This is The Part Where You Run (Part 4)

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"You didn't have to lock him in the cellar," Hope argues as she spares with Alaric. "Where else was I gonna put him? Block with your hand," Alaric says to the girl. "I got it," Hope says getting upset.  "If you had it, I wouldn't have to say it," Alaric tells her.  "Dimiterre," Hope whispers and Alaric flies through the air. "Cheater," he mutters. "You should really let a vampire start doing my training. You're getting a little old for me to break your human bones," Hope teases. "How dare you? You and Landon have a thing or something?" Alaric says offended before moving to the Landon topic.  "I don't have things," Hope says hoping to get out of the conversation. "Yes, I'm well aware of your quest to avoid all emotional intimacy. There was obviously something," Alaric says with a look. "I liked him. He's normal," Hope says. "Well, let's keep him that way. We survive here because we follow the rules. We can't get sloppy about it," Alaric tells Hope. "You're the one that's always telling me I need to get out more," Hope says. Alaric chuckles, "I tell you that you need to stop locking yourself in your dorm room with your cousins binge-watching Cutthroat Kitchen. I don't tell you to go out and fraternize with the human locals," Alaric tells her hoping he will listen. "You know, you can just be my headmaster. All this other stuff isn't in the job description," Hope says annoyed. "Attempt to make an actual friend here, and we could reevaluate this relationship," Alaric tells Hope. Josie and Faith run down to the docks, "Dad, clean up on Aisle L," Josie says. Alaric and Josie walk away.  Hope gives Faith a look, "Want to help me save someone's life," Faith says. Hope groans, "Why do I feel like the two things are connected," she mutters. Faith laughs. 

"How in the world did you find what I was doing?" Grace asks her cousins. "Josie and MG," Faith says. Grace groans, "It was not that bad," she mutters. Her cousins give her a look of disbelief. 

In the kitchen, Lizzie is screaming and making a mess. Rafael's words bounce in her head about him steering clear of girls like her. Broken. Someone walks in and she throws a knife at them. "Hi, Daddy," Lizzie whispers upset. "Hey, baby," Alaric says worried for his daughter.  

Caroline walks over to the platinum blonde and hugs her.

Hope and Faith are following a locator spell to find Grace and then they hear someone grunt in pain. They run faster and break through the trees to see Grace beating up Rafael with a baseball bat. Hope and Faith look at each other and start chanting, after a moment Grace drops to the ground unconcsious. Hope and Faith get closer, "Hey," they say in unison to the new werewolf, "Your cousin has anger issues," he mutters. They both sigh, "Yeah we know," they say looking down at her. "What did you do," he asks. "We put he in a magical timeout of sorts," Faith says. "It's called a Chambre de Chasse," Hope says. "We put her in the Chambre de Chasse and put Uncle Kol in there so that he can try and calm her down," Hope explains. "You sent Kol in," Faith says. "Yeah, who did..." Hope trails off. "Uh oh," they say in unison looking down at Grace. 

Grace smirks. Hope and Faith start laughing.

***Chambre de Chasse***

Grace gets up and growls, "Damn it," she mutters. "Well who is the unlucky person who got thrown in here with me," she mutters walking around. Then she heard two arguing voices and smirks. "Uncle Nik," she calls mockingly. "Come out, come out wherever you are," she says. Kol and Niklaus walk into the room. "What did you do this time," Kol asks. "I lost control of my emotions just a little," Grace says innocently. "Gracie, we talked about this," Kol says gently. "Yeah, we did and then I said something along the lines of, 'That sounds like the pot calling the kettle black," Grace sasses back. "Grace," Niklaus starts. She turns to him with a smirk, "Fine, you want to know what I was doing, I was defending Caroline's daughter and my girlfriend," Grace says and smirks wider when his face falls. Nik turns to Kol and glares at him and they start arguing again. They don't even notice that Grace used her magic to get out and they continued arguing with each other.

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