I'll Tell You A Story (Part 2)

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Lizzie looks up at the door as it opens and Josie walks in. "We need to talk," Josie says holding up a notebook. "I know, I've got something to talk about too," Lizzie says, holding up her book. "Okay, you first," Lizzie says. Josie puts the book on the table in front of Lizzie, "I was suspicious on how Penelope knew about Landon's mom," Josie says. "Last Christmas, Penelope gave everyone a spelled pen," Josie says. "The pens reported to this book, and she has been reading everyone's secrets," Josie says. "Including Dad's," Josie says, peaking Lizzie's attention. "He explains in detail about the Merge," Josie says. Lizzie reads her Dad's notes about Kai Parker, she frowns at her twin.

"Finally learning about the Merge from Alaric," Klaus says. "Sort of from Alaric," Faith says. "How did you find the notebook," Elena asks. "Snooping," Josie admits. "It's not called snooping if you were looking for the things she stole from you," Jen says. "And can you call it snooping if she was literally snooping on us," Grace adds.

Lizzie hands Josie a book, "I think Dad has it all wrong about Kai," she says. Josie looks at the book, "What is this," Josie asks. "Kol's research on Kai Parker," Lizzie says. Josie looks at the book, "Why do you have it," Josie asks. "Kol pissed Grace off," Lizzie says. "Kai was a siphoner and he was called an abomination by his parents," Lizzie explains. "He is kind of like Klaus," she says. Josie looks up at her twin, "When Klaus was living with Mikael, he was called an abomination," Lizzie explains. "And before Hope he was seen as evil," she continues. "Right," Josie says confused about where Lizzie was going with this. "Kai turned to seeming evil because he did not have anyone who loved him unconditionally," Lizzie says. "And we are his nieces," Josie adds. "Exactly, I mean your middle name is Olivia," Lizzie says. "And so was his little sister's name," Josie whispers. "Do you think that they will help us," Josie asks, thinking about the three Mikaelson girls, "Grace is trying to find a way to break into a prison world without an ascendant," Lizzie says.

"Who is Kai," Caroline asks. "Our slightly unstable uncle," Lizzie and Josie say in unison. "Slightly unstable," Caroline asks. "He is in between Klaus and Kol on the level of crazy," Josie says. "Which one is he closer to on the scale," Caroline asks. "That depends on far apart on the scale you think they are apart," Grace asks.

The three Mikaelsons walk into the twins room, "Perfect, we need to talk about what we learned," the twins say in unison. "Not to sound paranoid, but what if someone overhears us and tells your dad," Faith asks. Henrik smirks, "You need a distraction. Quick Hope say something good about Elena, that should get Grace ranting for no reason," Henrik says. Grace looks at Henrik offended and the other four girls look at him shocked that he suggested something like that. "I can't," Hope says. "Because there is nothing good to say," Faith asks. "And that I am put on the spot," Hope adds.

"One I do not rant for no reason," Grace says. Finn rolls his eyes, "Here we go," he mutters. "And two, my list of complaints about Elena would waste the whole day," Grace adds. "Waste," Klaus asks. "Okay, it would limit my ability to have a normal conversation," Grace says.

Grace stands and clears her throat, "Please enjoy my 150 reasons why Elena is a terrible person," Grace says. "Wait, you have one hundred and fifty reasons why you don't like Elena," Finn asks. Hope and Faith shush him before Grace reacts. "Reason 1, she is self absorbed," Grace starts. "Reason 2, she made an entire town believe she was important," Grace continues. "Reason 3, she believed everyone should die for her," Grace says. "Okay, we found out about Kai," Lizzie starts. "And we think that we can get him on our side and help us out," Josie adds. "Reason 7, she was stupid and did not just talk to Uncle Nik and make a deal about her blood," Grace continues. "Wait, isn't Kai a sociopath," Hope asks. "Yes, but he was treated badly growing up," Lizzie says. "He needs a family member to even pretend that they care," Faith adds. "And as the two of you are the last Gemini's that would be you," Hope says. "Reason 11, she deluded herself into believing that she could beat the oldest vampires in existence," Grace says.

"150 reasons why," Elena mutters. "It's technically 180 now," Grace says. "You gained thirty new reasons," Rebekah asks. "I have been sitting in the same room as her," Grace says.

"No offense, but I'm not gonna believe anything you say. I mean, A-plus for manipulation, man. This is really frightening stuff, but..." Landon says before Clarke hands him a picture of him and his mother. "Where did you get this?" Landon asks. "It's all part of what I'm about to tell you," Clarke says. "Look, I already know about my dad. My mom got pregnant by one of the monsters in Malivore," Landon says. "Well, then he'll be easy to spot in my story. Around a millennia ago, in certain parts of the world, there were monsters," Clarke begins to explain. "And in one region...there was no monster more terrifying than dragons," Clarke says. "On their own, no faction was any match for dragons. So an unholy alliance was formed. A witch, a werewolf and a vampire..." Clarke continues. "Walked into a bar. I think I've heard this one before. Sorry," Landon jokes. "The Triad combined their blood, using black magic to create a golem capable of consuming the dragons. They spelled the creature to have an insatiable hunger. But their spell also made it unable to harm witches, werewolves, or vampires. They named it Eater of the Dark. When the dragons, in human form, returned to collect the treasure from all the villages they had attacked, it was waiting for them," Clarke says. Landon begins to remember his own experience with a dragon. "It took them, consumed them. To their surprise, the creature was more effective than they could have dreamed. After the dragons were gone, it kept eating every monster it could, swallowing them into an endless space inside itself," Clarke explains. "Wait, you're saying that the golem ate my dad?" Landon asks. "No, Landon. Your father is the golem. The Eater of the Dark," Clarke says.

"Well, at least both of his parents are sane," Damon says. "Oh, wait, I'm thinking of someone else," he adds.

"Your turn for an update. Any word from our mop-headed elf?" Lizzie asks the auburn haired Mikaelson. "Reason 58, when threatened she would turn to either Salvatore to protect her even though she was dating Stefan," Grace says. "He says he needs time to think," Hope says, ignoring Grace. "I don't know. I feel like if I could figure out the right thing to say, then he'd come back," Hope says. "So, practice. Emma has this prism that simulates a conversation. She makes me use it to talk to my mom and my dad when I'm in a state," Lizzie says. Lizzie hands Hope the prism, and the auburn haired girl takes it cautiously.

"I say you dump him and let him die," Klaus says. "Did you ignore the fact that he is a Phoenix," Grace asks. "I chose to ignore that fact," Klaus says.

"Reason 74," Grace says. "Can we turn her off," Josie asks. "No," Hope says. "She killed my father," Grace continues. "Huh, I pictured that to be number 1," Finn says and Henrik nods. She turns to them, "I had to go in order," Grace says. "Reason 75, she strung both of the Salvatores along," Grace says. "I just have this feeling that everything is gonna work out just fine. Can you feel it? It's like the whole school is vibrating," Lizzie says, ignoring her girlfriend. "Reason 77, apparently Katherine is the evil one," Grace says.

"Katherine is the evil one," Elena says. "She thinks I care about her opinion," Grace says. "She thinks that you are going to change your opinion," Hope adds. Grace starts laughing, and Elena begins crying as the three MIkaelson girls turn to her. "Now that I have threatened you and hurt your feelings, which of your bodyguards are you going to send after me," Grace asks. "Cause I can kill both of them," Grace adds.

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