Mombie Dearest (Part 2)

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"I put a basic boundary spell to keep her in. Are you sure she can't do magic?" Emma tells Alaric. "She couldn't before she died, so if she can now, I guess we'll learn the hard way," Alaric says. "Um, she's right here. And she's got a lot of questions. Be careful with this one, Ric," Emma says knowing this was going to affect him. "Okay, let's talk. Who are you? What do you want?" Alaric demands hoping that his harsh tone will help him be detached. "I'm Josette Laughlin, almost Saltzman," the woman says. "No. Jo Laughlin is dead," Alaric denied. "I'm well aware. It's not every day you get murder at your shotgun wedding," Jo says with a laugh. "Okay. What's the last thing you remember?" Alaric asks. "Morning sickness. My dress. Our vows. My psychopath twin brother with a very large knife. And then... ...nothing. How long ago was that? You look a little...seasoned," Jo explains. "About sixteen years ago," Alaric says. "Sixteen years," Jo says in a whisper. She sighs, "I don't know what to say. How are you? How have you been?" she asks. "Oh, just cut the... Just drop the act, okay?" Ric demands knowing he is beginning to be affected by her presence. "It's not an act, Ric. This is Mystic Falls. I'm not exactly the first person to be brought back from the dead," Jo says. "Yeah, well, things have gotten a little complicated around here lately," Alaric says.

"She's not lying," Lizzie says. Grace shrugs. "I mean if someone got a dollar for every time they came back from the dead," Grace says. "Bonnie Bennett would have a thousand dollars," Faith says.

The doorknob rattles and there is knocking. "Uh, Dad? Why is your door locked?" Lizzie asks. "Ric," Caroline calls. "Caroline, can you get the girls away, I am wrapping their presents," Ric says. "No, you're not. You're lying through your teeth," Caroline says. Lizzie and Josie speak in a foreign language, "Oh my god," Caroline says when the door opens and she sees Jo. "Who's this trollop?" Lizzie asks. "Oh, my God," Josie says recognizing the woman. "I need you to leave, right now," Alaric says. "I'm sorry. How old are you?" Jo asks. "Sixteen," Lizzie says. "Today. It's our birthday," Josie finishes. "You're twins?" Jo asks. "What are we interrupting here?" Lizzie demands. "Girls, let's give them space," Caroline says Alaric nods, "I'm serious. Do as I say and now just go," he says. "Lizzie," Josie says. "What?" Lizzie asks her twin. "Lizzie, it's her," Josie says. "Her who?" Lizzie asks. Josie grabs a picture of Alaric and the woman at their wedding, "Her," Josie says pointing to the picture. "Holy crap. You're Bio-mom," Lizzie says. "This is impossible. I wasn't even showing at our wedding. How?" Jo asks. "Your family's crazy coven magically implanted them into me when you died. "I'm their birth mother," Caroline explains. "I married Stefan Salvatore. Who basically died on our wedding day, too, but that's a long story," Caroline explains a little more. "They're still very close," Josie says. "We opened this school together," Alaric says. "I'm Lizzie. After my mother's mom," Lizzie says. Caroline smiles, "And I'm Josie. Josette. Like..." Josie trails off looking at the woman who looks like an older version of her. "Me," Jo finishes.

"What do you mean named after my mom's mom," Caroline asks. The Mikaelson girls, Lizzie and Josie exchange a look not wanting to tell her what happened. "Alaric wanted to make sure you felt included in the naming process," Faith says.

"So, the emcee will then announce Lizzie and her escort, Grace. And then Josie and her escort," Hope says to Raf. "Her what?" Raf asks. "Kind of like at a, a debutante ball," Hope explains. "I grew up in foster care," Raf deadpans. "Okay. Well, they had stairs, didn't they? So, you're gonna meet her halfway down," Faith explains. "How do you three know all this stuff?" Raf asks. "Twelve Mikaelson sized Mardi Gras parties, three cotillions, and fifteen birthday bashes," Grace says annoyed. Raf looks at her confused. "My mom has been around for more than a thousand years. This kind of thing is her jam," Faith says. Finn and Henrik roll their eyes, "Rebekah started planning parties when she was human," Finn comments. Grace rolls her eyes, and Hope smiles. "So, what, I just stand here?" Raf asks. "Then you take her arm. Sort of like you're putting yours on top. Yeah, like that," Hope explains as she pretends to be Josie and Faith pretends to be Lizzie. "And then you descend together. And now you bow," Faith explains. Raf chuckles not believing it, "Yeah, you're messing with me," he says. The three girls give him a blank look, "You think this is bad? You know it's only gonna get worse, right?" Faith says. "My darling Elizabeth has been planning her sweet since she was five, and she has had a string of people vying to be Josie's escort since she was 14," Grace says. "She was fourteen when they got together," Faith explains.

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