There's Always a Loophole (Part 5)

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Josie, Lizzie, Jed, Kaleb and MG sit in the library, "I wonder what the Mikaelsons are up to," Lizzie says, beginning the conversation. "I bet she saved Landon already, and the world," Josie says, a tiny bit of bitterness in her tone. "Yeah, she's pretty good at that," MG and Kaleb say. "Hopefully she gets back soon. Otherwise, Raf's gonna end up in the doghouse," Jed says, wondering what would happen to the pack without Raf as their Alpha. 

"What happens to pack without it's Alpha," Tyler asks. "They fight until a new Alpha rises," Hayley says. 

The twins leave to the Mikaelson girls dorms and Lizzie pulls the box from Grace's safe. The twins press their hands over the lock, siphoning the spell and being able to open it. Josie carefully takes out the Ascendant from when they were young. "Why does that look familiar?" Lizzie asks, recognizing the object. "I don't know. But I remember it somehow, too," Josie says. Someone knocks on the door and Lizzie hides the box back into the safe as Alaric comes into the room. 

"What is that," Bonnie asks. "It's called an Ascendant," Kol says. "And it's a Bennett family specialty," Grace adds. "It is a door to a Prison World," Faith says. 

"Girls, there's something I need to talk to you both about. I failed you. You see, my purpose in founding this school was to create a safe space for my daughters and for supernaturals like them. But today, I fell short of that goal, while all of you exceeded every expectation I had ever set for you. Because today, you were confronted by the worst monster you've faced yet: ignorant human beings," Alaric says before sighing. "Sadly, I am one of them. The plans and methods that Triad used to infiltrate our school and endanger your lives were mine," Alaric admits. Lizzie and Josie look at him in shock. "A contingency plan that I had developed and shared with concerned parents over the years, including Veronica Greasley. But...her betrayal would not have been possible without mine. You see, the dark object that she used to disarm your unique abilities was put in place by me, in the secret tunnel that only I had known about, because I thought that, perhaps one day, it was the world that would need to be protected from your gifts, rather than the other way around," Alaric says. "Well, it's a good thing that Grace and Faith blew it up," Lizzie says bitterly. "The only way I can atone for this breach of trust is to leave it up to you to decide whether I should remain as your headmaster," Alaric says.

Alaric then calls the honor council to his office. "The honor council will convene, they will vote, and I will respect whatever decision that they make. Whichever way this goes, I want to thank you, all of you, for making me understand that the world my daughters inherit will be in better hands," Alaric says, really hoping that they kept him. He was also really glad that Grace had decided that Faith should be their voice, because he knows that Grace does not think he can handle being the headmaster.

"I can't decide what is a worse betrayal," Hayley says. "The fact that Alaric put those precautions in place," Freya says. "Or the fact that MG's mother used them," Rebekah adds. 

"Incendia!" Hope shouts. Between the three girls, the headless horseman does not let down and he continues to fight. "He won't die," Faith groans after throwing another knife at the monster. "You know sci-fi stuff. Help us. How do we kill him?" Grace demands. "Uh, Headless Horseman is more fantasy," Landon says, offhandedly. "Get to the helpful part," Faith demands. "Ignari!" Grace says. "In the Tim Burton movie, they defeated him by giving him a bride," Landon says. Grace makes a face, "I'm out," she says. "That wouldn't be my first choice," Hope and Faith say in unison. "Me, neither," Landon says. Faith casts a different spell, "In-in the O.G. cartoon, he had a pumpkin head," Landon says. "That...he might keep it with his horse?" Faith asks. "Correction! He's got it under his cape. kill the head, the body dies. That's science faction," Landon explains. "Great. One head coming up," Grace says, approaching the monster and drawing her baseball bat.  "Oh, God, why is it moist?" Landon says, as the head rolls to his feet. 

"Well, that is one way to use a baseball bat," Jeremy says. Kol shrugs and nods, as though what his daughter just di was the most normal thing in the world. 

"Suck on that, Tim Burton," Landon says. "Hi," Hope says.  "Hi," Landon replies. "Um, okay, I had this entire speech that I practiced with your prismatic hologram," Hope rambles. "My what?" Landon asks. "But I know that the only thing you want from me is the truth. And the truth is...I love you," Hope says. "I'm really sorry about all the secrets that I've kept, but I'm...I'm mostly sorry about keeping that one. 'Cause I love you, Landon Kirby," Hope finishes. "I mean, it wasn't a huge secret, because I love you, too, Hope Mikaelson. And I forgive you for anything that needs it. And I know it looked like I was losing when you got here, but that's just how Phoenix combat looks, so..." Landon says. 

"Ew," Klaus says. "Why him," he asks his daughter. "I would approve of literally anyone else," he adds. Hope laughs and shakes her head. 

Laughter breaks them apart, and the four teenagers turn to Clarke, "Nothing like young love, is there? Shame it has to be so short-lived. You'll find, baby brother, one of our family's worst traits is...well, we're terribly clumsy," Clarke says, throwing the arrowhead into the pit feigning an accident. "No!" Hope, Faith and Grace exclaim at the same time. "Aren't you gonna clap or something? That was a total power move," Clarke says. Landon grabs one of Hope's knives and throws it at Clarke, hitting him in the stomach. "Damn. Phoenix combat's no joke," Hope says. "Okay. We got to think. We got to figure something out to keep him from rising," Landon says, looking down at the pit. "What do you mean, 'him'?" Grace asks. "Ooh, we have a lot to catch up on," Landon says. 

"Well, that happened," Kol says. "How does one keep Landon's evil Daddy dearest from rising," Marcel asks. Lizzie, Josie and Jen look at the Mikaelson girls expectantly. 

"This whole idea is wack, Josie," Kaleb says. "Hope and Faith are M.I.A. Raf is stuck being a werewolf until she gets back. Ms. Tig don't even work at the damn school anymore," Kaleb rants as he sets up the voting pool. "Hey, look, we're voting on the fate of my father. How do you think I feel?" Josie asks. "Look, I just want to convene the council. Okay?" Kaleb says, knowing that this was hard for her. "I figure we both got a lot to say. But we need a majority vote," Kaleb reminds the dark haired Saltzman. "Hope is coming back soon. With Landon. And then she's going to bring Raf back, too," Josie says.

"Why would he even put himself in that situation," Elena asks. "I don't know, maybe the same reason, you put yourself in the situation where you had to choose," Faith says.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in," Hope says. "So Malivore's your dad?" Grace asks. "Weird, huh?" Landon says. "And he can't be killed, which is why Triad turned him to goo?" Faith asks. "You're a quick study. But nothing's ever immortal. I mean, not really. Nature won't allow it. There's always a loophole," Landon says, not noticing the three Mikaelson girls exchange a look. "Any brilliant ideas? Because I think we're running out of time," Landon says.  "Just one. But you're gonna hate it. Kiss me," Hope says. Hope brings Landon into a kiss distracting him. "I didn't hate that at all," Landon says as they pull away. "Not that," Faith whispers. "This," Grace says, snapping her fingers making Landon's neck break. 

"Well, whatever is going to happen next, at least we know that the sane people are in charge," Rebekah says, knowing that she did not like it when Landon made decisions. 


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