Hope Is Not the Goal (Part 5)

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"It's Sasha," Josie says. Raf gasps and Faith looks shocked. "Uh..." Faith fails for words. "Are you okay?" Raf asks.

"No, she's not," Hope, Grace and Lizzie say in unison.

"Come on, guys. If it's not Landon, then what else could it be?" Kaleb asks. "Spider. A big spider. An Arachne, if you want to get specific," MG says. The others give him a look. "This is not nerd porn, it's real life," Lizzie sasses. "So were dragons and gargoyles. The writer bases her comics off of Greek lore. An Arachne was originally a beautiful woman who was cursed by a jealous god and turned into a giant spider. Uh, all it wants is to be human, so it wears the skin of its prey to pass," Mg explains. "Its-its fangs are huge, so they could pass for a vampire bite. And its bite liquefies its victim! Plus, I found a web in Dana's hair. That would explain why it couldn't follow the knife out of town," MG explains. "An SUV-sized insect can't exactly hitchhike unless it inhabits the body of someone," Hope deadpans. "Who?" Kaleb asks.  "Sasha maybe?" Hope suggests. "My money is still on your boyfriend," Lizzie tells Hope. "He's not my boyfriend," Hope says. "If we had something from it, we could do a tracking spell," Lizzie says. "Would its face work?" Landon asks joining the conversation. 

"Yes, it would," Grace says. 

"Can't you witch her out of here?" Raf asks. "No, that's not how my powers work. My sister and I, we come from this specific witch bloodline called the Gemini Coven. Basically, we don't have powers of our own. We have to siphon them from other things first," Josie explains. "So, that thing that you did earlier, you siphoned power from a wall?" Raf asks. "There's magic that runs through the school. It works on small spells," Josie explains. "I don't know if using my magic will leave her in a worse position," Faith says. The three hear footsteps coming, the three turn to see Connor. "Connor?" Josie asks. Connor snarls, "Damn. Whoa," Raf says. "Bloody hell," Faith says. "Josie, I think now would be a good time for one of those offensive magic spells we were talking about," Faith says grabbing Josie's hand. "Ignarious," they chant.  "All right, I think you got him. Or we just pissed him off," Raf says. 

"Is that a spider," Grace asks. Hope and Faith sigh, "And this is why, we didn't tell you," they mutter. 


A young Grace screams, and Kol rushes into the room to see what is wrong with his daughter. "What's wrong, sweetheart," he asks. She points to a spider, Kol sighs and kills the spider. "Darling you are going to have to get over your fear of spiders eventually," he says. "And you are going to have to get over your fear of a knife with a little bit of dust," Grace sasses. 

"You have a fear of spiders," Kol asks. "Shut up," Grace growls. 

Hope, Lizzie, Mg, Kaleb and Landon are running through the woods when the phone starts ringing. "It's for you," Lizzie says knowing her dad trusted MG with the phone. "No way I'm telling your dad what we're about to do," MG argues. "I suck at lying," Lizzie says. She hands the phone to Landon. "You're great at it," she says. "You're his favorite," Landon says handing the phone to Hope. "You're the hero," Hope says handing the phone back to Lizzie. Lizzie sighs and answers it, "Hi, Daddy!" Lizzie says answering the phone. "Hey, thought I'd call, check in, see how things are going," Alaric says. "So good," Lizzie says. "Really? Define "good," Lizzie, because I don't think that involves me tracking down Dana's body to the glove compartment," Alaric says. "Listen, Dad, it's fine. We cracked the case. It's a spider. But, like, a big, huge, nasty spider. And MG's comic books know how to kill it," Lizzie explains. "Comic books? Really? Lizzie, listen to me, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't, okay? So just tell me where you are, and Matt and I will be right there. And where is Hope? I'm sorry, Dad," Alaric demands. "You're gonna have to trust me for once," Lizzie says. She hangs up, "Let's do this. I think he's still out there," Lizzie says. 

"He really needs to start trusting you," Grace whispers. Josie and Lizzie nod in agreement.

Flashback -Last Year-

"Lizzie, Josie," Grace says after turning to them. "This is going to stay a missing persons case," Faith adds. Both twins nod knowing bits of the stories and that Cameron was not getting out of this alive. Grace casts a different boundary spell, Hope and Faith join her. Cameron wakes up and sees the three girls, he laughs standing up.  "You can't beat me, I was taught how to fight by Mikael," he says. "Oh, darling. I would not be sure about that," Grace growls pouncing and landing behind him and punching Cameron in the back. Before he can fight back Faith kicks him in the face and Hope trips him. Cameron looks up to see all three girls with stakes standing over him. "Any last words," Grace asks. "You will end up like your parents," he spits. Grace smirks, "I know," she says. "We'll live," Hope and Faith add. Grace mutters a spell and Cameron's heart lands in her hand. Cameron turns grey as Grace sets his heart on fire and drops it. The three of them drop the spell and turn to the twins. "This has to stay between the five of us," Hope whispers. Lizzie and Josie nod, "What are you talking about," Lizzie asks. The Mikaelsons give her a look, "We did not even find him," Josie adds. 

"Why wouldn't you tell us," Klaus and Kol ask in a shout. Hope and Grace raise their eyebrows. "You really have no clue," Faith asks. 

The other girls arrive as Josie and Faith are trying to hold off the spider. "Lizzie, I need your help! Josie. Take my hand," Hope says keeping her eyes on the spider that hisses. "Repeat after me," Hope says holding out her hands out for the twins to grab, Faith holds onto Josie's hand as well.  "Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus!" the four girls chant making the spider explode. 

"How do you guys make using magic seem so easy," Bonnie asks. "We have been taught magic our whole lives," Grace says. 

"Was she bitten?" Alaric asks. "No," Lizzie tells her dad. "You're gonna be fine. There was a party in the woods. You and Dana had the time of your lives. But on the way home, you guys were attacked by a mountain lion. You survived and Dana didn't. There was nothing you could do," MG compels. "Dana's dead?" Sasha asks.

"Why are you letting him compel her," Elena asks. "Because she just saw her boyfriend turn into a spider," Caroline spits as if it were obvious.

 "Because she just saw her boyfriend turn into a spider," Caroline spits as if it were obvious

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