Let's Just Finish This Dance (Part 2)

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Landon and Hope are working on hiding everything supernatural in the school. "Hey, Hope. You have any idea where these guys go?" Landon asks holding a crate of rats. "Yeah, anywhere but with the birds. The ravens and the finches are fine, but the rats drive the owls crazy," Hope replies. "So I've been thinking about why you've been acting so weird," Landon says. "Suddenly everyone's got a psychology degree around here," Hope says sarcastically. "No, I just, I just think you have cold feet," Landon says. "About what?" Hope asks. "Us," Landon says. "You know, we're good. We're finally in a solid relationship based on honesty and openness and..." Landon says. "I'm indestructible," Landon says. Hope laughs sarcastically, "You're relatively indestructible," Hope says. "We finally have a long, clear road ahead of us, you know, with no obstacles," Landon says.

"I don't like him," Klaus says. "Nope, not all," he adds, noticing his daughter rolling her eyes. "He thinks he's indestructible," Grace says. 

Grace gets back to Caroline's house and opens the door, "Well, your father announced that Miss Mystic Falls is happening at the school," Grace says, walking up the stairs. Grace walks into Caroline's old room, "Lizzie darling," Grace says, seeing Lizzie crying on her mom's bed. "I need you to put Damon Salvatore on your list," Lizzie whispers. "Done," Grace says. "You're not going to ask why," Lizzie says. "Darling, I told you that Elena and Jeremy Gilbert were on my list," Grace says. "And told you the reason because I wanted to," Grace says. "If you want to tell me, you will," Grace says, holding Lizzie's hands. "Read this," Lizzie says, handing Grace a book. Grace takes it and reads it, "What is this," Grace asks. "My mom's diary from after she turned," Lizzie says. "I want to tell the other girls," Lizzie says. "Okay, let's go," Grace says. "I want to tell another person as well," Lizzie says. "Who," Grace asks. "Your Uncle," Lizzie says. Grace's eyes widen, "Darling," Grace says. "Grace, I have seen how your Uncle looks at my Mom," Lizzie says. "I want to tell him," Lizzie says. Grace nods, "All right, darling," Grace says.

Bonnie turns to her blonde best friend, "What are they talking about," Bonnie asks. "Caroline, why would your daughter want Damon to die," Elena asks. "What does Grace think would be a bad idea to tell me," Klaus asks. 

A young man with curly blonde hair walks into the school. Hope turns to him shocked along with Kaleb and Jed. "You have a lot of nerve coming back to this school," Jed growls. "Finn, no," Henrik exclaims. "You can't kill him," he adds. "Why not," Finn growls. "You're a ghost," Henrik deadpans. "Darling, everything will be..." Grace says coming into the school with Lizzie. "Oh my god," Lizzie mutters. "Jed, Kaleb get Landon out of this room," Grace growls. "And ask Josie and Faith to come here," Lizzie adds. Kaleb nods, "We'll keep Kol and Davina away," Kaleb says. Grace nods. Kaleb and Jed get out of the room, with Landon. "Who is that?" Landon asks. "Um...we don't talk about him," Jed says. "Faith," Jed calls seeing the witch. She turns, "Jed," she says. "You're needed in there," Kaleb says. Josie comes out of the room, "You too," Kaleb says. The two nod and head into the opposite room. "Oh my god," the two say in unison.

"Who is that," the Mikaelson parents ask. "That would be Roman," Grace says. "How do my girls know him," Caroline asks. "Well, you see the overprotective thing works both ways," Lizzie and Grace say in unison. "That sounds dangerous," Kol says. "Not just your girls, Caroline, it seems like everyone in the school knows," Rebekah adds. 

***Flashback***Two Years Ago***

Hope, Faith and Grace were sitting in the library, two of them were studying and the auburn haired girl was not. "Hope, darling," Grace says. "What would your father say if he found out that you were not studying," Faith finishes. "He would say that I am the most powerful witch in the world and I don't need to study," Hope says. Grace smirks and rolls her eyes, "He actually would say that," Faith says laughing. Someone knocks on the door, "Uh, hi," he says. The young man has curly blonde hair, and the three girls turn to him. "Hello," Grace says. "My name is Roman," he says. Faith raises her eyebrows, "And," Grace asks. "My mom sent me here because her friend's kids go here," Roman says. "Perhaps we can help you find them," Hope says. "Who is your mom's friend," Hope asks. "Their last name is Mikaelson," Roman says. The three girls exchange a look, "Sorry, but the Mikaelsons left ages ago," Faith says. "I'm Grace, that's Hope and Faith," Grace introduces. "Sorry," Hope says. Roman leaves the room, and the girls exchange a look, "I don't trust him," Grace says turning to her cousins after Hope puts a privacy spell on the room. "Yeah our family does not make friends," Faith adds.

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