knowing their daughter is never going to believe him again.

Raf can be heard shouting angrily, "Raf. Raf," Faith and Josie take turns shouting. "I told you to leave me alone!" Raf shouts at them. "No, I can't do that until you... No, just calm down!" Josie says firmly. "It's not safe! Get away!" Raf shouts. "Calm down. Close your eyes and breathe. Breathe. Just like me," Josie says. Raf begins to calm down, "Good. Breathe. Good. That's more like it," Faith says. "Was that magic?" Raf asks. "No," Faith says. "I didn't mean to scare you," Raf says sheepishly. "What scares me is that you're dead if you don't submit," Josie admits. "Hey, no, it's just the way it is," Faith says before both girls leave with Raf following. "You're the one talking about making change, right?" he asks thinking that they were being hypocrites.  "I meant adding an elective, not launching a revolution," Josie says harshly. "Josie..." Raf calls. "Jed's an alpha, okay? You're a wolf. Okay? That's just the way it is. There's no other way," Faith adds. "Josie," Raf calls. "Faith?" he tries. 


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