There's A Mummy On Main Street (Part 5)

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Emma and Alaric are studying a map, "Clarke said the mummy got the urn here. Now, if it's like every other monster, its objective is to take the artifact to Malivore. Route 21 cuts through the center of town and winds all the way to the interstate. As the crow flies, this is the straightest route," Alaric says. "So it's gonna be coming this way, no questions," Emma says. "Maybe we should just let him have the urn. Make this someone else's problem," Emma adds. "And be responsible for two-thirds of the monster apocalypse?" Alaric asks. The two adults chuckle before Emma relents, "Damn accountability," Emma says. "Ugh, damn conscience," Alaric adds. "Speaking of conscience, I need to go see if I can find Dorian," Emma says after a moment. "Yeah, of course. I'd go with you, but, uh..." Alaric says. "No, the girls need you. Though after giving them a crash course in offensive magic, and a mummy running loose, you may need them more," Emma says. "Some spring break, huh?" Alaric asks. Emma laughs, "Be safe, Ric," she says before walking away.

"Well that was sufficiently awkward," Grace and Lizzie say in unison.

"All right. So let me run this back...Homie talks like he's protecting innocents, but his office actually sits on top of the portal to hell?" Kaleb asks Alaric. "Not hell, specifically. Hell adjacent. It's a tar pit of doom where monsters rot for all eternity," Alaric explains. "Uh-huh. And if the urn gets to Malivore, wh-what happens?" Kaleb asks. "The Adjacent Apocalypse?" he adds. "Two of the three locks that keep Malivore sealed will be open, which will lead to the end of all supernatural beings," Alaric deadpans. "Okay. So we can't let the mummy get the urn, we can't let Agent Clarke's phony hazmat dudes get the urn, and if we get the urn, then we're just bringing monsters back to the school with us?" Kaleb says, weighing the options. "Yeah. It is kind of a lose-lose," Alaric admits. Kaleb laughs, "Well, y'all crazier than my family, minus the barbecue. So who do I get to fight?" Kaleb asks. "Actually, I need you to compel all the locals to forget what they've seen," Alaric says, knowing that kaleb was not going to be pleased with his task. "You mean while everyone else is fighting an actual mummy, I'm stuck with a bunch of simpletons making them forget about bugs?" Kaleb says bummed. "I don't know who this TRIAD group is or what they intend to do with the urn, but we can't run the risk of letting them get their hands on it, so first, we need them to think that we're on their side," Alaric says, trying to lessen the blow. "So vamp powers are cool as long as it's for something boring," Kaleb asks. "Look, there's one other thing I need you to do, and if we can pull this off, I guarantee you the last thing it's gonna be is boring," Alaric promises making Kaleb intrigued with the prospect.

"What are they going to do," Marcel asks. "We need someone to give us the urn," Josie explains. "You are going to have him compel one of the Triad workers," Bonnie says.

Kol turns to Davina, "We need to talk," he tells her. She looks at him, "We are having dinner with our daughter and her girlfriend I think it can wait," Davina says. "I don't think it can," Kol says. Davina looks at him, "Does whatever you want to say have anything to do with Grace," Davina asks. Kol nods, and Davina sighs. "At the end of last year, Grace told me you promised her that we would get her something if she stayed in school for the whole second semester," Kol explains. Grace's eyes widen as Davina turns her glare to Grace. "And I bought her the motorcycle," Kol adds.

"Bloody hell, its bad enough I had to hear it the first time," Grace shouts.

Faith, Hope and Josie are walking down the middle of the street, behind Alaric. "Dad," Josie says and he turns to her. "Get behind us," she says. "No, I have to protect you," Alaric argues, raising his crossbow. "And we have actual magical powers," Hope, Faith and Josie argue. Alaric sighs, and nods agreeing as he steps aside so they can move in front of him. The three girls begin talking about strategy, but then Josie stops. Hope and Faith adjust to flank Josie as they stop next to the dark haired Saltzman. "There's a mummy on Main Street," Josie says. Hope and Faith turn and coming up to them is a mummy walking down the road. The mummy growls in protest as the girls stand ready to stop it in its tracks.

