Death Keeps Knocking on My Door (Part 4)

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"Well, I'll be damned," Grace says. Hope and Faith give her a look, she laughs. "I mean, I'm obviously damned, but it worked," she says. "What the hell are we doing here?" Faith asks recognizing their surroundings as New Orleans. "You are the one who invited yourself along here," the Necromancer says. "This restaurant is in New Orleans," Hope says. "We've spent half our childhood here," the three say in unison. "Yes. Rousseau's. I spent a good amount of time here. Your fathers were good for my business, always killing people," the Necromancer says to Hope and Grace. "How do you know about our dads?" Grace growls. "Well the three of us did our fair share of drinking here when they were at their worst with murder," the Necromancer says. "Are you messing with us right now?" Hope asks. "Frankly, I think you're the one messing with me," the Necromancer says. "All this talk about solving the mystery of Malivore. I think you and I both know which mystery you'd love me to solve," the Necromancer continues. "You want to know about your family members and what happens to the people who are close to them," the Necromancer says. "No," Grace denies. "No, we don't," Faith says noticing Grace's expression. "Sure you do," the Necromancer says. "You want to know about Camille," the Necromancer taunts pointing at Grace.

Grace closes her eyes, remembering her freak out after this instance. Lizzie holds her hand, she smiles at Lizzie.

"Hmm. Not to bother. I'm not telling you anything until we've finished our journey," the Necromancer says. Faith and Hope look at Grace, knowing that she was always worried about her relationship with Lizzie. "Now, let's get started, shall we? This is my conscious mind. We need to find the door to my subconscious," the Necromancer says. "Look for a hallway to nowhere, an endless staircase," Faith says sarcastically. "Something like that," the Necromancer says.

The Mikaelson family was confused, and angry. They wanted their daughters to have a different life than what they had.

The three Mikaelson girls hear lively music, "Ooh, a second line. My favorite," the Necromancer says. "What is this," Faith asks. "The second line for Camille O'Connell," the Necromancer says. "I can visit this because the three of you were there," he tells them. Hope and Faith look at Grace, as the Necromancer continues, "Yeah! How I love the macabre! Oh, oh, the dance of death. I wonder, who's the guest of honor?" he taunts. "I wonder, you only said that this is Camille's second line," Grace mutters. "Ah, clever girl. May I present the door to my subconscious?" the Necromancer says. "I'm glad that's over," MG says realizing that the three girls were out of his head. "I'm shaking," Faith says. "My hands are sweaty," Hope says. "Unbelievable. He ditched us. Send us back in," Grace growls. "I'm not that good at this," MG complains. "You'll be fine. If he's going in search of answers, we need to be there when he finds them," Grace says. "We are ready," she says. "Cool. That makes some of us," MG admits. The three girls go back into the Necromancer's subconscious, they see a stone staircase. "Well, nowhere to go but," Grace starts. "Down," Faith finishes. "Well the rest of the sentence is supposed to be up, but yeah," Grace says.

Grace and Faith laugh. Hope glares at both of them, "The things we went through so that you could see Landon again," Grace mutters.

"Cassie, I'm so sorry. Look, I know it doesn't mean much, but I am sorry for my part in the accident," Raf complains. "It wasn't an accident, Raf. And you know it," Cassie accuses. "Why would you say that?" Raf asks getting confused. "Earlier, I couldn't remember anything, but when I was in the shower, pieces started coming back. I have an excuse to not remember. What's yours?" Cassie begins to explain. "I do remember. It was... It was storming, and-and it was raining, and-and the road was slick. And? And I took the turn too fast. The one you're always yelling at me about," Raf says recounting that night. "But that's not why I'm dead, Raf, and you know it," Cassie accuses. "Cassie, no. I love you. I would never hurt you," Raf says desperately. "I know that. But if I'm gonna sit here in your fancy new school with that nice headmaster who cares about you and helps you be your best werewolf self, then you're gonna admit what you did," Cassie says. "I didn't do anything," Raf says. "Why'd you take that turn too fast?" Cassie asks. "I don't know," Raf admits. "Yes, you do, Raf. Tell me," Cassie demands. "I didn't mean to," Raf says. "But you did. You blamed it on the storm, but think, think about what you did. Think about why," Cassie says. "I don't know," Raf admits. "Yes, you do, Raf, you're lying. You're lying..." Cassie says. "I don't know!" Raf shouts.

