Extra #6

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Mikaelson Dating Rules:

Rebekah comes into Nik's study, "Hope is turning fifteen, I think we need to set dating rules," she says. Nik starts to laugh at her, until she gives him a look. "Oh, you're serious," he says. "Instead of sitting each girl down separately we can tell them all at once," she adds. "Fine," Nik says.

Nik, Kol and Marcel sit their daughters down in the hybrid's study. "Why are we here," Grace asks. "Your Aunt Rebekah thinks that we need to have dating rules for the three of you," Kol tells his daughter. Grace snorts, "Well, that's ironic," she mutters. "Now the rules are simple," Nik starts. "No boys," Kol finishes. "Well that's fine, I'm dating Lizzie," Grace says. Kol and Nik look at the girl shocked.

Grace and her cousins leave the shocked parents and their moms go into the study. "What happened," Rebekah asks. "Grace is dating Lizzie," Kol says to Davina. "Oh," Davina says, equally as shocked. "Since when," she asks. "Grace did not say," Nik says.

Grace goes to her room and astral projects to visit Lizzie. "Hello, darling," she greets. "Hey, Grace," Lizzie replies. "How are we going to tell our parents," Lizzie asks. "You have not told them," Grace asks, the blonde shakes her head. "I just told mine," Grace admits. "How did you do it," Lizzie asks. "Well, they sat us down for the dating rules," Grace begins explaining. "My dad said 'That the rules were simple'," Grace continues. "And then Uncle Nik interrupted saying 'That the rule was: No boys'," Grace says. "And then I said, 'Well that's fine, I'm dating Lizzie'," Grace finishes. Lizzie shrugs, realizing that the story was completely true.

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