"You guys hold yourself very highly as witches," Bonnie says. "We know that people will try and take advantage of us because of our power," Josie says. "And if they act like they are above them, then the other people will respect them and not take advantage," Jen explains.

"You got this, okay? You're a fighter. And Monday morning, I want you to go in that office and demand a raise. Do not take no for an answer. A-And make sure they don't try to stiff you for bonuses to make up for it, okay? 'Cause, you know, they do that. Lock that paper down, dawg," Kaleb compels, hyping the man up. In the midst of his excitement he forgets to compel the man to forget about the hornets, "Oh, oh, and you didn't see any hornets today," he adds. Kaleb moves onto a woman, "Hi, ma'am, excuse me. You didn't see any hornets today," he says so he does not forget. "And...the perfume is not covering up the smoke, girl, okay? Instead of trying to hide the problem, go home, throw out that last pack, and quit for real, all right? Today. I believe in you," Kaleb continues. As he finishes compelling the woman he notices a female worker yelling at a local, "I don't care if that bus drops you off miles from your house," the woman says. "Good luck," Kaleb finishes after breaking the compulsion. "That is not our problem, sir. You have two feet for a reason. Use them," the woman continues berating the innocent local. "You know what a fall guy is?" Kaleb asks the woman. "You mean like a scapegoat?" The woman asks unimpressed. "You know what, let's not even get caught up in the wording, 'cause whatever you want to call it, you are a prime candidate. Follow my instructions exactly," Kaleb says as the compulsion begins to set in with the Triad worker.

"He is kind of sweet," Caroline says. "How is agreeing to compel an entire town sweet," Elena asks. "He is not just compelling them, but he is trying to better their lives," Bonnie says, backing Caroline up.

"So, what, do we, like, rush it? It's seven feet tall," Faith asks. "We need to hold our ground until it's close enough to attack," Hope says. The mummy prepared to fight, "Hope," Josie says linking hands. "Bulla," the three girls say, a shield spell is formed and it protects the three girls and Alaric. "Nice teamwork," Alaric comments as the spell dissipates. "Should we rush it now?" Faith says. "Not yet," Hope says. The mummy growls, and "Now?" Josie asks. "Wait! On three. One..." Hope says. "Two..." Faith counts. Hope starts coughing after the mummy growls, she begins to cough up bugs. "Hope, what's happening?" Faith asks, worried about her cousin. When Faith starts coughing up similar bugs, Josie gets even more concerned, "What's happening?" she asks. "Oh, my God," Faith mutters as more bugs fall out of her mouth. "Oh, my God," Hope echoes. Josie gets closer to Hope and siphons some magic and then turns to the mummy. As she listens to her friends coughing she casts the spell, "Resistus maledi," she says. The mummy stops in its tracks and Josie continues with a different spell, "Ignalusa," she says and a fire ball forms in her hands. She blows and the fire expands and the mummy falls into a pile of dust. "Worst spring break ever," Faith says.

"Good job, Josie," Caroline says. "Thanks," Josie says.

"Please form an orderly line and proceed to the buses. We will be departing in five minutes," a woman's voice says over the P.A. system. "I appreciate the cooperation, Dr. Saltzman," Clarke says coming up to Alaric. "Hope we never have to see each other again," Alaric says. "And I hope I never get assigned to look into your school. That'd be a real shame," Clarke says before walking away. "Please form an orderly line and proceed to the buses. We will be departing in five minutes," the woman's voice says again.

"He wouldn't actually look into the school, would he," Bonnie asks, she liked the school. She wished that there was something like that for her. "Ish," The six girls say. Most of the adults turn to Finn and Henrik who slowly nod.

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