Maybe I Should Start From The End (Part 5)

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"Nah, that's not important?" Seylah says after laughing softly. "Eh, that seems super important to me," Alaric argues. "Well, then I'm not gonna tell you. For your own good, believe me. One day, I snuck in by myself. And what I found was a...a black pit, locked away," Seylah explains.  "Is that supposed to be a metaphor?" Alaric asks confused. "Oh, no. It's an actual pit, filled with...tar, uh, or something. A literal pit of doom. The story has it that if, uh, Malivore consumes you, you experience endless darkness. Yeah. It's not just a story, though. And I should know. I've been there," Seylah admits.

"Well that took a turn," Kol says. "Endless darkness," Grace says dramatically. "Almost like a dagger to the heart," Faith says with a smirk. 

"Come on, Faith, let's leave these two be," Grace says. "And go check the perimeter or something," Faith asks. "Yeah, because somebody had to get the paranoid genes," Grace mutters, spinning a knife. The two leave Hope and Landon, "Landon, I'm really sorry," Hope says. "Don't be. It'll be okay," Landon says.  "You can't trust her," Hope says. "I don't. But she's my mother, Hope. All I've ever wanted is a family. A home. So I'm not gonna give up on her just 'cause she's a little screwed up. That would be pretty hypocritical," Landon says. "You're not that screwed up," Hope says, blushing. "I hate that you always see me when I'm weak," Landon says. Hope looks down, "You're not weak. You're a survivor. Landon, that makes you one of the strongest people that I know," Hope says. "I'm starting to think I'm a bit of a danger magnet," Landon jokes. "I'm starting to think you're right," Hope says, the two laugh.

"Why did you leave those two alone," Klaus asks angry that his daughter is even giving the boy the time of day. "Because I don't need to see them play lovey dovey," Grace deadpans.

"I didn't... I didn't mean to bring all this into your life," Hope says solemnly. "I'm sorry I ever walked into it," she continues. "I'm not," Landon tells the auburn haired girl in front of him."I, uh...I wrote you letters. On the...on the bus," Landon stutters. "Oh, yeah? What did they say?" Hope asks intrigued. "They were embarrassing," Landon says regretting telling her about them. "Try me," Hope challenges. "Um...Uh..." Landon starts pulling out one of the letters. "'Dear Hope...The state of Alabama has, like, a million Waffle Houses, and I cannot stop thinking about what it felt like to kiss you,'" Landon reads. 

Klaus rolls his eyes, and Hayley smiles at the fact that her daughter had someone who loved her. 

"When my former employers discovered that I was trying to remember the things they made me forget, they tossed me into the pit," Seylah explains. "So how are we having this conversation?" Alaric asks. "I don't know. I don't even know how long I was in Malivore, only that I felt the things you described, the isolation, the loneliness. And then, one day, I found myself back here. I woke up in the middle of nowhere, covered in mud, absolutely no idea how I got there. Turns out two years had gone by, but there was a bright side. No one I worked for remembered me," Seylah explains. "So you were free," Alaric assumes. "I wouldn't go that far, because there was also a catch. I was pregnant," Seylah says, shocking Alaric. 

"Pregnant by a hell dimension," Kol muses. "He's got me beat," Grace says. "Debatable," Hope says. "Fountain and a hell dimension, one seems considerably worse," Grace argues. "One of them was not in a public space," Faith says. 

"Thank you, f-for coming for me. I needed help, and you came. That's never really happened to me before," Landon says. "Sounds like you've had crappy girls in your life," Hope says blushing. "Oh, I've had zero girls in my life," Landon admits, they both laugh. "Unless you count Lisa Marie Albertson, who asked me to take her to the prom, and then, when I said no, told the entire school that it was because I couldn't afford to pay for it," Landon says. "Well, my first kiss was with a fifteen-year-old vampire who kidnapped me and my cousins and tried to kill us," Hope says bluntly. Landon's eyes widen, "That's terrible," Landon says. "Yeah," Hope whispers. "Hope," Landon says. "Yeah?" Hope asks. "I will never hurt you again. Ever," Landon promises. Hope smiles leaning forward, kissing him. 

"WHAT?!" the Mikaelson parents exclaim. Grace rolls her eyes, "Everything will be explained," she says. "ish," Faith finishes. "Is this another one of those things that you lied to your family about," Freya and Elijah ask. Finn nods, "Yes, it is," he replies for them.

Faith and Grace are practicing their ability to fight, when Faith winces. "What," Grace asks. "Hope's emotions," Faith says. "Let's set up a chambre de chasse, and throw who in there with her," Grace asks. "Not her parents, given the fact that she was conceived on a table," Grace says. "Fine but we need to stop her," Faith says. Grace smirks, "This is going to be funny," she says. 

"Thank god," Klaus mutters. "I do not need to know what he plans on doing with my daughter," he finishes. 

"So Landon is basically a, uh, supernatural immaculate conception? I'll be damned," Alaric says. "You believe me," Seylah says shocked. "My twins were magically transplanted into their mother's womb by a coven of witches, so my belief tolerance is pretty high," Alaric deadpans."I can't imagine how you explained that to your kids," Seylah says with wide eyes. "It was easier for me to leave Landon in a small basket on the steps of a local church," Seylah admits. "Oh, you were young, scared," Alaric says. "I was selfish. And now I'm tired. I've spent years trying to stay off the grid. To remain erased. I can't be his mother. Not in the way he needs me to be. Sorry," Seylah says before apologizing. "You can't just leave him, Seylah," Alaric says. "He'll be better off. You all will," Seylah argues.

 "What does that mean," Elena asks. "She's going to sacrifice herself, and we are never going to hear from her again," Grace says. "Unlike some people who were sacrificed and then other people were killed to make sure they survived," Hope adds. Faith starts laughing, "You three really don't like Elena," Elijah muses. "We have a list," Faith says.

"I should warn you, our story's about to get even fishier," Hope admits. Faith and Grace snorts at the irony in Hope's words.

"HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON!" Faith exclaims. "Oh!" Landon says as he is thrown into a wall.  "Hey, uh..." Hope starts realizing she has been caught. "Girls, uh, take Hope to another room. Now," Alaric says. "You're the one that's always saying I need to connect more with people," Hope argues. "Yeah, he did not mean literally," Faith argues. The girls leave, Grace and Faith laugh at Hope, "Uh, Dr. Saltzman. Uh, I'm, uh..." Landon stutters. "A sexed-up teenager. It's perfectly normal. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise," Alaric says, knowing that he was going to keep this from Klaus and Hayley. "So you're not mad?" Landon asks. "We got bigger fish to fry. We need to talk about your mother," Alaric says.

"One, what happened to his mother," Hayley asks. "Two and more importantly, who the hell does Landon think he is," Klaus finishes. "Your turn in the hot seat," Faith whispers. 


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