Mombie Dearest (Part 1)

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Before anything starts, three new people show up in the audience. One drops down right next to Klaus. Another next to Freya. The last, a girl drops down next to Faith. "Hey," she says. "Hey, Jen," the five girls reply. "Finn?" Freya asks. The Mikaelson girls turn around and groan. "Who the hell are you?" Klaus asks the person now sitting next to him. Grace and Faith turn to Hope, she turns to look at Finn who nods his head. "Dad, that's Henrik," she says. The Mikaelsons' eyes widen and the screen lights up. "Uncle Henrik to you, young lady," Henrik replies. Faith and Grace roll their eyes.

Grace wakes up and nudges Lizzie gently, Lizzie's eyes open slightly. "Happy Birthday, Elizabeth," Grace says. "Thanks, Grace," Lizzie replies. "You should probably go for your twin birthday ritual," Grace says. Lizzie groans, "I guess you are right," she says. She gets up and the two get dressed, Lizzie in the clothes from yesterday and Grace in clothes for before the party. They meet at the door, Grace kisses Lizzie, and Lizzie opens the door and slips into the hallway, nearly bumping into Hope and Faith. "Happy birthday," the two say in unison. "Thank you," Lizzie replies getting embarrassed. "How is our cousin," Hope asks Lizzie in a teasing tone. "Yeah, she missed our movie night," Faith adds. "Movie night?" Lizzie asks. "Yeah, the one where we celebrate that she is back from suspension, it happens more often than not," Hope explains. "She probably fell asleep, you know traveling all day and everything," Lizzie says. Hope and Faith smirk as Lizzie turns red, the door opens. "Really, you two," Grace says. The two start laughing, "See you at the party," Hope and Faith say. "Bye," Lizzie replies before heading to her dorm. Grace glares at her cousins as they enter her dorm, "Why can't I have a moment of peace," she asks out loud. "We are Mikaelsons, darling," Faith starts mimicking Grace. "Being nosy in our family's relationships is our way of life," Hope adds. Grace rolls her eyes. 

Lizzie and Grace look back at Caroline, Kol and Davina and quickly look back to the front, "It could be worse," Grace whispers. "How could it be worse," Lizzie asks. Grace opens her mouth to say something and then closes it, and shrugs. "How many times have you been suspended," Elijah asks. The girls start counting on their fingers, and lose count. "My dad and mom can drive to the school and back to the compound with their eyes closed now," Grace says. 

 A woman in a wedding dress comes across the Salvatore school. Her perfect white wedding dress is spoiled by the large bloodstain on her abdomen. She enters the school without any trouble and she is able to walk around the halls under the chaos of the party prep. She enters an office and sees Alaric. 

Josie and Lizzie hold hands, knowing that this was a birthday to remember. Grace turns to Finn and nods knowing that he helped them save Josie. 

"Dorian!" Alaric calls being surprised by Jo's appearance. "Are you okay?" Dorian asks. "Whoa, whoa. Ric, if you could just put down the crossbow. My freak-out level is about right now," Jo asks. "You know her?" Dorian asks. "I know who she's supposed to be," Alaric says. "Who?" Dorian asks. "The love of my life," Alaric says feeling defeated. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Hold up. Hold..." Jo stutters. "Hold up, Ric. Listen to Dorian. Are you Dorian?" Jo asks.  "Yeah," he says getting confused. "I'm Jo," she says introducing herself. "You're his dead wife? I m... I mean fiancée. I mean, don't think she's actually...?" Dorian stutters. "No, I don't. Did you see how she got here?" Alaric replies denying her being real. "I was sort of, um... yanked awake and then I was just here," Jo answers. Alaric chuckles, "Nothing suspicious about that. You thinking, what I'm thinking?" Alaric asks. "Kill her now before she attacks?" Dorian suggests. "Wait, what?" Jo asks. "I-I...I was more, "Let's interrogate her." Because if she's the next monster, then maybe she would know more than the dryad did," Alaric says. Dorian sighs, "Okay, but no one sees her," Alaric says. "Especially today," he finishes. "Good idea," Dorian admits. "I need Emma," Alaric says. 

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