Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn (Part 6)

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The dragon snarls and growls coming back. "All right, it's coming back," Alaric says noticing the dragon. "You're observant," Faith says. "Now what?" Alaric says. "You should take cover," Hope says. "Like hell," Alaric says. "Then tell me how I'm gonna explain to your daughters that all that's left of you is hot ash," Hope says sarcastically. "The dad card? That's a low blow. All right," Alaric complains. 

Grace smirks, "Ahh...the dad card," she says. Hope smirks, and turns to Kol, "She uses the dad card a lot," Faith adds. "And it works every time," Grace mutters turning to Nik. "Especially on you," she says pointing to him. 

Faith turns to her cousin, "Last chance to back out on this," she says. Hope sighs, "We have to, I wish it was not this way," Hope says. Faith nods and they begin chanting. Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem. Et conteret spiritum. Frange vitam. Nolite corde. Ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiternum. Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem. Et conteret spiritum. Frange vitam. Nolite corde. Ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiternum. The dragon screeches, "Where did you come from?" Faith demands getting closer to the dragon. "Why do you want this so badly?" Hope asks. "What's so special about it? Say something," Faith demands.  "So, what'd I miss?" Alaric says. 

Grace's spell has dropped and the parents of the townies have taken their children to the hospital. Grace knocks on Lizzie's door, "Come in," she hears. She opens the door, and sees Lizzie. "Hey, you," Lizzie says smiling. "I have to ask, is what she said true," Grace asks. Lizzie sighs, "My dad thinks that human medicine will work on a supernatural issue," Lizzie whispers. "You need a supernatural anchor," Grace mutters. Lizzie nods. Grace kisses her, "Let me be your supernatural anchor," she whispers. Lizzie kisses her, "I had to do black magic, and I asked Josie for help," Grace admits. Lizzie looks at her, "To find Landon," Lizzie says. Grace nods. "I wondered how they found him so fast," Lizzie says. 

Lizzie and Grace smile, knowing the outcome. Caroline smiles as well, knowing her daughter was in love. 

"What is this?" Alaric asks picking up the spell. "This isn't earth magic, girls," Alaric says. "This wasn't an earth magic problem," Hope says. "We don't allow black magic. It gets inside your heart and it poisons your mind," Alaris shouts at her. "A spell you couldn't have known you need to use on a dragon, which... which means you had other plans for it. Landon did something stupid, maybe evil. We won't know until we learn more, but... he's still just a kid. Hope... and so are you. This hatred... this vengeance... This is your father," Alaric accuses. Hope starts to get upset. Faith throws Alaric with her magic, "If you come after my cousin, I will rip you apart. And I get my temper from my mother," Faith growls standing in front of Hope. 

Rebekah smirks. Hope, Faith and Grace holding hands. 

"You mad at me?" Josie asks entering the room. "No," Lizzie says looking up at her sister. "I did black magic with Grace," Josie says. "I know Grace told me earlier," Lizzie says. "She did not want me to be worried about you," Lizzie says. 

Grace walks into Faith's room, and looks at Rebekah. She pulls out the stake and waits. After a few moments Rebekah wakes up. "I'm sorry for snapping your neck," Grace mutters looking out the window. "I know you are," Rebekah says gently to her niece. "You are a lot like your father but you are also a lot like Niklaus," Rebekah says. Grace scoffs, "I know, Aunt Bekah, I have heard this a thousand times before," Grace mutters. "Each of you girls is closest with the uncle that named you," Rebekah says. "Hope and Elijah, Faith and Kol, you and Niklaus," Rebekah says. Grace sighs, "But that does not mean that you are them," Rebekah says. "You are your own person, Grace Camille," Rebekah says. Grace smiles, "I know Auntie Bex," she whispers. Rebekah hugs her niece, "Now I have to go back to New Orleans," she says. "Can you tell my dad," Grace whispers. "Of course, little one," Rebekah says leaving the room.  

Rebekah smiles at her relationship with her niece. Kol and Davina smile at the idea that the Mikaelsons like their daughter. Niklaus is happy that he gets along with his nieces.

"Where are they?" Faith asks. "Gone," Hope says. "I found this on the windshield when I got back," she says giving the letter to Faith. Dear Hope, you strike me as the kind of person who's not so big on second chances, much less third, but I'm gonna give it a shot. I can't explain why I took that knife. Believe me, I wish I could. But maybe I can explain why I ran. I have never been welcomed anywhere in my life. I'm always the extra. The mouth they didn't want to feed. If I caused trouble, I was out. When you grow up like that, you learn how to protect yourself. You do what you have to do to survive. I never had a real family. And that's not meant to make you feel sorry for me. I'm trying to make you understand. I lied to protect myself, but in doing so, I hurt you. And for that, I will be forever sorry. The time I spent with you the other night was one of the happiest moments in my life. I hate that I ruined it. Your school's secret is safe with me. With regret, Landon. 

Klaus and Hayley feel bad for their daughter, knowing that she trusted him. Hope and Grace hold hands knowing Landon's part in their story was not done. 

Grace goes to Lizzie and Josie's room and the three wait for Hope and Faith to get back. The two enter the room and sigh. "Long day," Grace asks. Hope nods, "Landon's gone," she says. "So is Raf, I'm sorry Jo," Faith adds. Josie looks down, "Hey we still have each other," Lizzie says grabbing the girl's hand. The five of them link hands and smile. "What about you guys," Hope asks. Lizzie and Josie turn to Grace, "I may have overreacted," she says. Lizzie, Josie and Grace take turns telling the other two of the day's events. 

The parents of each of the girls smile, noticing how well they get along. They are glad that despite the past, the next generation can live in harmony with each other.

"Trying to make a run for it?" Dorian asks coming up behind Alaric. "Yeah. I just noticed this gate wasn't locking the other day," Alaric tells his friend. "Are you worried about people getting out?" Dorian asks. "I'm worried about what might want to get in. We've gotten cozy here. Careless. I'd forgotten the world is full of nasty surprises. I don't know what the story is behind that knife, but whatever it is, I...saw something today I never thought I'd ever see in this lifetime. And it scared me. You know, I opened this school to protect these kids. To protect my daughters. How am I supposed to protect them from stuff that's not supposed to exist?" Alaric rambles. The two walk away not noticing the gargoyle move. 

"Vampires, werewolves, witches, all not supposed to exist," Klaus says. "That's comforting," Kol says sarcastically about the gargoyle. 


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