There's A Mummy On Main Street (Part 6)

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"So the mummy ain't actually dead?" Kaleb asks, as the group stands outside the van. "Well, if I'm right, the mummy's curse is bound by the scarab in its chest. Once Josie siphons the scarab, the curse will be lifted and the mummy will be dead," Alaric says. "Okay, and what if you're wrong?" Kaleb says. "So what now?" Josie and Faith ask. "Until we get the urn, we wait," Alaric says. "How long do we have to wait? If I have to bug-hurl again," Faith says. "Why can't we just give the mummy the urn? Is opening the portal to Malivore really that bad?" Josie asks. "Do any of the monsters that have been trapped in there seem happy and balanced to you?" Hope asks. "Think of it like this. We'll be setting the mummy free from his prison," Alaric tells Josie. "Hmm. Poor mummy," Josie says.

"You have sympathy for something that tried to kill you," Elena asks. "When its other option is a hell portal. Yes," Josie says.

The Triad workers are moving around the group as Kaleb makes a decision. "Look, we can keep having empathy hour or we can do what we came here to do," he says. A loud noise comes from the Triad tent as the mummy reforms. "Here we go," Faith whispers. Glass shatter as the mummy breaks through the small lab that Triad set up. The mummy roars, "What the hell is happening?" Clarke asks coming up to the group. "I don't know; he should be dead," Alaric says feigning confusion. The mummy growls again, "Well, clearly he isn't," Clarke says. "Yeah, I can see that," Alaric says. The mummy knocks over pulls of boxes and moves stuff out of his way, "He's looking for the urn," Hope says. "What do we do?" Clarke asks. "I don't know, give him the urn," Alaric suggests, knowing the the urn was already gone. "Hey, can someone give this thing the urn?" Clarke asks through his walkie talkie. "Can't. The urn's gone," someone replies. "Wh...Who's been in there?" Clarke asks suspicious of the group from Mystic Falls. "Only our guys," the person answers through the walkie talkie. "Do something," Clarke demands. "Kaleb?" Alaric says nodding. "Yep," Kaleb says using his vampire speed to come face to face with the mummy. "Nice bling. Don't mind if I do," he says taking the green scarab from the mummy's chest. The mummy snarls as Kaleb uses his vampire speed to take the magical scarab over to Josie. "Josie, you're up," he says. Hope and Faith join hands and together use offensive spells taught to them by Uncle Kol and Aunt Freya to weaken the mummy. The mummy snarls and growls preparing to release a swarm of hornets. "Oh, crap," Hope mutters. "Hurry," she urges. "Hope let's change tactics," Faith says. "What do you mean," Hope asks. "Instead of protecting us," Faith says trailing off. Hope looks at the mummy, "Trap it," she whispers. Josie continues to siphon the scarab as Hope and Faith trap the mummy in a boundary spell, the hornets stuck with the mummy. The mummy growls and stiffens within the confines of the Mikaelson spell. Hope and Faith glance back at Josie who is holding the scarab that is no longer glowing. "The curse is lifted," Alaric says to Clarke noticing that Josie had stopped siphoning. "He's gone," Alaric says. "Well, Agent Clarke, we do any more work for you guys, you're gonna have to put us on the payroll," Faith sasses. "Guess we'll be, uh, on our way out of here," Alaric says. "Good night," Alaric says as his students get in the car.

"That's a lot of power to siphon," Freya says. "But in the long run it is good practice," Kol comments, noticing the dark haired witch's expression. She was upset about something.

Alaric drives out of town and stops on a road with trees on either side. "Okay. So where is she?" Alaric asks. "You doubting my skill?" Kaleb asks, before turning towards the window. The woman from Triad comes out of the treeline with the urn in her grasp. "There," Kaleb says as the woman approaches the car. "Thank you. Oh, and you may want to lay low for a little bit, sweetie," Kaleb says taking the urn. The woman turns and walks away as Kaleb turns to Alaric, "You're welcome," he says. Alaric chuckles, "All right, let's go home," Alaric says. A van comes up behind their car, and the three girls turn to look at it. "All right. Wait a second," Alaric and Kaleb say at the same time. "They have Dorian and Emma," the three girls say, looking out the back window. "Oh..." Alaric says, he looks down at the urn and sighs knowing what he had to do. "All right. Sit tight," Alaric says getting out of the car with the urn. "I'm impressed," Clarke says thinking about how Alaric's plan had to have happened. "I almost hate to take it off you. My team found your... 'wife' looking for Dorian. We thought the two of them would provide some nice leverage in case things went wrong. I think you know what to do to get them back," Clarke says threateningthe two. One of his men puts a gun to the back of Dorian's head and cocks it. "Let them go," Alaric says, handing over the urn.

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