This is The Part where you Run (Part 5)

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"Don't touch that," Hope says watching Landon. "Sorry. I didn't. I-I mean, I wasn't... Where are we?" Landon asks looking around the library. "Uh, the Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library," Faith says. Grace smirks, "Rippah," she whispers.

"I'm dead," Stefan whispers. Elena tears up, and Damon looks down upset that he did not keep his brother safe.

"All the artifacts in here have a supernatural history," Hope says. "What's the story on this one?" Landon says pointing to the knife he nearly touched.  "No idea, but in my personal experience, your safest bet is to not touch it," Grace says. Hope and Faith smirk, Grace glares at both of them. "Noted. I'm sorry about earlier," Landon says wondering what the look was about. "You shouldn't have been out there," Hope says. "Yeah. I'll file that under the things that seem really obvious after the fact. So... I guess this means you're a werewolf. He said, casually," Landon mutters. "I'm a lot of things," Hope says.  "Care to elaborate?" Landon asks. "They're just gonna make you forget tomorrow," Hope says. "Come on. Humor me," Landon says. Hope, Faith and Grace exchange a look and Grace smirks, waving her hand and a book appears. 

The Mikaelsons lean forward interested. 

There is soft music playing, MG and Penelope are in the kitchen, "This isn't much of an after-party, Penelope. There aren't any snacks. I need food. I got the munchies," MG complains. "I can help you with that," Penelope says mysteriously. "Oh. We'll get in trouble," MG says nervously. "I know," Penelope says in a matter of fact tone. "Seriously?" MG asks confused about her motives. "I'm offering to rock your world right now," Penelope says. "Okay, well, for one, we're not supposed to. For two, last I checked, you were more into girls, and for three..." MG lists. "No one asked you to bring math into this conversation," Penelope says. "You know what I mean," MG says. "For one, rules are meant to be broken. For two, I am an equal opportunity evil temptress, and your binary assumptions about sexuality... they're dated. And for three... I don't really care what your three was, but are you gonna suck me dry... or not?" Penelope asks. MG and Penelope start panting loudly and Penelope hisses. After a moment the door opens and Josie calls out "MG?"

"Why wasn't I aware of this?" Grace asks looking at the twins. "You literally beat Raf up with a bat a couple of hours before this," Lizzie and Josie deadpan. 

 "The blood that runs through our veins isn't human," Hope says. "My dad is one of the earth's Original Vampires," Hope says. "'Klaus Mikaelson: The Original Hybrid,'" Landon reads. "With slight ego maniac issues," Grace mutters. "My mother is a werewolf alpha," Hope says with a smile. Hope sighs looking at her cousins. "My mother is Rebekah Mikaelson," Faith says turning the page. 

Kol, Nik and Elijah turn to Rebekah who is stunned, "I have a daughter," she whispers. Faith and Grace turn to Rebekah, "Yep, and she is her mother's daughter," Grace says with a smirk. Grace looks at Kol and mouths 'Strumpet.' Kol laughs and smirks. 

"And my dad is Marcel Gerad," Faith says not really elaborating. Faith and Hope turn to Grace who smirks. Grace turns the page and pushes it to Landon to read, "Kol Mikaelson: The Psychotic Maniac," Landon reads. "She is her father's daughter," Hope mutters. Grace rolls her eyes at the comment. "And my mother is a former Harvest girl and a former Regent of the Nine Covens of New Orleans," Grace says. 

"Regent of the Nine Covens," Kol and Davina ask. Grace snorts, "You manipulated the witches into promoting you, saying that you were going to destroy the Mikaelsons," Grace says. "You were pregnant with a Mikaelson baby," Hope and Faith say in unison. Davina smiles. 

"I didn't think vampires could have kids," Landon says. Grace smirks, "That is a long story," Grace says. "A witch tried to kill the Mikaelsons by trapping all of them in the compound," Faith says. "Instead of killing them, she had the opposite effect," Hope says. "She gave them the ability to procreate," Grace says with a smirk. "Fountain," Faith mutters. Grace glares at her, and Hope starts laughing. 

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