There's A Mummy On Main Street (Part 4)

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"Okay, who is that guy?" Josie asks. "This creep we met in Kansas when you and Lizzie were in Europe," Faith says. "Why were you in Kansas?" Josie asks. "Landon can't seem to keep himself or of trouble," Hope says. "After being voted out of the school he came across the urn on his own," Faith explains. "Wait a second is this before or after he sort of found his mom," Josie asks. "Of course you know," Hope and Faith say in unison. "Grace told Lizzie and then Lizzie told me," Josie explains. Hope and Faith nod.

"Talk about can't keep a secret," Caroline and Kol tease. "Look at that face," Grace says, turning to Lizzie. "You try keeping a secret from her," Grace adds defending herself.

"So if there's nothing else..." Alaric starts. "Actually, uh, I was hoping we could talk privately. You and your daughters, uh, Jessica and Emily, was it?" Clarke says. "I don't think we have anything more to discuss," Alaric says cautiously. "I could think of a few things. Mystic Falls, maybe? Or perhaps your school for supernatural children. I work for an organization that keeps monsters and things that go bump in the night from public view. I thought I recognized you, Jessica and Emily..." Clarke says. "It's Hope, actually," Hope says coming up beside Alaric. "And it's Faith," Faith corrects coming up on Alaric's other side.

"Well you two are definitely Mikaelsons," Stefan says. "What makes you say that," Faith asks. "You seem silent but deadly," Stefan says.

"I wasn't sure if it was a coincidence, so we searched your van. We know you're Alaric Saltzman, headmaster of the Salvatore School. We know a lot about it. You have a terrific reputation," Clarke says. "Leave the school out of this," Alaric warns. "Look, I applaud your school's mission. If you do your job right, makes mine easier," Clarke says. "So why are we still here?" Faith asks. "Well, I have an entire town that needs to forget what they've seen today. You know, usually it's convincing a farmer in Nebraska he didn't see a chimera, you know, or a few ice fishermen in Minnesota that it wasn't a yeti that ate their best friend. This is an entire town. It's different. We could use the assistance of a vampire. I noticed the daylight ring on your daughter's boyfriend..." Clarke says. "Oh, he's not... Never mind," Alaric says. "Why not call it a freak swarm of bugs?" Faith asks. "Why erase it from memory?" Hope adds. "Because someone may recognize them for what they are," Clarke says. "Harbingers," Clarke adds noticing Hope and Faith's expressions. "Of what?" Hope asks. "Seriously? This is obviously the work of a mummy," Clarke says, shocked that they did not know. "I told you," Alaric says to the girls who roll their eyes.

"Compelling a whole town, that sounds like what Katherine did," Elena says. "Ah, Katherine my favorite doppelganger," Grace says.

"One of our drivers survived an attack by the river. He's been tracking the mummy ever since. He's still on the outskirts of town, but he's heading our direction. We're a cleanup organization. Okay, we're not equipped to go to battle with a mummy. So... will you help? Cut him off at the pass and keep all these people safe?" Clarke pleads. "Oh, these are kids..." Alaric says worried about Josie. "Kids with magic, in a town full of innocents without it," Clarke reminds him. "We'd be happy to help," Hope and Faith say after exchanging a look with each other and back at Josie. "I'm gonna need my weapon," Alaric says. "Of course. Gather what you need. Round up your friends. My team can help you with anything else," Clarke says, then he walks away. Alaric clears his throat and glares at the girls as Josie joins them. "Okay, I know you don't remember our trip to Kansas clearly, but that field that we woke up in in Georgia, that's where the portal to Malivore is," Hope says. "It's hidden in plain sight by a company called TRIAD," Faith adds as Hope shows Alaric a business card. "Look familiar?" The two Mikaelson girls ask. The card says Clarke's name on it and that he works for Triad.

"Great, now you can't trust him," Klaus says angrily. "We would have to trust at one point to to lose our trust in him," Hope points out.

The group orders their food and Davina looks between her daughter and Lizzie. "What happened with the Ancestors," Grace asks suddenly. Kol and Davina look at their daughter shocked. "The ancestors hated your mother," Kol starts. "They tried to have me killed several times, and once they got close," Davina adds. "And I stopped them, I know. But what does that mean," Grace asks. "You have very powerful magic, you could bring people back from the dead, if you wanted," Davina and Kol day at the same time. Grace looks over her dad's shoulder at a shocked Finn and Henrik. "Anyone," Lizzie asks, seeing Grace's line of sight. Kol nods, "With a bit of your blood and a spell," Kol says. "And if the three of you work together, the things you could do are unimaginable," Davina adds.

Grace smiles at Bonnie, the woman who sacrificed everything for Elena. Grace used her magic to make all those sacrifice worth it.

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