What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams? (Part 1)

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The little boy, Pedro is shaking in his bed. Another small child is comforting their friend. "It's just a bad dream, Pedro," they whisper. "Try going back to sleep, Pedro," they whisper soothingly.

Rebekah coos at the scene finding it adorable that the small supernatural children comfort each other. Grace and Lizzie smile knowing that they found most of the lower students annoying but Pedro was the exception.

"How long do you think it'll be before the next monster shows up?" Alaric asks. "It's hard to say. I've never actually seen an artifact glow before, Faith deadpans tiredly. "Where did you three hide the urn, by the way?" Alaric asks. "We're not sure we should tell you," Hope says gently, knowing that Alaric was going to protest. "Excuse me?" Alaric exclaims. "Isn't it safer if only us knows where it is?" Hope says gesturing to Faith and Grace. "Then that one of us should be the adult," Alaric decides. "Funny, because we thought it should be those of us with high-level superpowers," Grace deadpans.

"Why do you three just blantly disagree with authority," Elena asks. "I must agree with the girls," Elijah says. Grace turns to him shocked and Elena scoffs. "Alaric is human and the girls are well not," he finishes.

"What do we tell everyone else?" Alaric asks. Grace rolls her eyes, "We should probably warn them before a cyclops crashes exam week. It's usually best to start with some form of the truth," Faith says. "What about those times the truth is the one thing you can't say? Are you sure you want to keep all of this from Landon? I mean, I understand you wanting to protect him, but..." Alaric rambles before being cut off. "He's been wondering about his mother his whole life. He finally meets her and then she dies," Hope says. She sighs, "Look, it's my secret to keep, Dr. Saltzman," Hope starts. "Our secret and she meant please," Grace adds. "Okay," Alaric agrees. "Thank you," Hope we whispers. "The trick is to give everyone the right amount of information without giving away too much," Faith says. "We've been through this before with the knife, so it shouldn't come as too much of a shock. This is our chance to do things differently, more responsibly," Grace adds.

"I find it interesting that Alaric had to ask three teenagers for advice on how to break news to his school," Hayley says. Hope shakes her head, "Five," Faith corrects. Hayley looks to the girls and realizes they were adding the twins and smiles agreeing.

The next morning, the students are gathered for an assembly and Alaric is at the front, the three Mikaelson girls are standing along the back wall almost out of sight. "Yesterday, I came into possession of another Malivore artifact. It was my hope to find a method of containment before it signaled another monster, but given the emergency meeting I've just called, I'm sure you can guess how well that went," Alaric announces before the students begin whispering to one another. "Do you see the Mikaelsons anywhere?" Landon asks Raf who shakes his head after barely looking around.

"Use your eyes, they are standing in the back," Bonnie says getting annoyed with this kid. Grace smirks at the older witch.

"But rest assured we are taking every precaution. The doors of the Lockwood Mansion are open to us, so Mr. Williams and Ms. Tig are now in the process of evacuating our students from the lower grades," Alaric cottons when the whispering quiets down. "Why don't we just evacuate the damn artifact?" Kaleb asks with a sassy tone. "We are much more well-equipped than the world at large to handle the arrival of a monster. Once we know what we're dealing with and the problem is contained, then we can reassess what to do with the artifact. If any of you would like to evacuate, please talk to Dorian or Emma. However, exam week will continue as scheduled, wherever you are," Alaric says, his last declaration is met with immediate anger and protest. "I know. I'm sorry. I can't exactly call the state accreditation board and tell them that we're cancelling the exams because of monsters. We'll get through this, I promise. Good luck," Alaric jokes before dismissing the students.

"Unknown possibly life threatening monster roaming the halls," Stefan starts. "Don't worry, we'll still have exams," Damon finishes.

 "Don't worry, we'll still have exams," Damon finishes

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