Mombie Dearest (Part 5)

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"Josie. I hear you. Hold on," MG says. "MG, we're running out of time," Lizzie says. "Watch out!" MG says. "Damn it, MG, get up and find her," Lizzie demands. "There's too much noise," MG says. "Well, listen harder. Pretend you're on a beach or something," Penelope and Lizzie say at the same time. MG hears muffled cries. "I got her," MG says. The Mikaelson girls come over just as Josie is being pulled out of the ground. Josie begins crying and gasping, Lizzie bends down and hugs her. "The talisman. It worked," Hope whispers gaining everyone's attention. "What's it supposed to do?" Josie asks. "Make quiet things heard," Hope says.

"Awww," Lizzie and Grace say in unison. Hope rolls her eyes.

"She could have died because of me," Jo says. "But she's okay. And it wasn't you. I know that now," Alaric says. "It's... whatever takes over. I mean, something is driving these monsters. A-a dark presence, we just can't figure it out. And until we do, we're just at its mercy. This is wrong. This isn't safe for any of us," Alaric explains. "We have to get this thing out of me. Tell the girls to siphon its magic from me," Jo says. "But magic is probably the only thing keeping you ali..." Alaric says. "Oh. Right," he whispers realizing what this meant. "Josie thinks you're lonely," Jo says. Alaric chuckles, "Are you happy?" she asks. "I am happy right now in the arms of my demon-possessed baby mama," Alaric replies. They both chuckle, "I'm serious," Jo says wanting a real answer. "I will be happy when the girls are grown. I promise," Alaric replies. "Do they know what happens when they turn twenty one?" Jo asks. "No. Not yet," Alaric says. "And we... don't want them to know until we've exhausted all options," he finishes. "That's why Caroline has been living in Europe, she's following some lead," Alaric explains. Jo shudders at the notion, "I want to tell Caroline thank you for being my girls' mom," Jo says.

"What are they talking about," Caroline asks. Lizzie and Josie exchange a look, "Nothing we have to worry about anymore," they say together. "We have a plan in place, thanks to Grace," Lizzie finishes.

"I'm serious, Peez. Something clicked while I was taking out those zombies. Uh, it felt right inside, like that was the real me," MG explains. "Meaning...?" Penelope asks. "I'm a superhero," he says. Penelope snorts, "Like from the comics," she asks. MG nods, he then laughs "'Cause heroes don't just get the girl..." MG starts. "They get all the girls," he finishes. "Oh, totally," Penelope agrees. "Yeah," MG says thinking she was agreeing with him. "Superman is such a slut," she teases. "Thanks for tonight, MG," Josie says knowing he saved her life. "First hero thank you. Uh, accepted! Up, up, and away," MG says.

"He's amusing," Damon says.

Josie continues going down the hall way, "Hey. What about me? I helped," Penelope asks. "You're the reason I got buried alive on my birthday. I took your advice. I wanted something, and I went for it. I made the selfish move, and I ended up fighting a zombie. There's room for people in this world that just care about other people. Not everybody has to be a showboat," Josie accuses. "You're right. This world needs the selfless and the selfish to keep spinning. I happen to be the latter," Penelope says. She brings Josie into a kiss, when they break up, "I hate you," Josie says. "I know," Penelope says. Before they kiss again. Neither of them notice an auburn haired girl walk down the hall in the opposite direction.

"And that's five," Grace and Lizzie say together.

Grace and Faith are sitting in Hope's dorm waiting to do a movie night, when she comes in and slams the door. Grace raises her eyebrows, "You good," Faith asks. "I'm fine," Hope says. "Right," Grace says sarcastically. "I saw Josie and Penelope kiss," Hope says. Faith turns to her and Grace sits up from the bed, "You do realize you kissed Landon like two days ago," Grace asks. Hope rolls her eyes, "What am I feeling," Hope asks. "Jealousy," Faith says. "No, I told you. I am over my crush," Hope denies. Grace rolls her eyes, "Clearly not," Grace says. "I am over it," Hope argues. "Remember, I'm pining over Landon," she says. Grace looks at her cousin, and then grabs a notebook. "What are you doing," Hope asks. "I am putting on my therapist lens," Grace says. "In honor of my middle name," she says. Hope and Faith roll their eyes, "Now, when you saw Penelope and Josie kiss, how did you feel," Grace asks. Hope rolls her eyes, "I am not answering that," she says. Grace opens her notebook, "When Klaus would not answer my questions I would keep pushing until he cracked. Sometimes he would get angry but he would always answer," Grace reads. "What is that," Hope asks. "One of Camille's notebooks, one of the ones she did not let Uncle Nik see," Grace says. Hope rolls her eyes when Grace looks at her, "I was angry, I did not want her to go back," Hope says. "My diagnosis, jealousy," Grace says. Hope rolls her eyes. "She's right," Henrik says from the doorway. "How do you know," Hope asks. "I watched my siblings for a thousand years, Hope," Henrik replies. "And Nik was always jealous when he had to witness, his siblings in a healthy-ish relationship," Henrik explains. "And as you are his daughter, you are displaying all of the same characteristics," he says. Hope rolls her eyes, "I have not gotten over my crush, have I," Hope whispers. Grace shakes her head. Grace turns to Faith, "Apparently we are having a movie night on a different night," Faith says. Grace smirks, "Wait," Henrik says. "I need you to tell Nik something," Henrik says. Both girls turn to him, "Tell him, I don't blame him," Henrik says. Grace and Faith's eyes widen, and Hope's mouth pops open. "Henrik," Finn says. "He needs to know," Henrik tells him. "I know," Finn acknowledges.

Klaus's eyes widen in shock and Henrik turns to him. "Well this could get more awkward," Grace whispers. "Not the time," Finn mutters.

 "Not the time," Finn mutters

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