"What is going on," Elena asks. "The Necromancer brought Josette back from the dead and she tried burying her daughter alive," Grace deadpans. "And now he brought Raf's dead ex-girlfriend, he is trying to hit someone psychologically," Faith adds.

"First of all, ow," Hope says standing back up. She turns to see her cousins with her, "Ow..." Faith says. "Second, I'm here," Hope finishes. "Okay, We climbed your endless staircase down into your bottomless pit of despair," Grace complains. "Let's call an end to the torture. Okay?" Faith says. "Hey, Almighty Necromancer, we're supposed to be in this together," Grace taunts. Grace's taunt echoes, "Hello? Hello?" Faith asks, wondering where the Necromancer was. "Hello! Hello!" Grace claims. "Faith, Hope?" Grace says.

"He ditched you," Kol exclaims. "Yes," the girls say.

"You're Raf, right," Klaus says. Raf nods, "It was my fault. I got pissed because I didn't medal. And then I thought my girlfriend was flirting with the guy that beat me. I got jealous and I picked a fight with her. And then all that-that anger stuff started building up," Raf starts ranting. "You mean your biological instincts," Klaus says. Raf nods again, "And then I started yelling at her. And then I took the turn too fast. And she's always telling me not to take the turn that fast. And she was right. It wasn't the storm. It was me. I killed her. I killed her," Raf says. "As someone who is known for killing people," Klaus starts. "Did you mean it," he asks. "Of course not," Raf says. "Then it was an accident," Klaus says. "Malivore is trying to affect you psychologically and he wants you to react like this," Klaus says. "So, what do I do now," Raf asks. "Lean on your friends," Klaus says. "Thanks," Raf says. "Now, do you know where Hope and my nieces are," Klaus asks. "No," Raf says.

"Awww, so supportive," Grace says with a pout. Klaus growls, "Did you change for your little girl," Faith teases.

"Enough of this. I get it, you want me to admit what I want from you," Grace says. "But you're wrong," she says defiantly. "I do not care," Grace yells. Hope and Faith are watching as she spirals. "Sure, our family sometimes has relationships that don't work out, but I'm fine," Grace says. "You're wrong about me," she says, losing it. She falls to her knees, letting all of her walls break down. Hope and Faith go over to her and hug her.

"You seem to be spiraling," Kol says. "Gee, thanks for noticing," Grace says. Lizzie holds her hand, comforting her. Grace smiles.

"Screw this," Faith says. "MG? MG, get us out of here! MG?" Hope calls. "Hope, Faith, Grace. Come on. Come on. Come on out," MG says noticing that they were becoming distressed. "Hope. Faith. Grace," MG exclaims. "Girls! Head dive's over. Come on, man. Let them out. Grace seems scared and she is never scared," MG says.

"Grace aren't you afraid of spiders," Kol asks. "Yeah, so," Grace says. "He has never seen you afraid," Kol says. "And," Grace says. "Nevermind," Kol says.

"When I first got here to this school, uh, they told me that a lot of guys with my condition, they... have a lot of anger that eats at them. But I'm better now that I know what was causing it," Raf explains to Cassie. "Oh, yeah? Then what was causing it earlier today? I knew that you'd never hurt me, but that didn't mean you didn't scare me sometimes," Cassie says. "My point is, you had a lot of work that you needed to do on yourself, and you still do, werewolf or not," Cassie says. After a moment between the two, "I forgive you. Now leave me alone for a few minutes. I want to stand in the sun," Cassie says.

"Does that seem suspicious," Elijah asks. Hope, Faith and Grace nod.

 Hope, Faith and Grace nod

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